/ / Abdominal pain above the navel: causes, treatment. What if sore above the navel?

Abdominal pain above the navel: causes, treatment. What if sore above the navel?

Our navel is a kind of "topographic" pointon the body. With its help, it is so easy to describe the place where the pain in the abdomen occurred: above the navel, below it, on the left or on the right. Localization of pain can immediately make it clear which organ has suffered. The intensity and nature of the pain syndrome are also diagnostically important.

Sources of the problem

By the frequency of occurrence of abdominal pain above the navelmost common. The obvious reason for this is that in this area are the most important organs, penetrated by a huge number of nerve endings and are directly affected by a variety of foods that can affect the gastrointestinal tract system in a completely unfriendly way. Good innervation of organs in turn contributes to the fact that the slightest negative impact immediately responds to pain.

abdominal pain above the navel

Описание боли – процесс индивидуальный.For example, the doctor may hear from the patient the following: "A strange pain in the abdomen is above the navel." Therefore, in order to accurately diagnose the disorders that have arisen, a number of different studies need to be carried out - from a simple clinical blood test to super-modern KMT and MRI. And only then you can accurately explain why the pain in the abdomen above the navel.


Дискомфорт могут вызывать желудочные болезни, lesions of the pancreas, duodenum, biliary tract. Therefore, experts primarily consider complaints of pain in the abdomen above the navel as symptoms of diseases of the above organs.

And, of course, every ailment is still manifesteda number of characteristic signs. The most common ailments that respond to pain above the navel are the following: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and stomach cancer.

abdominal pains above the navel as disease symptoms

Stomach problems

Ailment begins with a very innocuous, likemany mistakenly believe symptoms. The mucous membrane of this disease is affected for many reasons of different nature. The most common factor is the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

In any case, untreated gastritis risksdevelop into a peptic ulcer. At its core, an ulcer is an open wound. At first it affects only the mucous membrane of the diseased organ. And then, growing like rust on the gland, already “eats” both muscle tissue and vascular tissue.

The result may be internal bleeding.If at this stage there is no qualified treatment, then organ perforation is possible. At this stage, the ulcer completely destroys its wall. And this is fraught with not only blood loss, but also infection of the abdominal cavity, that is, peritonitis. This is an unpleasant and very dangerous phenomenon, which even in progressive countries is characterized by mortality in 50-60% of cases. And everything can begin with such a symptom as not very severe pain in the abdomen above the navel.

What is dangerous pain syndrome?

At the stage of gastritis, when the mucous onlybegins to collapse, the patient feels discomfort and burning sensation. Then things get worse. There is a sharp pulsating burning pain. The internal hemorrhages, which are possible with the development of peptic ulcer, are very insidious. Patients indulge themselves with the illusion that at any time they can detect them by blood clots in the stool. But from the stomach to the anus - a very long way. And the blood cells have time to decompose under the influence of gastrointestinal enzymes.

pain above navel pain treatment

As a result, we have black feces of liquid consistency,which doctors call melena. His appearance is a signal for the patient to hurry to the hospital. Otherwise, if a large vessel is affected, the pathologist will confirm the diagnosis.

Discomfort below the navel

Причины боли в животе ниже пупка скрываются в bowel and genitourinary system ailments. For example, acute pain in this area is characteristic of pinching an intestinal hernia. The skin in the problem area becomes blue. With peritonitis, a person experiences a sharp pain sensation.

For colon diverticulosis (its branchwalls in the form of a bag) there is no particular nature of the pain syndrome. In pyelonephritis, its intensity depends on the degree of kidney damage. Also, the special nature of the pain below the navel is inherent in the inflammation of appendicitis. In this case, it gives to the right side of the abdomen.

Discomfort to the left of the navel

abdominal pain to the left of the navel
Ко всему многообразию органов, которые могут provoke pain in the abdomen, if we talk about the left of their localization, is added to the spleen. Immediately are the intestinal loops. And one of the causes of pain in the abdomen to the left of the navel may be blotting of the intestines.

Very dangerous is the abdominal aortic aneurysm. This is an extension and protrusion of a weakened area in the aortic wall. Localization of pain is observed mainly on the left side of the navel. Sometimes gives back.

Aneurysm rupture is deadlydue to subsequent internal bleeding. In addition, left-side pain can be caused by malfunctions of the stomach, liver, pancreas, lungs, ovaries, and kidneys.

Navel Discomfort

 strange abdominal pain above navel

Mostly intermittent pain in the navelmay be due to chronic enteritis (inflammation of the rectum). Discomfort is manifested after eating. At the same time, the abdomen swells, growls, the navel hurts and bulges. All this is a consequence of the impact on the mucous membrane of the pathogenic microflora or worms.

In the navel gives pain with inflammation of the appendix. The patient is sick, he vomits, and all this against the background of increasing temperature and an increase in pulse.

No less dangerous than appendicitis, is the infringement of the umbilical hernia. He is accompanied by constipation and bloating. In this disease, emergency surgical care is also required.

Pains above the navel in children

Поскольку желудочно-кишечный тракт у малышей еще not fully developed, abdominal pain may not always be symptoms of the disease. Sometimes it is a purely functional disruption of the specified department. In babies, the tummy can hurt due to excessive gas formation, not digesting certain types of food and its components, such as lactose. Wrong complementary foods or early transition to the "adult" menu can also respond with colic in babies.

what to do if it hurts above the navel

When diagnosing abdominal pain, one must, among other things, take into account the age of the child. As a rule, babies do not have chronic diseases.

The most common causes of discomfort in childrenconstipation due to eating disorders are of various ages. After all, it is no secret to anyone that our crumbs for the most part are not used to the normal drinking regime, and they prefer harmful candies, chips, etc. to healthy porridge.

И чем старше ребенок, тем труднее наладить useful diet, if from infancy, parents do not worry about it. Returning to the topic under discussion, we can say that we can remove the pain in the abdomen of our offspring as follows: by putting their daily diet in order.

Parents need to be alert if painfulthe syndrome is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, etc. This already indicates not a physiological malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, but the appearance of diseases of various organs. In principle, they are the same as in adults: gastritis, poisoning, infections, and not only the stomach or intestines, but also the genitourinary system, lungs, spleen.

Наиболее распространенным поводом для surgical intervention in children 5 to 15 years old is acute appendicitis. Its clinical expression does not depend on age - acute pain, vomiting, increased body temperature.

To the above, you need to add that oftenpain in the abdomen in children, especially of school age, provokes a psychological factor. In this case, it is not the stomach or intestines that should be treated, but the nervous system put in order. Oddly enough, this therapy will help get rid of the pain above the navel.

Pain treatment

Однозначно оно должно соответствовать the diagnosis made by the doctor. Therapy will be different depending on the degree of damage to a particular organ, from the location of pain and other factors. In mild cases, it is possible to “get off” with a diet and adjusting the drinking regimen. But it is important to remember that the initial stage of the disease often does not cause pain.

Если же дискомфорт становится очень сильным, то, obviously, it will still require either medical treatment or surgery. In addition to appendicitis and infringement of a hernia, it can be intestinal obstruction, perforation of ulcer, kidney stones and biliary tract.

causes of abdominal pain below the navel

Everyone should know the answers to the questions thatto do if it hurts above the navel, and what should not be done in any case. Well, of course, you should not set a diagnosis for yourself and prescribe treatment. It is still the prerogative of the doctors.

If you are experiencing very strong sharp pain,Try not to drink painkillers before consulting doctors. No heating pads or enemas, food and drink. Call the doctor and sit back and wait for help. Do not tolerate pain - it is invented by nature as a signal of a failure in the body. And the sooner we find it, the better.