Any warts are caused by the papillomavirusperson He practically does not bother people with strong immunity. But with a decrease in the body's defenses, the pathogen can cause formation of lesions on the skin.
Distinctive features
Externally, plantar warts look like a circleor an oval with a diameter of 1-2 cm. At the same time, they are slightly convex, protruding only 1-2 mm above the skin surface. In most cases, the color of the new formations is the same as that of the surface of the foot. Only some of them may have a pale brown or pink tint.
Fresh warts have a smooth surface.But over time, they grow and become covered by layers of the epidermis. The skin on their surface becomes coarse, rough and becomes yellow-gray. Sometimes black-brown dots appear on them. They arise due to thrombosis of capillaries located near the surface of the skin. Some people have a depression in the center of the wart that looks like a crater.
Most patients who have experienced thisproblem, there is only one education. But with weakened immunity, the virus is activated. As a result, on the soles of the feet may appear a large number of daughter warts. Because of them, a mosaic pattern is formed on the foot.
Diagnosis of the disease
To suspect that a person has a plantarwart, can be due to the absence of skin pattern on its surface. Also characteristic feature of these formations are points from thrombosed capillaries. If they are, then the doctor even without PCR diagnostics can distinguish plantar warts. Removal by laser is best done after the ultrasound. With the help of this study, it is possible to establish how deep the germ of a neoplasm has sprouted.
People with plantar warts often complain of the discomfort and soreness that occurs when walking.
Disposal methods
Modern medicine offers severalfairly effective ways that can completely remove plantar warts. Laser removal is considered one of the most advanced methods.
You can also get rid of tumors withusing electrocoagulation. However, this method is only suitable for removing only fresh, not overgrown warts. But it is almost never used, because after it there are scars and scars.
Cryodestruction is considered the most effective and cheapest method of getting rid of the growths that have appeared. But the effectiveness of the procedure depends largely on the experience of the doctor.
Prevent virus spread and hitits blood can be, if you use the radio wave method. It allows not only to get rid of the wart, but also to burn the vessels, thereby preventing the risk of bleeding.
The benefits of laser therapy
The advantages of this method include:
- the speed of the operation;
- fast healing;
- lack of scars and scars;
- the ability to control the depth of impact;
- conducting the operation under local anesthesia.
After such removal, the person does not needspecial care After all, the beam simultaneously burns and disinfects the tissues that surround plantar warts. Laser removal is performed only once. Relapses, as a rule, do not occur.
Before removing the wart, the doctor entersanesthetic. As soon as it starts to act, you can begin treatment. A laser beam is directed to the problem area, which vaporizes the tissues affected by the virus. This is a non-contact method, so the probability of infection with some other diseases is absent.
Many doctors recommend laser removal of plantar warts to children. After all, this is considered one of the safest and most effective methods.
After the procedure, the surface is additionally treated with antiseptic. If necessary, a bandage is applied, which will speed up the healing process.
Types of laser systems
In cosmetology clinics can beinstalled different equipment. Erbium, carbon dioxide or dye laser can be used to remove warts. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
Эрбиевый лазер действует более мягко.It gradually removes the epidermal layer, without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue. The possibility of thermal burn or hyperpigmentation of surrounding tissues is excluded due to the fact that the pulse of the beam is low-energy. But for the treatment of plantar warts, it is not suitable.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2a) laser is also called carbon dioxide.It burns viral tissue with infrared radiation. This method is used in cases where maximum impact is needed. Stimulates tissue coagulation.
При воздействии на пораженные ткани лазера на dye in the blood vessels dramatically rises in temperature. This leads to dystrophic changes, as a result of which blood stops flowing to the wart. The upper dermal layers, exposed, begin to peel off and are removed.
The last two devices allow you to most effectively remove the plantar wart laser. Reviews confirm that recovery is fast.
Treatment of young patients
Removal of plantar warts by laser to childmay be performed under local anesthesia. But the doctor should direct on this procedure. After its completion, it is desirable to put a bandage on the treated area.
Parents should know that there are wartsthere will be a small depression, it is covered with a crust. It is important to ensure that the child does not try to remove it on their own. After all, you can bring an infection. After a few days, the crust dries and disappears by itself. It is better to protect yourself and your baby and seal the wound with a bactericidal plaster.
Postoperative care
Do not constantly touch the place of processing,plantar warts do not reappear after laser removal. But to put the infection in the wound is quite possible. Initially, a thin crust will be in place of the build-up, after which the skin will begin to peel off. Do not steam it, smear it or something else to handle.
Also it is necessary to limit the load on the legs.It is advisable to walk less, temporarily abandon sports. In addition, doctors advise to minimize contact with water. It is clear that it will not be possible to give up the soul for the entire period of recovery. But the duration of water procedures should be minimized and try to wet less the place where there were plantar warts.
Removal by the laser though is the mostprogressive method, but after the procedure, the patient is forced to temporarily change their lifestyle. If you soaked the area where the wart was, do not wipe it with a towel. Better dry with a hairdryer.
Laser removal of plantar warts is not allowed to everyone. Experts identify a number of contraindications for which it is necessary to abandon the procedure. So, it can not be done to people suffering from:
- diabetes;
- oncological diseases;
- epilepsy;
- Immunodeficiency Virus;
- connective tissue diseases.
The time constraints include variouscolds, herpetic diseases in the acute stage, high blood pressure. The issue of wart removal in pregnant women should be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Opinions of patients
But many complain that the pain already occurshouses. Doctors usually prescribe pain relievers that can help alleviate the condition. But discomfort is observed in most patients for no longer than one day. If the regimen is observed and the stress on the problem leg is limited, the recovery is quite fast.
Many are scared to see the place of plantarwart recess. But it should be so. Over time, it grows, and the surface of the skin smoothes out. No matter how scary, you should not postpone the procedure. It is better to make it and forget about the pain and inconvenience caused by plantar wart.