Surely any mom was faced with coldsdiseases of infants. If you do not start treatment on time, a common cold can develop into a serious illness. It is for this purpose that many pediatricians recommend treatment with the help of the drug "Genferon". These candles are designed for rectal use. Do not be scared of this form of medicine, since most of the medications are absorbed in the small intestine, and thus the drug will simply reach the "right place" faster and act quickly.
Active active substance of the drug arehuman interferon 2a-alpha, anesthesin and taurine, as auxiliary substances - glycerides, dextran, citric acid, purified water, tween, sodium citrate and polyethylene oxide.
The drug "Genferon" (candles) hasantibacterial and antiviral effects on the patient's body, affect immunity both in general and locally. Interferon acts as an immunomodulator, activates leukocytes (they absorb viral cells) and extinguishes inflammatory foci. In addition, the preparation "Genferon" (suppositories) is prescribed to patients for treatment of herpes, HPV, and elimination of such bacteria as mycoplasma, chlamydia, trichomonads, and fungi.
It should be noted that the drugIt is produced in the form of candles with various dosages. For adults, the drug "Genferon" is intended for 500 000, for the youngest - in a dose of 125 000 IU. In addition, there is a dose of 250,000 IU.
In young children, this medicine is used as a treatment for ARVI and many other infections.
The instructions set forth the following indications for use:
- genital herpes;
- balanoposthitis;
- Chlamydia;
- balanitis;
- ureaplasmosis;
- mycoplasmosis;
- prostatitis;
- vaginal candidiasis (in recurrent form);
- adnexitis;
- Gardnerella;
- bartholinite;
- Trichomoniasis;
- vulvovaginitis;
- papillomavirus infection;
- cervicitis;
- Vaginosis in bacterial form;
- cervical erosion.
It should be noted that the effect of the drug "Genferon" (candles) is enhanced while taking it with vitamins C and E.
Дозировку препарата должен прописать лечащий doctor, but the instructions given the following recommendations. In inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary system, women are given vaginally 1 candle (the dose depends on the severity of the disease) - 2 times a day (at intervals of 12 hours) for 10 days. If the forms of the disease are protracted, then 1 candle every other day, and the duration of treatment can reach 3 months. In men, the treatment scheme is the same, and the suppositories are applied rectally.
The drug has contraindications.It should not be used by persons who do not tolerate human interferon or other components that make up this medication. It is also worthwhile to refrain from treating with candles for exacerbation of autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions.
Pregnant for up to 12 weeks and breastfeeding drug is also prohibited for use. Assign it only in cases where the possible risk is less than the potential benefit.
The medicine "Genferon" can cause the following side effects:
- rashes on the skin, itching, allergies;
- fever and chills;
- loss of appetite and fatigue;
- pain in the muscles, joints;
- headache;
- increased sweating;
- Thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.
All these side effects are most often manifested when the drug is administered in doses exceeding 100,000,000 IU per day.
It should be noted that a specialpreparation "Genferon" for children. He has a small dosage, and the packaging is marked with a special pattern. Even if you are experienced parents, you should not neglect the advice of specialists and independently conduct treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor.
Be attentive to your health and the health of your kids. Do not be ill!