/ What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? What are the symptoms for HIV, AIDS?

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? What are the symptoms for HIV, AIDS?

Many people do not know how HIV differs from AIDS.And if someone says that this, in principle, is one and the same, he will be fundamentally wrong. The difference between these terms is enormous. And besides, there is a temporary gap between HIV and AIDS in at least 10 years of life. If you successfully treat the virus itself, immunodeficiency syndrome can be avoided.


than vich differs from AIDS

To understand how HIV differs fromAIDS, it is necessary to know what both of these terms mean. HIV is a virus that causes a deficit of human immunity, and AIDS is its consequence. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? Syndrome is characterized by the presence of too weak immunity. Unfortunately, so far, HIV can not be destroyed. He remains forever in the human body and occasionally reminds himself of himself. One of the manifestations is immunodeficiency syndrome. This is the most dangerous condition that can lead to the death of a person. With HIV, you can live a very long time, build a family and even give birth to a healthy child. But with AIDS, the chances of a favorable outcome are diminishing. The immunodeficiency syndrome can knock a person off their feet, deprive them of all the joys of life and the ability to exist. The consequences are really irreversible. However, if you turn to doctors in time, you can delay the development of the disease.

The appearance of HIV in the human body

Since the moment the virus entersthe human body, begins a long struggle of immunity with infection. It is worth noting that immunodeficiency appears not immediately, gradually, and develops most often unnoticed - both for the infected and for those people that surround it. Only special tests can show how the body resists the virus that has penetrated into its organism and whether it is necessary to start treatment. HIV enters through the bloodstream and begins to attack T-lymphocytes, which try to resist it and destroy the infection. The cell and the virus merge, and HIV naturally enters it, suppresses all its positive properties and starts to control it. So billions of cells, trying to save the human body, allow the virus to enter its interior and allow the infection to develop.

than vich infection differs from AIDS

Onset of disease

Every person is obliged to know the symptomsto recognize HIV, AIDS, so that we can start treatment as soon as possible. Everything starts from the incubation period - this is the first stage. It is characterized by either asymptomatic leakage, or acute signs that are similar to those that occur in human flu. At this stage, it is difficult to detect the presence of HIV in the body, since antibodies are not yet produced. But then comes the second stage - the reaction of the immune system, and they begin to appear. Infection in this period is already determined.

on what symptoms to recognize HIV AIDS

Manifestation of a disease

Immunity tries to overcome the disease, sopossibly a fever and the manifestation of any other symptoms of different viral diseases. The third period is traditionally asymptomatic. It can last from 5 to 15 years. Then there is an increase in the lymph nodes, and then the symptomatic stage at which AIDS begins to develop. Then the body is not able to resist disease. There are ailments of an oncological nature, viral or fungal.

So, we told not only about what symptoms of HIV can occur, but also how HIV differs from AIDS. Everything is very simple. AIDS is the final stage of infection.

 than differs vich from spida and whether it is treated whether vich

Preventive measures

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure either HIV or AIDS.We hope that this is only for the time being. Questions about how HIV differs from AIDS and whether HIV is treated worries all of humanity. This is really a terrible attack, because of which our world prematurely left millions of people. And the overwhelming majority got infected not through their own fault. Sometimes, due to a terrible combination of circumstances, people have to find out how HIV differs from AIDS, take tests, wait for results with anguish, try to reconcile with them and continue living, gathering strength.

However, as was said, the virus can be completelyfully exist if you follow preventive measures. The radical method is mental defense. But it is not subordinate to everyone. Still it is necessary to maintain their immunity, that is, to undergo preventive therapy (if the infected woman is pregnant), observe hygiene and, of course, carry out treatment. This is not cheap, but it turns out to delay the onset of AIDS and prolong your life. There are also some other methods. But the most important thing is that twice a year (at least) you should be examined at the doctor's office to monitor the development of the disease.

how does HIV infection differ from aids prevention treatment and risks

Life goes on

Everyone wants to know about what is differentHIV infection from AIDS. Prevention, treatment, and risks are things that should be explored. And, undoubtedly, if there is a suspicion of a virus, it is necessary to be examined. The earlier the better. Many people, having learned that they are infected, give up. The desire to live disappears, an obsessive idea appears to personally interrupt its existence. Of course it's hard. Not everyone can become conscious of being infected with a deadly disease. Not everyone is able to accept it. But you need to try. It is worth remembering that with proper treatment and giving up bad habits, you can almost build a full life. Many people living with HIV live longer than those who are not infected with this virus.