The curvature of the septum of the nose is called heroffset away from the midline of this organ. Its ideal form is very rare. Therefore, the condition in question in many cases does not constitute pathology. However, this does not exclude the presence of the latter in certain situations. Therefore, you need to know the symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease.
Concept of nasal septum
This is a natural entity locatedin the middle of the nasal cavity and separating it into two equal parts. In turn, it also includes 2 lobes, one of which is located at the front and the other at the rear. The front is cartilaginous, whose elasticity and compliance are easily determined by palpation. It is the one that is most often damaged due to various injuries.

Nose structure
The main departments of this body include the following:
- nostrils - inlets designed to ensure the passage of oxygen into the nasal cavity;
- initial section - this is where the vertically located nasal septum is located;
- nasal passages - located below the initial section, divided into lower, middle and upper, limited to similar turbinates;
- The choans are two openings providing the communication of the nasopharynx with the nasal cavity.
The nasal cavity also includes several walls:
- the partition formed in the front of the cartilage, and in the back - vomer;
- lateral walls formed mainly by the ethmoid bone;
- the lower one is formed due to the hard palate located in the zone of the upper jaw and the soft palate;
- anterior wall - formed by a process in the area above and the nasal bones.
Inside the nasal surface is lined with mucousaccount which stands out secret. Also carried her significant blood supply. Olfactory is the upper part of the nasal passage. Here are the nerve receptors.
Носовые раковины расположены в задней части corresponding cavity, which is divided into nasal passages. The lower one is an independent small bone, and the middle and upper ones are processes extending from the ethmoid bone.
The nasal passages communicate with the paranasal nasal and maxillary sinuses, located in the departments.
A lot of small cavities in the form of sinuses hasethmoid bone. The sphenoid bone is located at the base of the skull and is hardly visible from the outside. In her body is an air cavity in the form of a sphenoid sinus.
Nose functions
These include:
- the perception of various flavors with the help of the olfactory cavity;
- retention by nasal mucus of various pathogenic microorganisms with their subsequent removal or destruction due to the bactericidal properties inherent in it;
- protection from mechanical irritants due to mucus and hairs, ensuring their retention and subsequent withdrawal;
- heating the air flow due to the venous plexus located under the mucous membrane;
- humidification of air entering the nasal cavity due to the secretion of glands located in the mucous membrane;
- admission to the larynx and nasopharyngeal air.
Determining the correct distribution of air flow for the two halves of the cavity is provided by a nasal septum. Curvature is a potential cause of impaired performance of these functions.
Perfect nasal septum conditionnoted in newborns. Here, almost the entire shell has the form of cartilage, which is subsequently partially converted into bones, which merge with each other. Due to various disorders in these processes, a curvature of the nasal septum is observed. Identify the initial causes of this phenomenon is quite difficult.
Basically, the curvature falls at the age of 13-18 years. In men, this deformity occurs 3 times more often in comparison with women.
Curvature of nasal septum according to ICD
Международная классификация болезней (МКБ) is a regulatory document created to account for the incidence, the reasons for the citizens to go to medical institutions and the causes of death. He is one. Currently, the classification is in revision 10 revision. This year is planned to release the ICD-11.
The curvature of the nasal septum in the ICD-10 is code J34.2. It is indicated in the disability sheets.

