/ / The main signs of PMS before the month: description and assistance

Main signs of ICP before monthly: description and assistance

Женский организм полон загадок и непредвиденных reactions. Until today, scientists are trying to solve the riddle of premenstrual syndrome. In some women, it manifests itself very violently, other women and have no idea about it. Today's article will tell you about what are the signs before menstruation. A list of PMS symptoms and ways to eliminate them will be presented to your attention. If you find one or more of the following symptoms, it is recommended to contact your gynecologist for examination and consultation.

signs of PMS before menstruation

Causes of reactions

Why do signs of PMS appear before menstruation?Answer this question definitely can not. Previously, it was assumed that the symptoms occurred due to mental and neurological diseases. Now it is proved otherwise. The manifestation of premenstrual syndrome directly depends on the change in hormonal levels. That is why the symptoms are determined at the same time (before the next monthly).

You can not answer the question why some womensusceptible to PMS, while others have no idea what it is. A study was conducted: patients with a pronounced manifestation of premenstrual syndrome were given drugs that correct hormones. At the same time, some subjects still had symptoms. This suggests that the cause of PMS lies elsewhere. Often the manifestations are associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, disorders of the circadian rhythm, and psychological diseases.

The timing of the symptom

At what time a woman can feel the signs of PMS (before menstruation)? How many days do they appear? It all depends on the length of the cycle and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Some women say thatfeel PMS already 2 weeks before the next bleeding. This means that with the onset of the second phase, the symptoms described below appear. Other patients complain of a five or seven day PMS. At the same time, in all women approximately two days before the onset of menstruation, the manifestations are exacerbated. Consider what are the signs of PMS before menstruation and find out how to deal with them.

signs of PMS before monthly for how many days

Pain in the abdomen

Many women have signs ofPMS (before menstruation) are determined by pain. She is pulling, pricking, or cramping. This symptom passes a few days after the onset of menstruation. Some patients easily tolerate such ailment, while others cannot lead a normal life. How can I help in this case?

If immediate recovery is required, thenneed to take any antispasmodic. The most popular drugs are "No-Shpa", "Drotaverin", "Papaverin", "Papazol" and so on. They are purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Also used anesthetic drugs "Spazgan", "Spazmalgon", "Nimulid", "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen".

Note that severe pains beforemenstruation and during it indicate the presence of pathology. A similar symptom occurs in endometriosis, inflammation, fibroids and other tumors.

Breast changes

What else are common signs of PMS?Before menstruation, about half of all women of reproductive age complain about their breasts. In the area of ​​the mammary glands arise seals, nodules. They can be easily probed independently. Fluid can also be released from the nipple when pressed. The chest slightly increases in volume and hurts.

Helping the patient with this symptom canonly doctor Before the appointment of therapy, you need to undergo an examination, which includes ultrasound diagnosis, the study of hormonal background, and sometimes - mammography. Upon detection of diffuse mastopathy, which has all the above symptoms, treatment is prescribed.

signs of PMS before menstruation or pregnancy

Emotional imbalance

The main symptoms before menstruation (PMS):fatigue, irritability, frequent mood swings. They can be attributed to psycho-emotional manifestations. Most often, such symptoms occur in women who are engaged in mental work, whose work requires concentration. There is also a high risk of psycho-emotional imbalance with general fatigue, weakness. The mood of a woman can change every minute. How can I help?

To begin, all family members need to typepatience Within a few days all the tension will pass. The woman herself needs more rest and a walk. Get positive emotions from your favorite activities, do not wind yourself. In extreme cases, you can take safe sedatives - motherwort and valerian. For more serious antidepressants, see your doctor.

symptoms and signs before menstruation

Increased appetite

Before menstruation and a few days after it.the beginning of the woman feels increased appetite. Note that this is not the case with all the representatives of the weaker sex. Others, on the contrary, refuse to eat for this period. But if you have increased appetite, you want chocolate and dense food, then do not deny yourself. But do not lean on fatty, fried, salty. Know the measure. These products intensify other PMS symptoms. A small bar of good black chocolate will not only hurt you, but also enhance your mood.

Digestive disorders can also be attributed tosymptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Increasing the level of progesterone has a relaxing effect on the intestines. As a result, constipation worries women. There are women who report diarrhea during PMS. Such a phenomenon is possible. Usually it is the result of a violation of the diet.

Discharge from the genital tract

What else are symptoms and signs before menstruation? PMS can be attributed to discharge from the genital tract. Normally they are creamy, white or transparent. The mucus is odorless and does not bother a woman.

Manifestation of premenstrual syndrome maycharacterized by brown secretions. In most cases, this is a symptom of endometriosis or inflammation. If a woman finds mucus with white streaks, then this indicates cervicitis or cervical erosion. The gynecologist deals with the treatment of these diseases and their diagnosis.

signs of PMS that are often mistaken for pregnancy

Signs of PMS, which are often mistaken for pregnancy

Premenstrual syndrome is often confused withthe first symptoms of pregnancy. This usually occurs in women planning conception. Indeed, some of the signs are very similar. So, signs of PMS before menstruation or pregnancy? We will understand.

  • Increased appetite. During pregnancy, women change their taste preferences, as before menstruation. If nausea and vomiting additionally appeared, then, most likely, this is toxicosis of pregnant women.
  • Weight gain In pregnancy, the uterus grows, and the weight of the womangetting bigger. Before menstruation is also an increase in weight. However, it is associated with fluid retention in the body. If you find edema (especially in the morning), then wait for your period.
  • Dizziness and headache. Перед менструацией и во время нее у некоторых women drops hemoglobin. Anemia provokes dizziness and general malaise. The same symptoms are present in pregnant women: weakness, fainting, drowsiness.

Reliably distinguish PMS from pregnancy to youhelp test. However, many manufacturers recommend conducting research only after a delay. If on the appointed day the bleeding has not started, and all the described signs persist, then pregnancy is possible.

main symptoms before menstruation

Correction: Assistance

If you are very worried about PMS symptoms, then thisstate must be corrected. You can consult a doctor and get a medical prescription. There are also some tips to cope with premenstrual syndrome. How to help yourself and improve your well-being?

Medication use

For correction of PMS symptoms gynecologistsprescribe medication based on progesterone. These drugs are used in the second phase of the cycle. These include "Duphaston", "Utrozhestan" "Pradzhisan" and others. If you are not planning a pregnancy in the near future, you may be prescribed oral contraceptives. They relieve PMS symptoms, improve overall well-being and regulate hormone levels. These are drugs "Logest", "Diane", "Jeanine" and so on. All hormonal agents are taken strictly after examination and consultation with a doctor.

Symptoms of PMS in women, signs and treatment

Additional ways to combat PMS: how to help yourself?

To alleviate PMS symptoms, follow these guidelines:

  • sleep at least 7-9 hours a day;
  • play sports or spend a five-minute gymnastics;
  • eat well (increase fiber and limit fats);
  • lead a regular sex life;
  • take vitamin complexes rich in iron and substances that stimulate the formation of blood cells;
  • check with your doctor and treat existing pathologies in time.

signs before the monthly list


Вам стало известно, какие есть симптомы ПМС у women Signs and treatment are presented to your attention. If premenstrual syndrome greatly spoils your life, knocking out of the usual rhythm, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. You will be prescribed the appropriate treatment in accordance with the complaints. Independent use of hormonal drugs is prohibited. With such therapy you can only hurt yourself and aggravate the course of PMS. Many women report that after the birth of a child, all signs of PMS have disappeared. For others, on the contrary, such a process caused an increase in the described symptoms in the future. Take care of yourself and be healthy!