Despite the fact that over the past decadedentistry began to develop at an accelerated pace, doctors still try to adhere to those treatments that allow you to save your teeth as much as possible. What type of denture is recommended by doctors? Not always shown to install removable. Fixed prostheses, provided they are justified, can also solve many problems with the oral cavity.
Many patients face this.problem, as extensive damage to the teeth until their complete destruction and loss. Many are interested in fixed dentures for teeth. Which is better? Photos presented in this article will help to present how this or that model looks like. But in any case, choose the appropriate type will be a doctor.
Causes of pathological processes in the teeth
Total tooth damage depends on manyreasons. Most of them are of a social nature. Here, the important role is also played by the legacy of the stomatology of the Soviet period, the inability in most cases to properly clean. Also adversely affected by contaminated ecology, persistent stress, overwork, and so on.
In any case, whatever the reasondestruction or loss of teeth, fixed prostheses remain the most optimal solution to the problem. In this case, dentistry does not stand still. To make your smile attractive, this branch of medicine uses many innovative methods.
Features of fixed prostheses
Стоматологией широко применяются несъемные dentures for teeth. Which is better in a particular case - to decide the doctor. Prostheses of fixed construction, which contribute to the restoration of damaged or missing teeth, also have varieties. The choice of a particular model depends on the degree of complexity of each particular case and the individual characteristics of the human body. The article will examine in detail the main types of fixed prostheses, their distinctive features and indications for use.
Using veneers
In case the teeth are slightly damaged andvisible when smiling, the best solution is to use veneers. Such fixed prostheses are thin ceramic plates that are glued to the front surface of the teeth. Outwardly, they are difficult to distinguish from natural enamel.
A modern method of installing veneers suggestssmall grinding of the surface of the teeth, and innovative materials from which the models are made, make it possible to perfectly repeat the texture of transparent natural enamel.
If the tooth has chipped and cracked smallsizes, as well as other minor, but noticeable for the eye damage to the upper incisors, then you are recommended to install veneers. It should be noted that they can not be applied for extensive carious lesions of the teeth, as they often break.
Using tabs
Если зубы повреждены не только спереди, но и from the bottom, and the pathological process is observed both on the incisors and on the chewing teeth, then fixed prostheses in the form of inlays on the basis of ceramics will suit you. Such designs replace the usual fillings. They should be given preference, since with their help both a small part of the tooth and a large area, including those affected by deep caries, are restored.
Вкладки на керамической основе, в отличие от Composite fillings are difficult to distinguish from natural dental tissue. Such material gives the chance to repeat any shades of enamel. Another difference of ceramics from composites lies in the fact that the substance does not absorb coloring pigments, pores do not appear on it, and it is not susceptible to destruction. Therefore, ceramic tabs change much less frequently than fillings.
Use of crowns
In cases where damage or destructiona large part of the tooth has been exposed, it is not recommended to remove it. In such a situation, fixed prostheses in the form of individual dental crowns are used. With their help, even a badly destroyed tooth can be restored, provided that at least one of its roots remains intact.
The crown is a fixed structure,which is able to imitate a natural tooth with all its anatomical abilities. This design is fully involved in speaking, chewing and other functions that are inherent in healthy teeth. The basis of the crown can be metal, cermet and ceramics.
Material Features
Crowns made of different materials have different drawbacks:
- Metal crowns do not have aesthetics. In addition, they have a short life. They will stand for about 5 years.
- Metal-ceramic structures differ in largethick frame, which is why there is a need to remove many layers of the tooth. Their base is made of metal, so these dentures on the front teeth may differ in color from the adjacent teeth.
- Ceramic crowns are distinguished by a greaterbrittleness, but the cost is higher. Doctors prefer them because the structures have strength, the material is better perceived by the body. Such prostheses are ideal in terms of aesthetics. And all this thanks to the workmanship. Ceramics does not cause allergic reactions and is widely used in dental practice.
Fixed bridges
Structures in the form of bridges are used for prosthetics of missing teeth. They are fused models that can imitate a series of three or four elements.
Как в этом случае происходит протезирование зубов?Fixed prostheses of this type are attached to the extreme healthy teeth, which act as a support. Bridges are installed on the patient's specially ground live teeth. As a rule, nerves are removed from the abutment teeth. The essence of the model is three or four combined crowns.
Are bridges considered a good solution in prosthetics?
