/ / Cold on the lips, treatment with ointments, gels and mulled wine.

Cold on the lips, treatment with ointments, gels and mulled wine

According to statistics, 90% of the population has a herpes virus.settled in the body. Fortunately, it manifests itself only against the background of weakening the body, severe hypothermia, a stressful situation or another disease. Modern medicine has in its arsenal a variety of tools to combat herpes.

Cold on the lips, treatment with ointment "Gerperaks"

The ointment is indicated for primary and recurrentskin lesions of herpetic nature, as well as the mucous membrane of tissues, with genital herpes. Among the indications for the use of "Gerperax" manifestations of shingles, smallpox, herpes keratitis simple. Ointment "Herperax" is used for the prevention and treatment of herpes in people suffering from AIDS.

Pharmacological action of the drug is listed as antiviral. High selectivity ensures the destruction of the herpes virus.

Herpes ointment prevents spreadrash, reduces the likelihood of visceral complications and dissemination of the skin. "Herperax" contributes to the formation of a crust on the surface of the rash, eliminates the discomfort and pain during the aggravation of herpes zoster. Partially acts as an immunostimulating agent.

Cold on the lips, treatment with "Alpizarin", a remedy from mango leaves

The drug is intended for the treatment of lesions of the skin of the lips and mucous membranes of the herpes simplex virus, genital herpes, as well as skin rashes of other origin.

Alpizarin is active in the extracellular environment. He does not allow the penetration of the virus into the cell, disrupting the reproduction of viruses. Proven

immunostimulating action of a therapeutic agent.When rashes on the lips, "Alpizarin" is used in complex treatment with tablets and ointment. Inside, 1-2 tablets are prescribed to adults, regardless of food, 3-4 times daily. Simultaneously grease the inflamed areas with 2% ointment "Alpizarina". The course of treatment lasts from 5 days to 15 days, in particularly difficult cases, longer.

Cold on lips, treatment with ointment "Gerpferon with interferon"

The drug is intended for the treatment of primary and repeated manifestations of herpes on the mucous membranes of the oral surface, genital herpes.

It is recommended to lubricate the rash on the lips 5 times.every day, approximately 4 hours. If the treatment is started on time, the patients feel the relief of the symptoms immediately, the treatment is 5 days, in rare cases 10 days.

Cold on the lips, treatment with Hevizos ointment

Показания относятся к острым и рецидивирующим infections of the skin, including the lips, genitals, and the mucous membrane of the tissues caused by herpes simplex. Ointment is applied externally, smeared rashes on the lip 3-5 times daily. It is enough to carry out the treatment for 3 to 5 days to achieve the desired effect. In the systemic circulation "Hevizos" is not detected. The active ingredient epervudin well penetrates the skin, at the site of application reaches high concentrations.

Cold on the lip, treatment with Panavir, gel from purified extract of potato sprouts

The drug is attributed to viral infections.origin, herpes of different types. Used to treat women who are preparing for pregnancy, but suffer from chronic viral infection. The gel is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the lip, without resorting to rubbing 5 times a day. Recovery occurs within 4-5 days.

Mulled wine for colds

Mulled wine is cooked on a red semi-dry or dryfault. Hot drink is served. To enhance the therapeutic effect of added spices. In some regions, cognac or rum is used as the basis, but it is diluted to 7% in the beverage. In the process of cooking mulled wine is not brought to a boil. Spice combinations vary in different recipes. The classic version of mulled wine consists of sliced ​​oranges, black peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon, honey and a pinch of salt. All ingredients are poured with red wine, heated, insist. Drink with cold sips.