/ / Poisoning paint: first aid, treatment, effects

Paint poisoning: first aid, treatment, effects

It is known that any chemicals(carcinogens, toxic gases, pesticides) are a serious health hazard. Paints and solvents that a person periodically uses in his household can be added to this list with confidence.

Paints are hazardous to health.

Покраска ворот в частном доме либо стен, батареи, Threshold doors in the apartment - the usual occupation and, as it seems, does not require some knowledge. However, the often underestimated danger borne by coloring matter ends with poisoning.

paint poisoning
Испарения паров, содержащие в своем составе acetone, solvent, carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, get into the respiratory tract, on the mucous membranes, are absorbed into the blood and quickly delivered to all organs, which cause disruption in each of them. Paint poisoning can also occur when scraping off old coatings or the presence of lead in the dyes when they burn, causing a risk of intoxication.

Types of poisoning

In medicine, paint poisoning is divided into acute and chronic.

Острая интоксикация чаще всего наблюдается в summertime, when a person has more opportunities to make repairs on his own, to correct the details of the home interior by painting. On safety at the time of such work, few people care, but at this time a pair of paint penetrate into the body, gradually causing a deterioration in overall health. Symptoms of poisoning are observed literally in the first hours after the start of work with painting materials.

effects of paint poisoning

Chronic paint poisoning is commonprofessional painters and representatives of other professions who are forced to spend a long time and often contact with paints and inhale their poisonous fumes. In contrast to acute intoxication, chronic symptoms do not manifest themselves immediately, sometimes after several months: fatigue gradually accumulates, signs of depression are observed. Such people are advised to periodically contact medical facilities for diagnosis and to receive correct and timely therapy.

Paint Poisoning: Symptoms

Intoxication with paints and varnishes is determined by the primary and remote symptoms.

The primary includes:

  • nausea, vomiting, pain in the liver;
  • dizziness and severe headache;
    paint poisoning symptoms
  • weakness in the whole body, disorientation in space;
  • redness, tearing, dryness, burning of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, coughing, sneezing;
  • shortness of breath and burn of the upper respiratory tract;
  • heavy shallow breathing;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • pale skin;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness.
    paint poisoning what to do

Отравление краской, симптомы которого зависят от such as a poisonous substance, may be accompanied by specific manifestations. So, intoxication with acetone and trichlorethylene causes a state similar to alcohol intoxication: confusion, general weakness, moments of euphoria. The breath of the victim in case of poisoning with acetone acquires a specific smell. When inaction by others will continue to damage the nervous system, and the victim may even die.

The effects of paint poisoning

The long-term effects of dye poisoning include:

  • disorders of the respiratory system:the required amount of oxygen ceases to flow into the lungs, which causes the appearance of sharp headaches. Vapors of the dye cause chest tightness, heavy breathing, regular dry cough;
  • malfunctions in the functionality of the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure;
  • lack of appetite, constant nausea;
  • apathy, chronic fatigue, insomnia, decrease in mental activity;
  • discomfort in the eyes, dryness, redness. A noticeable decrease in vision due to constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes by the vapor.

Necessary measures in case of poisoning

If paint poisoning occurs: what to do?

paint poisoning home treatment
When observing intoxication symptoms, the victim should urgently receive first aid, including the following measures:

  • ensuring the maximum inflow of fresh air: it is required to open all the doors and windows for airing, it is better to carefully bring the patient out (take out) to the street;
  • remove outer clothing from the victim, the reason for the accumulation and retention of toxic substances by the cloth;
  • rinse eyes, face, open areas with water;
  • organize plenty of warm drinks and induce vomiting. Give a sorbent (for example, activated carbon);
  • при пребывании пострадавшего в бессознательном condition, it needs to be laid on its side and, in order to ensure a more stable position, bend one leg in the knee joint. Bring the patient to life can be moistened with ammonia cotton swab, which should be brought to the nose.

How to give first aid

Poisoning paint fumes is accompanied by a decreaseblood pressure, intermittent shallow breathing, or lack of it, a weak heartbeat, and is life-threatening Therefore, it is urgent to call the emergency medical team.

What to do if severe poisoning occurspaint? Treatment at home is to place the patient on his back, which causes the upper airway patency. Using the “mouth-to-mouth” method, it is necessary to perform artificial respiration. If the pulsation of the carotid artery is not felt, an indirect heart massage is required. Quick, clear, thoughtful actions from others can save the victim's life.


Intoxication with paint fumes treated by a doctortoxicologist in stationary conditions and is reduced to gastric lavage, cleansing the lungs and drip intravenous glucose. Also, sedatives and medications are prescribed to the victim to support cardiovascular activity. In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

For chronic intoxication recommendedbe examined comprehensively, after which the attending physician will prescribe the necessary procedures and drugs (vitamin complexes, hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators) to neutralize the harm caused by poisonous drugs. It is worth seriously thinking about changing jobs. If this event is not possible, it is necessary to ensure frequent full rest in the fresh air.

Preventive actions

Poisoning with fumes of paint is easier to prevent than to subsequently deal with the damage to health. Necessary preventive measures when working with paints and varnishes are:

  • work in protective clothing, gloves, mask or respirator;
    paint poisoning
  • immediate removal of drops of paint in contact with the skin during work;
  • ensuring constant air exchange in the working room. Do not eat and drink on the job site;
  • frequent breaks in work with access to fresh air. If you experience dizziness or the smell of acetone in the mouth painting activities should be stopped for a few days.

Для работы с краской необходимо руководствоваться certain knowledge and skills. Careless attitude to paint work, carelessness and carelessness in handling paints can lead to irreversible consequences.