White sneakers always look stylish andbeautiful. However, such sports shoes can easily be smeared. Not everyone knows how to whiten white sneakers at home. First of all, their daily cleaning is required. Otherwise, the stained spots will be much more difficult to remove. It is not uncommon to bleach shoes only with detergent and sponge fails. As a result, white leather sneakers lose their appeal. They look old and worn. So, how to whiten white sneakers?

Preparation for cleaning
Before bleaching white sneakers,it is necessary to prepare them. First of all, pull out the laces. This will greatly facilitate the work. After that, a layer of dust must be removed from the shoe. To do this, you can wipe the products with a damp cloth or sponge. If the sneakers are covered with spots of dry dirt, then it is worth to shake them a little to shake it off.
If the inside of the shoes have black stripes, then they can be removed using a conventional eraser. If the dirt is eaten, then you can resort to the methods described below.
So how to whiten white sneakers in the homeconditions is not so simple, you can use improvised funds. Not bad copes with the tasks set for tooth paste, but only whitening. You will also need a brush. You can use an old dentist. It will be much more convenient to handle surfaces.
These simple adaptations will allow with easewhiten white sneakers. Whitening toothpaste can remove even the most complex dirt. To begin with, moisten the brush, and then apply a small amount of cleaning compound to it. A lot of water is not needed, since the paste can lose its abrasive properties. Whitening effect can be strengthened. It is enough to drip just a few drops of lemon juice. It is better to add it to the paste.

Stain remover
So, how to whiten white sneakers with insertsfrom fabric? In this case, the toothpaste can be changed to a quality stain remover. It must necessarily be liquid. The remedy should be suitable for washing things.
White sneakers should be covered with a thin layerstain remover, and then rub with a toothbrush. After this, the product should be washed off with water from the surface of the shoe. If necessary, the products can be processed again in the same way.
Homemade remedy
What and how to whiten white sneakers so that they do notlost their appearance? To do this, you can use a homemade remedy. To make it, it is necessary to mix hydrogen peroxide, washing powder, lemon juice in a small container. If you want, you can add vinegar. The resulting composition should be thoroughly mixed. In the end, you should get a thick mass of consistency.
First, a small amount offinished composition on the surface of the sneakers, and then rubbed. To do this, you can use a toothbrush. Finally, the remnants of the compounds should be washed off with water. Such a paste allows you to remove almost any stains from shoes without much difficulty.

Easy Wash
What to do if there is no toothpaste orstain remover? How to wash white sneakers in this situation? If absolutely necessary, shoes can be washed in a conventional washing machine. However, it is worth considering a few basic rules. Before placing the sneakers in the drum, it is worthwhile to unbind them. It is also recommended to remove the insoles, and place the products in a special pouch with strings.
The detergent should be poured into the compartment andChoose a mode that is suitable for washing shoes: delicate. The temperature regime should be from 30 to 40 ° C. It is recommended to switch off the squeezing function, since the shoes can be severely deformed.
Now you know how to whiten white sneakers.After washing, it is better to dry such shoes not on the balcony, but using special dryers for shoes. If there are none, then the products should be hung out on the street. In this case, the sneakers are better for attaching to the tongues.

In conclusion
If white shoes are often smeared and youtired of constantly washing and cleaning it, you can use special compounds. Such products contain wax. You can use for these purposes a special spray. Such compounds make it easy to remove dirt on shoes with a damp cloth or sponge.