/ / Propolis - what is it? Propolis: medicinal properties and contraindications

Propolis - this is what? Propolis: medicinal properties and contraindications

For hundreds of centuries used in Russiabee products as a source of health, youth and longevity. Among them is very popular propolis. It is the product most famous for its medicinal properties after honey. In ancient Egypt, it was used for the treatment and mummification as a strong preservative. About the value of propolis said a lot in the ancient medical books.

propolis is


Propolis is a sticky resinous substancehaving a dark green or yellowish color and a bitter aftertaste with the scent of honey, wax, birch buds. It is produced by bees from resin collected by them from buds, branches, leaves of trees. Carrying the resinous substance on their paws into the hive, they treat it with the secret of the jaw glands, adding wax and pollen to this mass. Therefore, the prevailing opinion that propolis is bee dung is fundamentally wrong. A quality product may contain up to 70% of vegetable gums and the secretion of bee glands. In Greek, the word "propolis" means "gloss over", "close up". It is for smearing cracks, to protect nests from diseases and pathogens used by bees propolis, which one family collects in the amount of 30-80 grams per season.

Beneficial features

Propolis is effective against hugenumber of diseases. Often drugs from it are much more effective than many modern chemotherapeutic agents. In addition, their combination with pharmacy drugs significantly enhances the effect of the latter and removes possible side effects. It is known that when antibiotics are used for a long period, microorganisms begin to get used to them, and this entails the use of more and more powerful drugs. Influencing the entire microflora, including the useful one, they can cause dysbacteriosis and other negative consequences for the organism. Propolis is a natural antibiotic, which, unlike pharmacies, has no side effects, kills pathogens, and at the same time strengthens the immune system.

propolis medicinal properties and contraindications

Due to the presence in the propolis volatile,flavonoids with powerful antioxidant activity, it is able to delay the aging process and help the body resist cancer. In addition, this product is effective for normalizing blood pressure, improves blood formation, helps with diseases of the digestive system. In dermatology, dentistry, pediatrics and gynecology, it has proven itself as a drug propolis. Healing properties and contraindications of it were known to our great-grandmothers, who used this product to treat a huge range of diseases.

Biological properties of propolis

They are due to the presence of a number of compounds andacids, the combination of which ensures the incredible effectiveness of propolis for healing the body It is a powerful radioprotector capable of protecting against radiation. Propolis is known for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties, its impact is detrimental to pathogens of tuberculosis, salmonella, typhoid. The ability to improve human blood counts allows the use of this product in diseases of the circulatory system and heart. Phenolic acids that make up propolis are effective against fungi and parasites, have choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. One of the important components that gives propolis the beneficial properties is beeswax.

healing propolis
It normalizes digestive processes, haswound healing and bactericidal action. It is generally difficult to say which component of propolis to a greater extent ensures its effectiveness. Most likely, this interaction of all components that are present in it.

Propolis to strengthen the immune system

All bee products work to strengthenimmunity, but propolis especially. Mineral substances included in its composition, modulate the protective functions of the body, providing resistance to many diseases. Therefore, the use of products based on propolis is recommended after suffering severe ailments, during mental and physical stress, before and after surgical operations. Propolis is used in a variety of forms - aqueous solution, alcohol, with milk and honey, with rowan and cranberry berries.

Propolis in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Even in ancient times bee productswidely used to treat people with cardiovascular diseases. The property of propolis to lower blood pressure is used to treat hypertension. A very good result gives a 30 percent alcohol extract of propolis.

Combined with garlic, garlic and othermedicinal plants product can help in the fight against atherosclerosis - the main disease of the cardiovascular system. It is also known about how effectively it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, contributing to its dilution, which prevents the formation of blood clots. Successfully used propolis for anemia due to its property to stimulate the production of red blood cells.

propolis is bee dung

For diseases in the acute stage or theirheavy current should not immediately use propolis. Healing properties and contraindications should be carefully studied, because in some cases it may not give the expected result, and time for treatment will be lost.

Propolis for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract depressingaffect the nervous and muscular tissue of the digestive organs. Treatment with synthetic drugs due to their foreignness for the biological organism sometimes gives a more destructive effect than the curative one. Propolis is distinguished by the fact that in the absence of a harmful effect on the body, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, antibacterial, relieves spasms, lowers the acidity of the gastric juice and improves bile secretion.

