Целебные свойства прополиса, этого miracle product, are known since antiquity. In nature, propolis is a sort of shield that ensures the sterility of honeycomb cells, protecting them from all harmful substances. This function also performs in the human body.
В составе прополиса есть растительные смолы, wax, tannins, essential oils, vitamins, calcium, iron, amino acids, zinc and many other substances, the number of which reaches fifty. Each of them performs a certain function in the human body, beneficially influencing various organs.
For the prevention and treatment of many diseases, an extract of propolis or its alcoholic tincture is quite effective.
Принято считать, что спирт усиливает уникальные medicinal properties of herbs, so the medicine uses different concentrations of the extract, considering it a more potent form than the decoction. The technology of its preparation is simple enough, therefore it can be made and in house conditions.
Extract of propolis is basicallyvegetable raw materials - propolis, reminiscent of dark brown clay, which you need, pre-chop, dissolve in high-quality medical alcohol. Then the infusion should be tightly corked in a bottle, insist for ten days, every day shaking its contents.
Extract of propolis can retain its medicinalquality for three years. Its consumption is very small, so do not harvest this alcohol tincture in liters, even a few drops can be effective enough.
"Elixir of Health", made on the basis ofpropolis, can be applied externally with ear inflammation, skin lesions, trauma. Inside it is taken with ulcers, colitis, influenza. Since the extract of propolis has a large spectrum of immunomodulating properties, it can treat sinus, stomach and intestinal ulcers, pharyngitis, various ENT diseases. The volatile oils included in propolis make the antibacterial tincture.
Propolis during pregnancy preventsincreased sweating or hyperhidrosis, which is a consequence of impaired function of the sweat glands as a result of hormonal changes, it is very effective as a prevention of colds, and also helps in the fight against postnatal stretch marks.
No less useful propolis for the eyes:it is buried with burns of the cornea and conjunctiva. And on the second day you can get tangible results. However, for the treatment of the eye, the extract must be prepared on a water basis.
In a day for a person, the standard dose istwenty drops of extract dissolved in a hundred milliliters of milk or water. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to take into account that for each person the extract of propolis affects differently: some as a result of taking tend to sleep, others feel a rush of vivacity. Therefore, those who take the remedy should independently determine at what time of the day to drink the tincture. The average course of treatment lasts about one month.
Propolis, which is a potent naturala remedy, you need to take it very carefully, always before consulting a doctor. After all, he, like other beekeeping products, can cause an allergic reaction, swelling, cough, skin rash.
In addition, a very dangerous overdose of alcohol extract, which can lead to increased pressure, arrhythmia.
Propolis is a real gift of nature,which helps the human body in the treatment of many diseases, provides it with the necessary substances, and its extract in a mixture with hot milk increases appetite, raises the tone, soothes nerves and drives away insomnia.