Causes of deformity of the nasal septum
Chief among them are the injuries of this body.The curvature of the nasal septum in a child is mainly formed during the period of cutting the molar teeth, which causes the jaws to expand and the nasal cavity to change.
Sometimes the deformity is due to the excessively developed rudiment of the Jacobson organ, which is located below the front of the nasal septum.
Their combination, causing distortions, can be combined into three groups:
- traumatic - nasal bleeding occurs and respiratory failure through this organ, as a rule, is preceded by a nose fracture;
- compensatory - arises due to prolonged irritation of the nasal septum due to thickening of the nasal conch, polyp, ingress of a foreign body, etc .;
- physiological - mainly occurs in children and adolescents, due to the discrepancy between bone and cartilage septum.
The main types of distortions considered are the following:
- Crest.
- Spike.
- Direct curvature.
- The combination of the first two options, called mixed.
The third type has the following varieties:
- deformation with the capture of a certain part of the partition, the vomer or the vertical plate of the ethmoid bone;
- curvature, located in front or in the back of the partition;
- one- or two-sided deformation;
- curvature in horizontal or vertical plane.
Basically, anterior distortion is diagnosed. The ridges and spikes are predominantly located at one of the edges of the vomer. Their base is bone tissue.
They manifest in most people, without bringing them any discomfort. The following are those that bother patients:
- reshaping the nose due to injury;
- seizures of epilepsy can contribute to the occurrence of severe forms of curvature of the nasal septum;
- tickling, pain, and dry throat;
- cough;
- violation of absent-mindedness, thinking and memory due to lack of oxygen in the blood, which can lead to problems with the functioning of the brain and central nervous system;
- signs corresponding to inflammation in the middle ear;
- infectious diseases;
- as a result of the curvature, low resistance to physical exertion, increased fatigue, and decreased performance can be produced;
- dry nasal cavity;
- allergic rhinitis, which is predastma - nasal congestion appears due to contact with a specific substance;
- snore;
- rhinitis, resulting in permanent mucous discharge;
- Nasal breathing difficulty is the main sign of curvature, but it may be absent.
The curvature of the nasal septum in children can be congenital or acquired. Snoring, bleeding, rhinitis, breathing through the mouth in them may indicate adenoids.

Related violations
What are the consequences of the curvature of the nasal septum (treatment will be discussed later)? When nasal breathing is difficult, the following changes occur:
- the attachment of the nasal wing to the septum arises due to the curvature of its anterior part, leading to a significant difficulty in the passage of oxygen;
- reaction development from nerve endings in the mucous- when curvatures air turbulence is formed, which irritates the receptors, as a result of which the vessels of the mucous membrane expand, mucus appears in large quantities, puffiness develops;
- narrowing of the nasal area, breathing in the side where the concavity was formed;
- change in air circulation inside the nasalcavities - during normal breathing, the air rises up, then it passes through the middle nasal passage and partially through the upper one, when exhaling it goes to the lower one, but when curved, the air flow is disturbed, which leads to such breathing;
- change of air circulation in the area in which the partition is convex - up to a complete blockage of the nostrils on this side.
Changes in the mucous during curvature is as follows:
- the vortex flow starts to hit the mucous membrane, which leads to its thickening in these places and to the loss of cilia by epithelial cells, which causes a decrease in protective functions;
- when released, the mucus dries to form crusts;
- rhinitis appears.
A sufficient supply of oxygen to the lungs and blood depends on the processes of nasal breathing. As a result of curvature, gas exchange in the alveoli is disturbed, leading to oxygen starvation.
In case of violation of breathing through the nose, a person is forced to perform this function through the mouth. This process is characterized by the following negative consequences:
- an adenoid develops, accompanied by inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils;
- for this method, the protective functions of the nasal cavity are not characteristic, which leads to an increase in the risk of respiratory diseases;
- the air does not warm up and is not moistened, which does not ensure the proper efficiency of gas exchange in the alveoli, the blood is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, which negatively affects the entire body.
Because of the curvature of the nasal septum, nerve disorders may appear:
- visual;
- affecting the work of internal organs;
- dysmenorrhea in women;
- epileptic seizures;
- bronchial asthma;
- spasms of the larynx;
- reflex sneezing and coughing;
- headache.
In addition, these defects cause changes in adjacent organs:
- eyes - in case of pathological deformity, the nasolacrimal canal can be a source of infection spread;
- nose - develops an inflammatory disease called "sinusitis", also develop sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
- ears - there are violations in the Eustachian tube and middle ear.
In chronic inflammation, mucus and infectious agents that are not removed from the nasal cavity may be in the eardrum or the auditory tube.
The treatment of the curvature of the nasal septum should be preceded by a procedure for diagnosing this pathology. First of all, an external examination is necessary, which reveals tip displacement or scoliosis of the nose.