Propolis is particularly attractive for treatment.peptic ulcer disease. It covers the ulcer with a protective film, which eliminates the ingress of harmful microorganisms responsible for the occurrence of this disease. Under the influence of propolis, they quickly die.

For the treatment used 20 percentpropolis tincture, but it is desirable to go to it smoothly, starting with a 5 percent. You can also apply propolis in vegetable or animal oil. It helps in the treatment of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, giardiasis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of candles made from propolis, rectal fissures are treated.

Propolis in dermatology

Recipes using this productbeekeeping for the treatment of skin diseases known to many. The most popular are those that use native propolis. What it is? Photos of him can be seen in the clinics. In other words, it is natural propolis, natural, not past processing and purification. Flapjacks from it are applied to furuncles, calluses, help to quickly get rid of them.

honeycomb is propolis

Means on the basis of propolis (spirit tinctures,ointments, etc.) relieve many skin diseases: fungal infections, corns, herpes sores, juvenile acne, eczema, anthrax and skin cancer For hair loss and seborrhoeic eczema, 30% propolis ointment or its alcohol extract is used.

In pediatrics

Propolis is simply a unique tool fortreatment of children due to its anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. It is recommended literally from the first days of a baby’s life, but before using it, you should make sure that the child is not allergic. For babies, propolis mixed with honey can be applied to the pacifier. It helps to restore the gastrointestinal epithelium after the use of antibiotics and fungal infections. Contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin in diaper rash oil propolisnoe, if you treat them reddened areas, as well as use it for prevention.

Propolis boosts child defensesorganism, effective in the treatment of colds. In some cases, it makes it possible to eliminate the use of pharmacy antibiotics with undesirable side effects for the child.

Treatment of other diseases

Propolis, like all other productsbeekeeping, effective in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, other viral and fungal diseases. For this purpose, 10% alcoholic propolis is used inside or rinsing is done with an aqueous solution. A small propolis ball, glued to the tooth from the inside, can kill pathogens, and at the same time prevent infection during epidemics. In the old days, instead of synthetic chewing gum, honeycombs were used - this is propolis, wax, and pollen. In the complex, these products helped to prevent the appearance of various diseases of the oral cavity.

propolis is beeswax

Propolis preparations are successfully used fortreatment of myopia, cataracts, conjunctivitis, etc. These are mainly aqueous solutions and ointments. Their anti-inflammatory effect contributes to the rapid healing of tissues.

Colds, runny nose and cough alsocan be treated with propolis. For this, infusions and decoctions are taken, inhalations are made. At a cold, turunds with propolis oil are recommended, as well as instillation of a 5% solution of propolis.

Folk remedies

For the preparation of medicines is usually used native propolis (what it is, described just above). They are prepared in a variety of forms.

  • Propolis water.To obtain it, you need to put a beekeeping product in boiled water (one part of it has two parts of water) and heat it in a water bath for 10-15 minutes (do not boil). After filtration, we obtain an aqueous solution of a light brown color.
    propolis what is it a photo
  • Alcohol solution.Mix 10 g of crushed propolis with 100 g of alcohol and put in a dark place for 7 days. If the alcohol solution needs to be prepared quickly, it is possible to heat the mixture of propolis and alcohol in a water bath to 40 ° C.
  • Propolis ointment.Place 100 g of animal fat in an enamel bowl and bring it to a boil, then cool, add 10-15 g of propolis and heat to 80 degrees again, stirring for 10 minutes. Filter the resulting mixture and cool.


On propolis allergic reactions occurrarely. But people who are allergic to bee products should be more careful when using it. The reaction can be expressed in itching, headache or swelling.

Not recommended for ingestion in one daymore than 5 grams of propolis. This is how much you need to take it without weighing? It can be defined as follows: scatter the crushed product on the surface of the table. 5 grams - the amount of propolis occupying an area of ​​2-3 square meters. cm.

People with pancreatitis, biliary tract disease, and liver disease should consult a physician to determine the dosages of propolis preparations.