/ / Generic - what is it. Generics: table

Generic - what is it? Generics: table

Do not save on your health, but the prices fordrugs make it do it. Almost everyone who has recently been in pharmacies was unpleasantly surprised by the increase in prices for all drugs. Alas, keeping track of pharmaceutical companies is difficult, so everyone puts a price that is beneficial for him.

But for many years in pharmacies, you can find a generic drug. What it is, how this tool is better or worse than the original one and how to choose the right one should deal with everything in order.

Generic what is it

Analogs or copies?

Heal now expensive, so somepharmaceutical companies overcharge, while others offer cheaper products. Many ask pharmacists, buying a generic, what it is. Most often they answer with a simple phrase - a cheaper equivalent. But why is it cheaper and does it affect the quality, even the sellers themselves do not always know. Moreover, they cannot answer the simple question of whether these drugs are safe.

Generics on the shelves of our pharmacies appear afterhow the creator of the medicinal product expires the patent for its production. For example, today we are creating a unique medicine for headaches. The person who invented it keeps the formulation secret and releases the drug himself, or sells the rights to use it to someone else. And after 20 years the patent will end and the formulation of this medicine will be available to everyone. Then generics will appear - the same means with a simplified composition.

In generics and original drugs activethe substance is the same, but the impurities may differ. It takes years of research and testing to create any medicine, because of which their inventors put a large mark up. And generic manufacturers already know how the active substance acts on the body, so they simply partially copy the original formulation.

Generics table

Are generic pills safe?

Definitely no one can answer about all drugs. It would seem that if the recipe is the same, then surely the action is the same? This is where the deception from the manufacturers begins.

Generics are not an exact copy of the original.drug. The creator of the drug knowingly added to the composition in addition to the active substance, and more. Often, even a small feature in production can significantly affect the safety and efficacy of the drug. And the creators of generics are usually looking for cheaper raw materials for their products, and not always they have the opportunity to use the same technology in production. It's like cooking: having a recipe for “gourmet” dishes, not everyone will be able to repeat it due to lack of experience, the lack of expensive quality ingredients and inattention.

Generics more than many people think

Not all manufacturers indicate in the name of the drug that it is analogous to any. Therefore, the product with the prefix "generic" is very small, and often it is not even indicated in the instructions.

Usually, the original drug will have a namedepend on the active ingredient in the composition. And generics (with the exception of a few) are called trade names, which are often not related to the composition. This allows manufacturers to mislead buyers by offering them a new drug with an old composition.

Teraflu generic

Do they control production?

Of course, before any medicinalthe drug goes to the pharmacy, it is checked for effectiveness many times. According to the legislation of Russia, all new tools check for bioequivalence. Thus, we do not get those drugs that have minimal efficacy.

However, there is no service that is more detailed.Generic checks - what it is and how it affects different people is not studied. Similarly, the equipment used to produce tablets, ointments, drops, etc., is not particularly checked.

But manufacturers really try, soToday in the world more than 50% of the most sought-after drugs are generics. They are especially popular in the treatment of erection dysfunctions, since the price of original drugs is much higher.

Pros and cons of this choice

The main advantage of generics is low price. It is achieved either by replacing minor substances with others, or by simplifying the production process.

The effectiveness of the drugs is checked, so you will not get a placebo at a lower price. And it will help you find the right generic drugs list, which is partially given in this article.

But the downside is that not all drugs workas strong as the originals. In addition, due to the absence of long and thorough clinical studies, there is no 100% guarantee that the generic does not cause allergic reactions.

Generic drug list

Generics "Viagra", "Levitra" and "Cialis"

The three most popular drugs in the field of male health problems are known to many. First of all, everyone is interested in "Viagra", as today it is a drug on hearing.

Not many understand that any means thatsupport men's health, have a number of contraindications. And while the original drugs were expensive, before their purchase, patients almost always consulted a doctor. So, they are contraindicated in the heart, people under 18 years old, those who have a curvature of the penis and many more. And since cheap analogs appeared, the treatment of sexual dysfunction has become more accessible, and therefore, doctors are treated less often.

It doesn’t matter which generics (Cialis,"Viagra" or Levitra "), you need to understand that they may have even more contraindications than the original drug. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility that the new manufacturer made the best medicine than the original, but this is rather an exception to the rules .

In general, when using any drugs forImprovements in sex life need to be understood that their main component (sildenafil in Viagra, tadalafil in Cialis and vardenafil in Levitra) affects blood flow to the genitals. That is, if the problem in the intimate plan is connected precisely with insufficient blood supply, the drugs will help, but in other cases they will be ineffective. It does not matter, the drug "Levitra" (generic), "Cialis" or "Viagra software" you purchased - their active components, roughly speaking, increase the pressure, due to which they work.

Generic viagra, levitra and cialis

Generics for the treatment of viral and colds

The most popular ailments today offer to treatin many ways - both pharmaceutical and popular. And, of course, in this area has not been without analogue drugs. If you want to know about all the generics, the list of drugs in the table below.

Many came to the pharmacy interested inpharmacist, is there any drug cheaper than what the doctor prescribed. And sometimes the doctor himself was asked to immediately write the name of the cheapest medicine. It is in this area today that there is a huge amount of funds in different price categories, which are generics.

К примеру, "Терафлю" дженерик.The drug itself was actively advertised on TV and surely many were convinced of its effectiveness. It really quite quickly removes many of the symptoms of cold and flu, and is simply irreplaceable if there is no time to get sick. The active ingredient of the drug "Teraflu" is paracetamol, but in addition there are vitamin C and antiallergic drugs. Yes, and the form of the drug (powder) significantly accelerates the effect of the drug. So, if the main task to bring down the temperature - you can replace “Theraflu” with ordinary paracetamol (a difference of 200 rubles), and if you need a generic, then Influnorm (a difference of 100 rubles) will do. The latter will not have certain substances in the composition, perhaps more contraindications, so before you are “taken” to a lower price, read the instructions for the drug “Theraflu” generic.

Analogues of drugs in Russia

You need to know a lot about generic drugs:what is it, what is the difference between it and the original, what are the contraindications. Some of this information can be found in the instructions for the drug, some - ask your pharmacist or doctor.

Pharmacies sell different generics, a table of these drugs will help you choose the most profitable option. But remember: not all analogues are equally useful.

Generic cialis viagra

Rules for buying generics

  • It is better to ask the doctor to prescribe you a cheaper analogue of the drug than to choose it at the pharmacy yourself.
  • Preparations with a complex composition and a large number of active substances are not worth replacing with cheap analogues.
  • In the same way as in the originaldrugs, the composition of generics can include those components that do not affect the effectiveness of the drug - for example, dyes or flavors. Therefore, even drug analogues can cost differently.
  • Always consult a pharmacist before purchasing.

Levitra generic Cialis

  • Do not try to look for generics for antibiotics -the table does not help. These types of drugs have a complex composition and active action, so even if there is some kind of analogue, there are very high chances that it has more side effects.
  • There are drugs analogues that are inferior in effectiveness to the original. Therefore, in fact, you have to take them twice as much, and accordingly, spend more money.
  • Never prescribe a treatment yourself!