The main research method isrhinoscopy, during which asymmetry is detected during the comparison of the nasal cavities. For violations, on the one hand, the concha is well visible, and on the other, it may not be visible at all.
To determine the configuration features of the sidethe walls, the results of which decide on the need for surgery of the nose with a curved nasal septum, apply lubrication of the shell and septum with 5% solution of cocaine and adrenaline.
X-ray examination of little informative. But it may be necessary to determine the condition and location of the paranasal sinuses.
Treatment of nasal septum curvature
Mostly conservative treatments bringvery brief relief. Therefore, the main method of treatment is to perform an operation when the curvature of the nasal septum. The main way of its implementation is endoscopic septoplasty.
Exposure is performed through the nostril with a dissection.mucous membrane and its separation from the considered septum, after which plastic is performed with suturing. The operation takes about half an hour. It may be performed under local or general anesthesia.

According to reviews, the operation with curvature of the septumthe nose is better tolerated with general anesthesia. Finally, splints and gauze pads are inserted into the nasal cavity, which are removed the next day. After their removal, the patient is prescribed saline solution in the form of nasal drops or oil lubrication of vitamins, which contributes to a more rapid healing of the mucous membrane. Bloody nasal crusts can be released within a month, the swelling drops after about two weeks, which will help restore nasal breathing.
Thus, being in the hospital afteroperations - one day. After surgery, the curvature of the nasal septum is eliminated. Within a week after this, the medical office is visited to perform dressings that accelerate healing and act as a means of preventing the formation of adhesions.
Currently used for the treatment of curvature of the nasal septum laser. The advantages of this method are as follows:
- rehabilitation activities are minimized;
- the antiseptic effect of the laser;
- minimum level of injury;
- the smallest blood loss.
But it also has a drawback - with its help, not all types of deformities can be eliminated, especially those associated with lesions of the bony part of the septum.
Treatment without surgery of the curvature of the nasal septuminvolves the use of laser chondrosentoplasty. When this occurs, the warming of the cartilage, which makes it elastic. With the help of a special tool, the necessary shape of the cartilage takes place, which is fixed for one day with a tampon. After that, the partition occupies a position in the center, and the cartilage is straightened.

Transaction price
In public hospitals, it is performedfree with a medical policy. But you have to wait your turn. In private clinics, the cost of surgery for the curvature of the nasal septum starts from 35,000 rubles. It is determined by the level of the institution, the complexity of the intervention, the type of anesthesia, the qualifications of the staff, the duration of the patient’s stay in its walls.
Laser septoplasty has a minimal price: with a curvature of the nasal septum - 30,000 rubles. In Moscow clinics, its average cost reaches 54,000 rubles.
Complications after surgery
The consequences of the curvature of the nasal septum as a result of the surgery can be as follows:
- perforation or perforation of the septum;
- the appearance of scars;
- hematoma;
- purulent sinusitis;
- formation of an abscess under the mucous membrane;
- inflammation and infection of the wound, which was formed during the operation;
- formation of adhesions;
- nose deformation - there is a sinking of his back due to resection performed too high;
- bleeding.
For their elimination it is necessary to apply the following measures:
- hematoma puncture with a pressure bandage;
- antibiotics during infection;
- dissection of adhesions with a scalpel;
- hemostatic means for bleeding.
The likelihood of their occurrence can be significantly reduced if you follow the prescription of a doctor for the care in the postoperative period and observe the necessary regimen.

Curvature of the nasal septum is observed inmost of the people. Most of them do not cause any discomfort. In case of difficulty breathing through the nose, you need to contact the ENT specialist, who can prescribe an operation or the use of laser therapy. It lasts a short time, and its outcome is favorable. Usually the partition is completely leveled.
The operation can be carried out in state andprivate clinics, which is determined by the cash available to the client. It may be performed under general or local anesthesia. For most reviews, the first option is preferable.