/ / "Sumamed" and alcohol: compatibility

"Sumamed" and alcohol: compatibility

The use of any medicines is notrecommended with simultaneous use of alcohol. Despite this, many patients manage to miss a glass or two during the therapy. Than it threatens? The answer to this question depends on the general condition of the patient and the drugs that he is taking. Today's article will tell you whether it is possible to take Sumamed medication and alcohol at the same time. You will learn about the consequences of such therapy and find out what doctors think about it.

sumamed and alcohol

What is Sumamed? Preliminary description of the medicinal product

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions.It has antibacterial action, which has a wide spectrum. The active substance of the drug is azithromycin. The content of the component in the medicine can be different: from 125 to 1000 milligrams. The dose for a particular person is selected in accordance with his disease.

Getting into the patient's body, medicinebinds to bacteria that are outside the cells and inside them. The drug blocks further reproduction of pathogenic flora, has a bactericidal effect. It is worth noting that this drug can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. However, doctors do not advise using it on their own. Such therapy does not always turn out to be correct, you will only harm yourself with the wrong treatment.

Sumamed and alcohol: compatibility

Is it possible to combine this drug with ethanol? To answer this question, refer to the annotation.

The instructions say that the drugcontraindicated in renal and hepatic insufficiency. It can be concluded that the medicine negatively affects these organs. Ethanol works in exactly the same way. If you combine "Sumamed" and alcohol, the toxic effect will only increase. Also in the section "Special instructions" it is said that ethanol slows the absorption of the drug. This indicates that the drug will not be as effective as without the use of alcohol-containing products. You are still wondering whether to combine Sumamed and alcohol or not? Then we understand further.

sumamed and alcohol compatibility

Can I drink alcohol in pathologies that treat an antibiotic?

According to the instructions, do not combineantibiotic "Sumamed" and alcohol. The compatibility of these substances is zero. This statement once again confirms the indications for the use of the drug. Tablets based on azithromycin are prescribed for inflammatory infectious diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract (such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and so on). All these pathologies are accompanied by intoxication, headache, drowsiness and weakness. Few people will want to drink alcohol at such a symptomatology.

Antibiotic "Sumamed" is used in urogenitalinfections that are accompanied by pain and cuts during urination, burning in the genital area and other unpleasant symptoms. Alcohol only worsens well-being, as it has a diuretic effect, prompts for sexual intercourse (which can be prohibited for the duration of therapy).

A drug is prescribed for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis,and diseases of the digestive sphere, which are caused by Helicobacter bacteria. Ethanol will aggravate the course of such diseases, since it inevitably destroys the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea, pain, and inflammation.

sumamed you can drink alcohol

What is fraught with the use of the drug simultaneously with ethanol?

It is known that Sumamed and alcohol are incompatible.But still many patients do not settle for it. They are interested in what can happen after drinking spirituous drinks and simultaneously taking an antibiotic:

  • The medicine will be ineffective.Ethanol destroys the effect of the drug, resulting in the existing microorganisms acquire resistance. You are wasting your time and money for treatment, an antibiotic in this combination will not help. In the future, you will have to use stronger and more expensive medicines.
  • The manifestation of side effects is increasing.In people who simultaneously take "Sumamed" and alcohol, negative reactions manifest themselves more often. These are headaches, intoxication, weakness, disruption of the CNS and digestive organs. There is an allergy.
  • Disulfiram-like reactions may occur.This effect often appears after a combination of ethanol and antibiotics. The patient begins vomiting, panic attack. In difficult situations, a coma develops. Even death is possible.

through how much you can drink alcohol after sumamed

Through how much you can drink alcohol after "Sumamed"?

Any sane person after the given reasons will refuse a shot in favor of an antibiotic. But if the feast is still planned, in addition, you have already finished taking Sumamed, can you drink alcohol?

This drug has a prolonged effect.The therapeutic effect of its use is observed for another 4-7 days after the use of the last dose. It turns out that alcohol can be drunk only a week after the completion of the course.

sumamed is it possible to drink alcohol

Recommendations and feedback

Doctors strongly do not recommend takingalcohol simultaneously with the drug "Sumamed". You can drink alcohol only after the completion of treatment and confirmation of recovery. There is evidence that ethanol reduces the body's immune defenses by destroying white corpuscles. The antibiotic also helps to eliminate the correct microflora. Therefore, after therapy, it takes time to recover. Give up alcohol for at least a couple of weeks.

Consumers have a different opinion.Many patients believe that nothing terrible from such a combination will not occur. They boldly drink alcohol during treatment. Than it threatens - you already know. If you are assured that nothing will happen, then you should not believe it. Perhaps, the person was just lucky that he did not develop serious consequences. Negative influence on organs and systems can be inconspicuous. Often a combination of antibiotics and alcohol is compared to a time bomb. Think several times before drinking during treatment. Be healthy!