/ / Orel city. Sanatorium "Forest"

Orel city. Sanatorium "Lesnoy"

The city of Oryol is famous for its fabulous places.Sanatorium "Forest" is located on its territory. The health center is surrounded by white birch trees, slender spruces and pines, poplars, lindens, mighty oaks. The buildings of the recreation complex correspond to the infrastructure of the district. Every year thousands of people come here to rest. The sanatorium is located near the main urban transport artery.

Eagle Forest Sanatorium


There are recreational facilities thatinvariably for many years headed the rating of sanatoriums. At the leading place of the list is this medical and health complex. In general, sanatoriums in Orel are popular with both locals and people from other Russian regions. Vacationers from Kursk, Bryansk, Moscow, Lipetsk come here to recuperate and improve their health. Located in the city of Oryol, the sanatorium Lesnoy is distinguished by its comfort, a large close-knit team and the warm friendly atmosphere created by its head, the highest category doctor Alexander Alexandrovich Semenets. Highly qualified staff will be able to select individual therapy for each patient.


Located inThe eagle sanatorium Lesnoy has a wide range of hardware treatment options. Drug therapy is characterized by the absence of side effects. In addition, the choice of physiotherapy treatment is provided, the procedures are carried out skillfully and carefully. Sanatorium "Lesnoy" (Oryol), whose official website (www.splesnoy.ru) contains all the necessary information about the services provided, is a multi-profile, it can be visited year-round. It provides complex therapy of disorders of the respiratory organs, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous systems, diabetes, pathologies of peripheral vessels and the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors of the dispensary have many years of experience in the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke, injuries at work and acute myocardial infarction.

rest sanatorium


Specialists of the first andhigher categories. Among them are a neurologist, a therapist, a cardiologist, a physiotherapist. Patients also take a surgeon, orthopedist, psychotherapist. Ozone therapy, reflexotherapy, hirudotherapy.

Treatment programs

Bred in the city of Orel sanatorium "Forest"Works on special treatment programs. These include "Anti-Stress", "Cleansing", "Overweight", "Healthy Spine". Such programs as “Beauty and Health”, “Life without pain”, “Healthy heart”, “Prevention of stroke and heart attack” also practice. They help patients bring the body back to normal in a small amount of time.

Health Eagle Health Resort official website

Methods of treatment

Vacationers provided effective methods.therapies such as aroma baths, hydromassage, circular showers. Various types of laser therapy, Charcot's douche, manual and vacuum massages, electro, light, mud and heat treatments, pneumatic and lymphomassage are offered. Magnetic therapy, the monitor system of cleansing the intestines from slags and toxins, dry carbon dioxide baths, ozone therapy, psychotherapy, and reflexotherapy are successfully used. Procedures are performed using the “Multimag” apparatus, the automated “Ormed” massage complex. Relaxation-massage, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, hypoxytherapy are practiced in the sanatorium. There is a salt cave. It is possible to visit the sauna (normal or infrared), swimming pool, exercise therapy room.


The medical center carries out the diagnosisthe whole body as soon as possible using modern equipment. The general clinical laboratory carries out analyzes of urine and blood, biochemical - examination of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, blood coagulogram, lipid profile. The Diagnostic Center provides its services for ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity, the thyroid gland, the kidneys and the adrenal glands, the prostate gland, and the arteries located in the head and neck. For examinations, functional study, automated electro-puncture scanning is used. The facility is equipped with modern domestic and foreign medical equipment. Doctors are receiving at a convenient time for patients.

sanatorium in Orel

Types of tours

Vacationers are offered several types of vouchers to the resort "Forest":

  1. Wellness, the period of which is 5-14 days.
  2. With therapy according to certain specialization programs, valid for 5-14 days.
  3. With the treatment of acute circulatory disorders of the brain and myocardial infarction under special rehabilitation programs. Duration of stay is 12-21 days.

You can also purchase the kursovki for which treatment is provided without food and accommodation in the territory of the dispensary.

sanatorium rating


In addition to treatment, the sanatorium offers to spendgood rest. Visitors are placed in two buildings connected by a junction. They have both economy class rooms and suites, which are equipped in a modern style. A feature of the institution is a harmonious combination of therapeutic procedures, diagnosis and rest. In addition, a change of environment has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person who is on full household support. Vacationers can take advantage of the gym, equipped with modern technology, a volleyball court, sauna, swimming pool, library, cinema. To get to the sanatorium "Forest", you can draw up a contract for outpatient treatment at the clinic or purchase vouchers. Payment is made in cash and cashless payments, as well as at the expense of enterprises. Employees of medical institutions, using their professionalism, will provide treatment and recreation for visitors at the highest level.