/ / How to whiten your teeth at home: the secrets of a pearl smile

How to whiten your teeth at home: the secrets of a pearl smile

The main attribute of a charming and successful smileman in the representation of many people - white teeth. However, unfortunately, to achieve this effect is not so easy. Someone can not quit smoking, although the teeth from nicotine become yellow, someone excessively drinks coffee, which also paints them, and someone loves chocolate bars and gets, again, darkened enamel.

Teeth whitening options

Remove this unaesthetic problem is quite real,and a person who has set himself the goal of making a snow-white smile has two options: to go to a dental clinic or to do it at home. Teeth whitening in the doctor's office is fraught with consequences: an inexperienced specialist or an experienced, but dishonest, can ruin the enamel so much with the help of potent means that it will be difficult to eat hot or cold food, because it will cause pain. To make a snow-white smile, it is not necessary to take such a risk, because before your eyes this article in which we will tell how to whiten your teeth at home without harm. Here we will talk about the two most effective and easily accessible tools!

Black coal to help

How to whiten your teeth at home with an inexpensive buteffective means? It seems that this idea is from a number of fiction ... If we use chocolate, coffee or strong tea, the enamel darkens considerably. It is terrible to think what will happen if you smear your teeth with ... black activated carbon! And now let you be very surprised, but if you do this, then, contrary to expectations, they will become whiter by 1.5-2 tones for the first time! This way our grandmothers loved, but instead of coal they used ash.

So, how to whiten your teeth at home? To do this, you need to purchase in the pharmacy a plate of ordinary black activated carbon. It should not be any sorbent, or a white version of the drug.

Before brushing your teeth, take 1-2 tabletsblack coal, wet them lightly under running water so that they can easily crumble in the mouth. Then put them on the front teeth, and start massaging them with a toothbrush. It is necessary to clean this coal as usual paste for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse out your mouth and begin another cleaning using tooth powder or other similar means. So to do 2 times a day, for an unlimited amount of time, because it is absolutely harmless way. After several treatments, the enamel will turn white by 2-3 tones. So we learned the first way to whiten your teeth at home. Now let's proceed to the description of the second, no less effective and affordable, technique to achieve a beautiful smile.

How to whiten your teeth at home with hydrogen peroxide

How did the blonde tired of the phrase:nothing paints a woman like hydrogen peroxide! She seems too sarcastic to be taken for the truth. And yet, in this joke, only a fraction of the joke, because with the help of hydrogen peroxide, not only white hair is obtained, but also white teeth.

At first it seems insane, because peroxideHydrogen - a medical product that heals and disinfects wounds. It is terrible to think what will happen to the teeth if they are smeared with this "chemistry"! And yet, hydrogen peroxide really whitens the enamel, like everything else. Pro teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide reviews, most of them positive. Having tried this method on yourself, it can be concluded that hydrogen peroxide whitens teeth a little less than activated carbon. It must be due to the percentage concentration of the drug, which in my case was 3%, which means that in order to achieve a greater effect, it must be increased.

Interesting fact:This colorless liquid is the basis of bleaching agents in dental practice. In addition to hydrogen peroxide, the mixture that dentists apply to whiten teeth, moisturizing ingredients and sometimes trace elements are added so that this high concentration agent does not completely destroy enamel.

Tooth whitening technique with peroxide

To whiten your teeth with this medicine,You can use a mouthguard, and if it is not there, then ordinary cotton swabs. Silicone dental lining smeared with peroxide, then do the same with enamel. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth with water. It is very important that you do not swallow peroxide. If there is no kappa, then each tooth is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a “bleaching agent” and, after waiting a little time (2-3 minutes), are washed off with water. Well, if there is a gel for moisturizing enamel, then it is worth applying after the procedure.

Если раствор перекиси малопроцентный, тогда the procedure can be done daily. The course of such practice is 7 days, and then repeated if necessary in a month. It should be remembered that when bleaching teeth, it is very important to preserve their health first.