Treatment of STDs - what is it?With some diseases it is easy to cope with the course of simple antibiotics (for example with candidiasis). Most diseases in men pass asymptomatically and are quickly cured, whereas in women they can cause even infertility. In order to start treatment in time, it is necessary to make appropriate analyzes. On STDs, you can turn them in at a women's consultation, in a special laboratory or at the dermatovenerologic dispensary in your city.
Let's look at some diseasesmore. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause only mild symptoms in women, and even completely leak without any signs. Therefore, it may happen that a woman does not even know that she is sick. She passes the disease on to her sexual partners, while the ailment continues to develop in her body and can lead to problems during pregnancy or, as mentioned, infertility. Children born from an infected mother immediately fall into a risk zone and may also become infected if they do not receive treatment immediately. Now it becomes clear that one can not ignore STDs, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
All people have heard of HIV infection, whichcauses human immunodeficiency syndrome - one of the most dangerous STDs. What is it and how to avoid infection? Unfortunately, until now no medicine has been found that relieves AIDS, therefore the ailment is potentially fatal. However, it can be controlled, which allows the diseased to live many years. Of great importance in the prevention of AIDS is the use of a condom during intercourse.