/ / What medications for cystitis - is there an unequivocal answer?

What are the cures for cystitis? Is there an unequivocal answer?

Cystitis is considered a successful disease.except for heavy gangrenous forms. But if it is not fully repaired, it will turn into a sluggish chronic form, and this can be a serious danger. The causes of cystitis, and its many varieties, so a single recommendation can not be given. The most suitable drugs for cystitis in each case can only give a urologist.

First aid is usually aimed at relieving pain.symptoms and relief of the inflammatory process. For this, they can intramuscularly (subcutaneously) inject the solution "Papaverina" (2%, 2 ml) and the solution "Atropine" (1%, 1 ml). To relieve the inflammatory process, antibacterial therapy is carried out: in acute cases, it can be Nolitsin according to the instructions for 3-5 days, Norbactin (Norfloxacin), Monural, Abactal (Perfloxacin), Maksakvin ( "Lomefloxacin"). The uncomplicated form is also treated with Digran (Ciprofloxacin).

It is very difficult to treat gangrenous cystitis.In some cases, if it is impossible to extract necrotic tissue even through the expanded urethra, the only way out may be in surgery, no conventional remedies for cystitis of this kind will save.

In acute and painful forms of cystitis, exceptdrug treatment, you need to adhere to some recommendations in the diet: no categorical - alcohol, we exclude all spicy, salty. Canned food, sauces and seasonings are undesirable. Should follow a dairy diet and eat more fruits and vegetables. Be careful with thermal procedures: if this is the first attack of cystitis, and its etiology is unclear, it is better to refrain from heating pads. With gross hematuria, heat can cause bleeding. Also contraindicated in thermal procedures for tuberculosis cystitis.

В некоторых случаях могут назначаться более light medication for cystitis, for example, after childbirth. Be sure to assign abundant drinking (at least 2 liters per day) for the early leaching of pathogenic flora. In the early days, it is possible to use some painkillers and antiseptics. They can prescribe "Furadonin" for cystitis caused by postpartum infection.

It is more difficult to treat chronic forms of cystitis.Here the emphasis is on eliminating the causes of inflammation, the elimination of its permanent foci, the removal of stones from the bladder and the normalization of general urodynamics. Antibacterial drugs for chronic forms of cystitis are prescribed only after examining the microflora of the bladder.

If we talk about how to treat cystitis, you needto recall that, in addition to medical treatment, one has to often resort to certain procedures. So, in order to improve the blood supply to the walls of the bladder, they can prescribe UHF or mud applications, or inductothermia. Instillation of sea buckthorn seed or rosehip seed oil is also applied to the bladder, if there is a violation of its emptying. Iontophoresis with antiseptics and nitrofurans has shown itself to be quite good, and local exposure to drugs is greatly enhanced.

In general, chronic cystitis should be given specialAttention. If acute cystitis does not occur for the first time, it can give complications to the kidneys, up to and including the development of cystopielonephritis. Therefore, in case of recurrent cystitis, take the medication on your own, without consulting a urologist, it is rather dangerous.

Radiation cystitis has its own characteristics, but onearly stages are usually favorable prognosis. In difficult cases of radiation cystitis, instillations of methyluracil or fish oil are also made; corticosteroids are used as intravesical injections. In extreme cases, resection of the affected area or intestinal plastic surgery is performed.

The causes of cystitis can be different, and only a qualified urologist can prescribe the correct treatment.