/ Oncomarker CA 19-9. Analysis of CA 19-9: the norm and when it is elevated

Oncomarker CA 19-9. Analysis of CA 19-9: the norm and when it is elevated

The tumor marker CA 19-9 is a high molecular weightglycoprotein. It is produced by cells in the epithelium of the digestive system. As a method of research used immunochemical analysis. CA 19-9 is associated with cancer pathologies.

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general information

Для исследования в качестве биологического material used venous blood. CA 19-9 is an effective tumor marker. Its definition is used in the diagnosis, monitoring and early detection of metastasis in the stomach, pancreas, liver, intestines (thick and straight). The level of CA 19-9 is elevated in almost all patients with gastrointestinal tumors, especially of the pancreas. Developed in the cells of the neoplasm, the glycoprotein penetrates the systemic circulation. Observing and evaluating its content, experts are able to follow the pathology. The analysis of CA 19-9, the norm of which in a healthy person is not more than 10 U / ml, is not used in the initial diagnosis.

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What is pancreatic cancer? Brief information

It is a cancer today.day is included in the list of the most dangerous pathologies. About 90% of patients die already in the first year of the disease. By the time the diagnosis is made, 80% of the patients have distant or regional metastases. Experts attribute this mainly to the hidden course of pathology. The disease is often masked as inflammatory processes of the chronic course in the organs of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis). In this regard, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis as early as possible, excluding the presence of malignant tumors. This, in turn, will allow you to choose the most effective therapeutic tactics of these chronic pathologies.

CA antigen 19-9. Concentration

When cancer in the pancreas is notedhigh levels of glycoprotein. Analysis of CA 19-9, the norm of which is indicated above, is necessary when detecting carcinoma, evaluating the possibility of resection. At a concentration of more than 1000 U / ml, the tumor is considered operable in only 5% of patients. If the content is below the specified figure, the tumor can usually be removed. However, after intervention for one to seven months, the risk of recurrence remains. The tumor marker CA 19-9 is considered to be the second most important marker after CEA for detecting a malignant neoplasm in the stomach. In addition, the study of high molecular weight glycoprotein is additionally assigned to alpha-fetoprotein in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment of liver cancer, biliary tract and bladder.

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Increase content

Increased glycoprotein levels may be noted.against the background of various inflammatory and benign pathologies in the liver and the digestive system (up to 500, but most often up to 100 U / ml), as well as in cystic fibrosis. In the first case, the concentration is increased in 12% of patients. The maximum level is no more than 45 U / ml. Glycoprotein is excreted in the bile. In this regard, any cholestasis may be accompanied by an increase in its content. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct a simultaneous study of GGT (gamma-glutamate transferase) and alkaline phosphatase. An increase in concentration can also be observed on the background of tumors of other localization (for colorectal cancer, ovarian tumors), and hepatic pathologies (cirrhosis, hepatitis).

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Absence or reduced level

Специалисты отмечают, что нормальная концентрация does not exclude the presence of a malignant neoplasm in the pancreas. In this case, the early stage of pathology can be diagnosed, when the level has not yet had time to rise. When conducting research in patients receiving treatment, a decrease in glycoprotein content may indicate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

What is the research for?

The test for tumor marker CA 19-9 is necessary for controlthe effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for pancreatic cancer, as well as for the timely detection of recurrent pathology. The study allows for the differential diagnosis of malignant neoplasms with other diseases (for example, pancreatitis). CA 19-9 indicates the prevalence of the malignant process, the presence of distant metastases on the background of cancer.

When is a study prescribed?

The test for tumor marker CA 19-9 is recommended whensymptoms of cancer in the pancreas: nausea, pain in the abdomen, jaundice, weight loss. The study is assigned periodically to patients with initially high levels of glycoprotein concentration and receiving treatment. The analysis is recommended when cancer is suspected in the gallbladder or biliary tract, liver, stomach or large intestine. The study is prescribed in conjunction with other tests.

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Reference values ​​in the range of which mustthere is an antigen level, - 0–35 U / ml. As mentioned above, a high concentration of glycoprotein indicates the presence of a malignant process in the pancreas. Moreover, the higher the content, the later stage of the pathology. An excessively high level indicates metastasis of the tumor.

Important information

Test for the content of the considered glycoproteinis of particular importance in the early detection of metastasis of a malignant neoplasm in the pancreas. About 7-10% of people do not have the gene that encodes this high molecular weight glycoprotein. Accordingly, there is no genetic possibility in the body to synthesize the CA 19-9 antigen. Thus, even when diagnosing a malignant neoplasm, the level of this glycoprotein is not detected in serum.

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additional information

Before donating blood, specialistsrecommend not smoking for half an hour. The diagnostic value of the test increases with simultaneous research on CEA. In addition, tests for CA 72-4, total bilirubin, CA 242 are recommended for making the most accurate diagnosis and prescribing the appropriate treatment needed. Laboratory tests are prescribed by specialists such as a hepatologist, therapist, surgeon or oncologist.


Experts note that today cancer ispancreas is increasingly common in patients after 30 years. This pathology is considered one of the most difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. In this regard, the most sensitive tests are needed to identify it. Unfortunately, the study of the concentration of antigen can not be used to diagnose the initial stages of the disease. Nevertheless, this test remains the most sensitive and informative for assessing the effectiveness of treatment, identifying the early stage of metastasis of a malignant neoplasm. Undoubtedly, the specialist in the examination uses the results of various diagnostic measures. In addition to laboratory, the patient is assigned and instrumental studies. The most affordable of them today is ultrasound.

blood sa 19 9
При его проведении специалист может выявить a tumor about two centimeters in size. To clarify the size, position, as well as the spread of the malignant process, computed tomography is prescribed. Using this method, a tumor can be detected as small as three centimeters. It should be noted that the conduct of CT is associated with obtaining a certain dose of x-ray radiation. Therefore, this study is not conducted frequently or as a preventive measure. MRI has a lower burden on the patient’s body. But this type of research is not carried out by persons who have any metal implants. All these diagnostic measures, along with blood tests, reveal early stages of cancer development or metastasis in the pancreas.