Bridges are a good way to recovery of missing teeth. However, modern dentistry considers this method as temporary. The bridge installation is shown in an emergency when any other alternative is excluded. For example, the patient, due to certain reasons, does not show prosthetics based on implants.
A bridge prosthesis is rather a past thanpresent dentistry. Why? As already mentioned, this method requires the grinding of neighboring healthy teeth and the removal of nerves from them. A bridge prosthesis in place of a missing tooth does not provide a full load of the jaw and does not stop bone resorption. Also, the design is not able to perform many other functions of a healthy tooth.
It should be noted that for a long time getting used to the bridge is nothave to. It also does not contribute to changing the taste of food. The shape and color design mimics natural teeth. The bridge is made on the mold, which is made up taking into account the patient's oral cavity.
Adhesive Bridge Model
Unlike the above methodprosthetic adhesive bridge includes only one crown, which replaces the missing tooth. This design is equipped with special mounts on the sides, which cling to the abutment teeth.
In comparison with the bridge adhesive deviceIt is considered preferable, since its installation does not require grinding of healthy teeth, located next to the missing one. Nevertheless, this model has exactly the same drawback as a conventional bridge. An adhesive prosthesis cannot perform the full function of a healthy tooth.
Implant-free fixed prostheses
Можно ли установить полный несъемный протез?As already mentioned, the choice of a fixed model of a denture depends on the individual case and the characteristics of the human body. However, in the absence of one or a whole series of teeth, or in case of their destruction to such an extent that they require removal, the use of implants is considered the best way. What it is?
The implant is a titanium root.cylindrical shape, which is implanted in the jaw bone. After a few months, a crown made of ceramic or metal-ceramic is put on such a pin. This way of filling the missing teeth is an excellent alternative to full prosthetics, which requires a long habituation and is not always successful.
Имплантаты идеально имитируют коронку natural tooth. With regard to the period of engraftment of devices (it is from 4 to 6 months), a temporary prosthesis based on lightweight plastic can be installed to the patient. Implantation in the absence of teeth is the best solution. In this case, the use of fixed prosthetics on implants gives the patient the opportunity to restore the lost chewing functions, attractive appearance and comfort when wearing the prosthesis.
How to care for fixed structures?
Что касается вопроса ухода за несъемными constructions that are installed on the front and chewing teeth, it should be carried out in the same way as is done for healthy teeth. It is recommended to adhere to the basic rules of oral hygiene, as well as to visit the dentist's office twice a year and carry out the cleaning procedure at a professional level.
Prosthetic Care Products
Of the specific means can be noted variouspastes and rinses. Also applied irrigator. Doctors strongly recommend the use of this device and those people who do not have any prostheses.
Prices for fixed structures
Prices for fixed models of prostheses vary independing on the amount of restoration work required, the material used to manufacture the prosthesis, and the degree of complexity of its installation. The average price of a ceramic tab is from 2,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the category of the clinic. In addition, it is necessary to add the cost of tooth treatment. Installing any tab model requires careful handling of the oral cavity.
Что касается стоимости виниров, то здесь restoration of one tooth on average costs the patient from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles in dental clinics of the budget and premium class, respectively. Innovative models of solid ceramic crowns with the manufacture and installation will cost from 18,000 to 50,000 in blades of various price segments. In the case of implants, the price of the implantation procedure should be added to the cost of the crown. In Moscow, it will cost 30,000 rubles in clinics of the economy class and 80,000 rubles in the premium segment.
Reviews of fixed prosthetics
Prosthetics with fixed prostheses in many patients helped to solve problems with the oral cavity.
There was a case of a patient who had a lifetimethere were unhealthy teeth. When visiting the dentist, the doctor advised her to install a metal-ceramic bridge, which includes four teeth. Two weeks later, the prosthesis was ready. Getting used to it went very easily. Metal did not cause any allergies. The color of artificial teeth turned out to be identical to the natural shade.
For a patient who installed a pair of metal-ceramic bridges, the result exceeded all expectations. The design made it possible to chew any food.
Many patients note high functionality of metal-ceramic inlays. They long retain their original appearance and look better than the seal.
What can be said about the implantation of teeth? How are such fixed dentures for teeth evaluated by patients? Reviews show that they are given the mostpreference. According to patients, the implantation procedure does not cause any inconvenience, and the healing of the gums is faster than expected. The implant gets acclimated quickly and completely performs the function of a healthy tooth.