/ / Fungus of the foot: treatment of folk remedies and recommendations

Foot fungus: treatment with folk remedies and recommendations

Nowadays, such diseases of the feet are among the most common skin diseases, therefore, folk remedies for treating foot fungus are often more popular than medication.

foot fungus treatment folk remedies reviews

Causes of foot fungus

Causes of infection with fungal infections onfeet are pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic fungi, which are usually transmitted by household means: through towels, shoes, personal hygiene items while in pools, baths, showers, beauty salons, on beaches, etc.

The fact that the fungus has appeared on the skin has not yetit means that this is only the beginning of the disease, because really healthy skin impedes its development. This disease begins to occur under the influence of some factors:

  • uncomfortable, cramped, sweating feet shoes;
  • reduced immunity due to hypothermia, alcoholism and smoking, AIDS, HIV, diabetes, prolonged stress, and so on;
  • microtrauma of the skin (calluses, cracks, scratches) on the legs.

Reviews on the treatment of folk remedies foot fungus consider below.

Stages of

The foot fungus has several stages of development and types:

  • Blurred or squamous form.A scaling appears on the heel, on the side surfaces, on the arch of the feet, at the bases of the fingers or between them, without any unpleasant or painful sensations.
  • Hyperkeratotic form.The skin on the feet thickens, mousy peeling appears in the folds, the skin coarsens, begins to be covered with cracks; All this happens with itching, pain and dryness.
  • Intertriginous form. The skin between the fingers begins to redden, cracks appear, the epidermis exfoliates, all this is accompanied by severe pain.
  • Dyshidrotic fungus.Bubbles form with a clear liquid inside, they break open and form an eroded surface with circular peeling, exfoliation of the epidermis in large layers, painful itching, burning and pain, the extremities swell, the body temperature rises.

Folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus

At the moment there is a huge amountdrugs to eliminate such an unpleasant disease as ringworm. But you can also treat foot fungus and folk remedies, they will be no less effective than pharmaceuticals.

Так чем же все-таки лечить грибок стопы, если уже showed signs described above? Because leaving everything as it is, without treatment, suffering from unpleasant symptoms and aesthetic discomfort - this is not a very wise decision. Moreover, usually such a fungus has a very good resistance and enviable vitality.

Folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus are very effective, here the most uncomplicated products and means that are used daily are used as a medicine.

Almost all of them can be found at home:

  • Potassium permanganate (or a solution of potassium permanganate).Its solution is considered the best tool in the fight against infection. To do this, you first need to steam the legs well, then wrap with gauze, which is soaked in a solution.
  • Iodine solution 5%. They treat the affected areas of the skin twice a day.
  • Propolis. It is moistened with cotton swabs and every day, preferably at night, impose on the foot. What other folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus exist?
  • Boric acid.It is necessary to sprinkle with acid steamed with hot water, then well-dried legs and areas between the fingers, wear socks. Such a procedure should be carried out for ten days. It is desirable - before bedtime.
  • Ammonia. Dilute with water (1 tablespoon per 1 cup) and soak a piece of cloth (gauze or bandage), wrap the entire foot overnight. Folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus does not end there.
  • Medical alcohol. Moisten tampons in alcohol, apply to the affected skin and between the fingers. Perform twice a day, in the mornings and evenings for two weeks.
  • Sea salt. A bath is prepared (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water) and taken at bedtime for two weeks.
  • Противогрибковая смесь из глицерина, йода и acetic essence. Combine all ingredients in equal proportions and dilute with two parts of water. Steam your feet in a hot bath and rub with this mixture. To do at night, ten days.
foot fungus symptoms treatment folk remedies reviews

Medicines from the fridge

One more folk remedies for foot fungus can be found in the kitchen, in the refrigerator:

  • Apple vinegar. Need to connect 4 tbsp. lvinegar with 100 grams of sea salt, dissolve this mixture in warm water (5 liters), apply to foot baths. Folk remedies with vinegar treatment of foot fungus have been known for a long time.
apple cider vinegar against fungus
  • Vinegar. They smear the affected skin, then allowed to dry, while not need to wash it and wipe with a towel.
  • Garlic.One clove of garlic cut in half, dip it in salt and rub the places affected by fungus. Another option - garlic porridge with butter (without it) in equal proportions. Use as a compress and for rubbing.
  • Пищевая сода. Быстро уничтожает грибок на ногах.Treatment of foot fungus with this tool is often used. Dissolve the soda with water, put the gruel in the place of infection for half an hour, then rinse with water and sprinkle with baby powder. You can use soda with salt as a component for cool foot baths: 1 tbsp. l Salt and soda diluted in water. A bath is made at bedtime, after the procedure, the feet are rinsed with water. Symptoms and treatment of foot fungus folk remedies are often interrelated.
  • Яйцо куриное.It must be filled with vinegar and put in a dark place until the shell is dissolved. Then remove the film, and in the resulting mixture of vinegar, yolk and white protein add 1 tsp., Grind everything well and apply this mass on the legs. They need to steam out in advance and wipe dry, then wrap them with gauze and cellophane. Keep the ointment to be in the refrigerator.
folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus

Very effective following folk remedy for fungus on the legs. Methods of its use are constantly being improved:

  • Bow.Onion gruel should be applied to the affected fungus skin. If the skin is irritated, in this slurry you need to add liquid paraffin in proportions of 1: 1. They also use onion juice squeezed from gruel for a therapeutic effect, they can wipe infected areas, and wait for them to dry afterwards.
  • And, oddly enough, coffee can be goodremedy against fungal infection. Baths are made from strong brewed natural coffee, better at night. This will remove the pain and cure the skin, making it smooth and tender.

Folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus, each chooses himself, based on their experience.

Therapy with the running form

In therapy with the running form of fungus on the feetMostly always good results. After all, even doctors often recommend patients to combine drug treatment with traditional medicine. In these cases, acetic acid, cigarette ash, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, celandine, soap, manganese, garlic, coffee are used.

Vinegar and garlic

Уксус используется для различных ножных ванн.Wine vinegar can lubricate the infected areas of the skin, while it does not need to be washed off. Effective ointment from vinegar and fresh carrot juice. The swab moistened in it is used to treat infected skin and nails. Garlic clove with salt lubricates the damaged area of ​​the foot.

Also often used garlic gruel with butter. This mixture is used for compresses and rubbing.

nail and foot fungus treatment of folk remedies

Makhorka and ash

Makhorka is considered an old folk remedy for fungus. For the treatment of the advanced stage of infection is ideal. Foot baths are made with a decoction of the shag.

Терапию пеплом от сигарет проводят на ночь.It is mixed with toothpaste, which contains fluoride. The mixture is applied to the infected areas, it is all covered with cellophane, then a sock is put on. Effective treatment of foot fungus folk remedy is not difficult.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap for these purposes is used quite often. Thanks to the tool, the skin softens and the cornified layer can be easily removed, with the result that the epidermis is less flaky.

A special role belongs to disinfection of shoes. It is recommended that the inner surface is regularly treated with a 30% acetic solution or a 25% formalin solution.

foot fungus symptoms treatment folk remedies

Reviews on the symptoms and treatment of foot fungus folk remedies

People in their comments often write thatThe symptoms of this pathology are rather unpleasant. Along with this come the problems of aesthetic nature, such as an unpleasant pungent smell, deformed nails, various skin rashes.

Folk remedies can be very effectivebut, according to reviews, more often than not, special medications are indispensable. When everything is used in the complex, it turns out to quickly achieve a positive result.


The main purpose of the treatment of the fungus istimely treatment to the doctor. Since there is a wide variety of types of fungal infections, only a doctor can determine which fungus struck the patient in order to prescribe an effective treatment. The choice of means is very wide, and consists of local and systemic antifungal drugs. Local preparations for the treatment of fungus are lotions, creams, sprays, powders, aerosols. They are distinguished by ease of application on hard-to-reach places, for example, on skin folds or areas between fingers.

Большинство противогрибковых средств обладают fungistatic effect, that is, they are able to inhibit the growth of the fungus. There are also drugs with the same effect that kill the fungus. But the majority of antifungal drugs are just different names on the labels, having the same composition, to which the fungus has become “used” for a long time, developed insensitivity. Therefore, preference should be given not only to the new name, but also to the new composition. The best option is a tool that combines both fungicidal and fungistatic action. With such treatment, rapid recovery occurs and there is no insensitivity of the fungus. Today such a good antimycotic cream can be called "Zalain."

In cases where the nail plate is affected and the disease is systemic, systemic antimycotics are prescribed, but there is also an alternative.

Also, as already mentioned, it is possible to combine the treatment of folk remedies of the fungus of the nails and feet with drug therapy.

foot fungus treatment of foot fungus


Prevention of reinfection is also important.Stop. Such methods consist of the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, skin care of the feet and nails. It is necessary to use antifungal drugs in preventive methods, to disinfect baths and shoes, pedicure accessories and the floor. To prevent new infections of the fungus stop, you should treat the skin of the feet with a special antifungal ointment before you are going to visit the bath, pool, gym, changing rooms. It is necessary to go to such public places only in your rubber slippers or slippers, and when you come home, you should wash your feet well and smear it with antifungal agent again.

We reviewed the treatment of folk remedies foot fungus and reviews of their effectiveness.