/ / "Polysorb" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

"Polysorb" during pregnancy: instructions for use, reviews

While carrying a baby, a woman canface different ailments. Most pathologies require medical treatment. However, during this period, the expectant mother can not use a lot of drugs. From this article you will find out whether Polysorb can be used during pregnancy. Instructions for use will be described below. You will be able to learn the features of using this drug. It is also worth mentioning which Polysorb medication during pregnancy has been reviewed by women and physicians.

polysorb during pregnancy

What does the drug consist of and how does it work

The main active ingredient of the drug is colloidal silicon dioxide. It is a white or bluish powder that requires prior preparation.

Polysorb medicine during pregnancyacts the same as outside this state. The tool quickly envelops the walls of the stomach and collects all toxic substances from them. After that, the drug enters the intestines. Here the sorbent works in a similar way. After taking the drug, the body is cleared of toxins, allergens, poisons, and so on.

When future mothers are prescribed medication

Препарат «Полисорб» при беременности применяется often. Remember that the composition must be prescribed by a doctor. Any independent use of the product may lead to unexpected consequences and reactions of the body. Polysorb is used in pregnancy in the following cases:

  • with the development of early toxicosis in expectant mothers;
  • during indomitable vomiting of unclear origin;
  • in case of poisoning with food or poisons;
  • during prolonged diarrhea;
  • in intestinal infections caused by the multiplication of pathological microorganisms;
  • in case of poisoning with drugs.

The range of indications can be much wider.Thus, "Polysorb" during pregnancy is used in complex therapy for the treatment of viral or bacterial infections. The drug can be used for prophylactic cleansing of the body.

polysorb during pregnancy reviews

Is it possible to use medicine for everyone?

As you have found out, you can "Polysorb" whenof pregnancy. However, there are individual cases in which it is worth refusing from such treatment. Contraindications to the use of drugs are the following situations:

  • if there is an aggravation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, ulcers;
  • when bleeding is detected in the stomach and intestines of unknown origin;
  • when the expectant mother has a tendency to intestinal obstruction;
  • with the development of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

"Polysorb" during pregnancy should be very carefully applied if the expectant mother has constipation, hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

can polysorb during pregnancy

Does the composition harm the development of organs and systems of the child?

Is Polysorb safe during pregnancy? The instruction says that the drug is not contraindicated for expectant mothers at any time. This is explained as follows.

The remedy after oral administration does notabsorbed into the blood. The solution envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Excreted from the body along with feces in unchanged form. That is why the composition does not penetrate the placenta and the fetus is fully protected from the effects of medication.

polysorb during pregnancy instruction

Drug "Polysorb": instructions for use in pregnancy

During childbirth, the drug is prescribedin the next dosage. You can consume from 5 to 20 grams of powder per day. In this case, the dose should be divided into several portions. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a single dose of medication. Most often this happens when the expectant mom needs to drink other means.

The maximum daily dose should not exceed 20gram. Otherwise, negative reactions from the bowels can develop. Most often, an overdose translates into perilstatic inhibition and constipation. All this can cause hemorrhoids and cracks in the anus.

  • If a pregnant woman has any food allergies, the medicine should be drunk immediately before a meal. In this case, you need to take the drug in about 15-30 minutes before the feast.
  • При сильном отравлении производится промывание stomach solution of the drug "Polysorb". It should be noted that such manipulation should take place only within the walls of a medical institution. After that, the medication is made as usual.
  • If intestinal infection occurs, treatmentThis composition should be complex. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. This takes into account all the risks to the fetus and the duration of pregnancy. The composition of "Polysorb" is taken five times a day after one hour. If the condition is relieved, the dose may be reduced after consulting a doctor.
  • When using the solution to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis, a standard dose is prescribed.

polysorb during pregnancy

How to prepare a solution

Состав перед использованием необходимо be sure to dissolve. To do this, use only plain drinking water. Do not use carbonated, dairy drinks and teas. It is strictly prohibited to use alcohol-containing liquids and juices for the preparation of the composition.

Pour a quarter or a half glass of water(approximately 100-150 milliliters). Open the package with powder and place in a glass from one to two teaspoons. As a basis, consider the following values. One teaspoon with a slide equals one gram of the drug. If you use cutlery, in this case you can get up to 3 grams of composition.

Thoroughly mix the resulting composition. If you find a sediment, then there is nothing to worry about. You can drink this drug.

Features of the use of the medicinal composition

Состав должен назначаться в определенной dosage. It all depends on the symptoms of the pathology and the reason for their occurrence. Remember that the product is a sorbent. In addition to harmful substances, it can excrete beneficial vitamins and elements from the body.

As future moms often have to drinkVitamin complexes and other drugs, Polysorb must be properly combined with such a correction. Never use medicines at the same time. The solution is preferable to drink in the morning. Intake of vitamins or other drugs in this case is better to postpone for lunch or evening. A single portion is 1-2 grams. You can repeat the reception up to 5-6 times a day. Treatment lasts an average of one to two weeks. If symptoms persist, the period of correction may be extended.

If you need to drink hormones(during pregnancy it is most often “Duphaston”, “Utrozhestan” or “Metipred”), then it is necessary to properly organize the method of treatment. Such drugs require the same amount of time between use. That is why it is worth making a start from this condition and choose a certain time for the sorbent reception. Ideally, the time before and after taking the drug will be two hours.

is it possible to polysorb during pregnancy

Reviews about the drug

"Polysorb" during pregnancy is used quiteoften. Doctors say that this drug is one of the safest for the mother and her future baby. Also, doctors argue that the composition can eliminate many pathologies. Most drugs during this period are forbidden to use. However, Polysorb has no harmful effects on the fetus.

Future moms claim that the remedy is veryeffective. It is able to eliminate toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The composition also eliminates diarrhea, which often affects women in early pregnancy. The drug perfectly helps with gas and flatulence. It is worth noting that frequent abdominal pains during all periods of pregnancy are mostly associated with an increase in gas.

Gynecologists and neonatologists note that the drugcan be used immediately before birth. If most of the funds are prohibited at this moment due to the fact that an allergic reaction may occur in a child, then Polysorb has no such restrictions. The drug can be drunk a few days before the birth of the child, and directly on this day.

Pharmacists say the remedy is very affordable. The average cost of the drug is 100 rubles per 25 grams. At the same time, the shelf life of an open jar is quite long - up to five years.

Doctors say that you should not prepare in advance a large portion of the funds. Use it as needed. Dilute powder immediately before use.

polysorb use during pregnancy

Summing up the article

So, you now know how the drug is used."Polysorb" during pregnancy. Remember that before taking certain substances it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Do not rely heavily on the fact that the composition is absolutely safe. There may always be exceptions to the rules. Follow the recommendations of the doctor and if you have any questions, contact the medical institution. Be healthy and easy to you pregnancy!