/ / The mechanism of society management in a country. The role of governance in society. Economics and Management

The mechanism of managing society in a country. The role of governance in society. Economics and Management

Functioning and formation, as well as the role ofManagement as a specific structure is determined by its essence. There are several elements in its composition. Before you name them, it should be said that the management system is a form of implementing the development and interaction of regulatory relations. They are expressed first of all in principles and laws, goals, functions, methods, structure and the process itself. The structure includes frames, objects and other elements. The mechanism of public management is considered one of the main instruments for regulating social relations. What is this element?

control system

general information

The mechanism of management of a society in any countryis, above all, a necessity related to the achievement of development goals and the implementation of one of the directions of domestic policy. This element is formed and changed purposefully with the participation of people regulating a complex of forms, methods, functions, incentives and levers. This is necessary mainly to achieve the most effective regulatory structure in specific historical conditions. This is the main role of government in society.

The qualitative level of this component of the structureregulation of relations, the degree of its perfection, as well as compliance with the basic requirements depend first of all on the professionalism and the level of staff training, their skills and ability to identify and give an objective assessment of the most significant components and relationships, the features of manifestation and the consequences of the development of the detected trends.

mechanism of management of a society in a country


The mechanism of management of a society in any countryincludes several fundamental links: common functions, principles, methods and goals. The society, being a multipurpose complex system, requires ensuring the clear interaction of all subsystems and the solution of the assigned tasks. Considering the state administration and society from this position, several components that form the regulatory lever are singled out. In particular, they include socio-cultural, organizational elements.

At the same time, the level ofwhich interacts economics and management. In this regard, the corresponding element is also present in the control lever. According to a number of experts, it is the economic component that provides, in many respects, the effectiveness of the process. However, the achievement of the tasks set and the development of the social structure are ensured by a combination of elements.

social management mechanism

Definition of objects and subjects

Social structures are simultaneouslyobject and subject of management. This fact makes it necessary to consider these two components under conditions of constant interaction with each other - as a controlled and control elements. The subject (the second component) is a part of the object. Dimensions and boundaries of the first are closely related to the features and scales of the second. This causes the fact that the activity of the control structures is determined mainly by the properties of the controlled element.

In the most general form, management objects should beto refer human labor and man. In a broad sense, these are communities and large groups of people (industry, region, enterprise). As objects, specific functions can also act, for example, country management, finance, sales, personnel, and so on.

Types of objects

There are three categories.They include production facilities. This type includes the elements that make up the organizational management of social production. The second kind is structural objects. They represent the links of the entire management system. And the third kind are functional objects. They are distinguished by a special management mechanism. As a result, the generalized form of the regulatory object is a complex of human activities, isolated from the social environment or as a special function for which a special regulatory lever is needed, or as a link in the structure.

organizational management

Forming objects

The beginning of the formation of these components coincides withtheir organizational allocation as the main structure-forming elements of the social structure. For example, such a link may be a manufacturing enterprise. It is in some way the initial, starting point of reference levels in both the macro-system of economic management, and in the microstructure of regulation of activities within the enterprise itself. Such a component is the basis for the formation of production facilities for regulating different scales - the region, the industry, and the overall national economy.

Public administration and society arestructures that are constantly interacting with each other. The selection of production objects underlies the creation of a regulatory structure, where each link is also a structural element (object). These components differ in labor intensity and functions. As a result, one or another management institution is formed. The education and development of all these components underlie the continuous improvement of the structure of social regulation.

Factors affecting the formation of regulatory objects

There are several aspects that have the greatestvalue in the process in question. These include, in particular, technical, technological, social, organizational and economic factors. Aspects that reflect the requirements of objective principles and laws of social development have a dialectical relationship.

Institute of Management

Object as a mechanism for managing society inany country is formed as a result of certain forms of combinations of territorial and sectoral regulation on the basis of the level of decentralization or centralization. Formation factors of one or another object affect the internal structure, scale, general status, social status, and so on.

Primary Management Institute

What is today the main subjectregulation? Without a doubt, this state. Although, meanwhile, there has recently been a tendency to delegate to them a number of their functions (regulatory, organizational, rule-making, and others) to other subjects. Defining the state as a managing component, it should be said that this structure involves the unification of interrelated organizations, institutions that regulate the relations and activities of people, nations, classes, groups.

Modern understanding of the structure of the main control lever

In the scientific literature today under the statemanagement usually implies a regulatory and organizing, practical influence of a given subject on the vital activity of people, based on the power of power. The purpose of this impact is to preserve, streamline or transform the position of citizens. Objectively, the need for state power regulation is determined by several factors. First of all, these are general socio-political and historical background. In addition, there are important value and specific factors characteristic of a particular society.

Prerequisites for the emergence of power regulation

The mechanism of social control in any countrydevelops for the structured maintenance of the functioning of the branches of human activity. In addition, thanks to the activity of regulating levers, conditions are created for the survival of human communities. The factors that ensure this, in particular, include new forms of labor activity, the managerial function, which includes initially serving the public in the information plan (in particular, collecting various information about work, etc.).

government and society

Gradually, a layer of people emerged from societythe main occupation of which was the regulation of relations within the civil society. As a result, many positions and posts were formed: military leaders, work supervisors, accountants and others. This layer constituted an early bureaucracy. In the course of development, the stratification of society became increasingly apparent, which often led to the seizure of power by one group or another and the adaptation of society to its own interests.

Separation of society with characteristicformed groups and layers of conflicting relationships and conflicting interests led to the need to create a political function to regulate social contradictions and relationships. Due to the fact that the state apparatus was seized by the privileged strata, the regulation function ensured mainly the domination of these groups over the rest.

Tasks of the main control lever

To ensure focused managementinteractions between different groups of the population, it was necessary to create certain rules of behavior of citizens and form vital forms of productive human activity. It was the installation and maintenance of conditions for the normal existence of all strata of society that were the main tasks of the state. Among other things, the power structures should ensure the protection of the living space of the developing population.

Modern views

It should be noted that over timeThe above factors are absolutely not lost their relevance. On the contrary, the complex of initial tasks, the solution of which should be carried out with the help of levers of power, has become significantly more complicated. Changes that occur in the modern world in the field of technology, science, information technology, put the problem of human security to the fore.

the role of government in society

Today the need for statemanagement is determined by the need to ensure the implementation of domestic policies, which are aimed at the most effective use of labor, material, natural, information resources. The main tasks of the function of power regulation in the modern state also include a fair distribution of profits, guaranteeing the main social rights and maintaining order. To ensure favorable conditions, it is necessary to create and implement government programs. Thanks to them, a minimum standard of living or education or vocational training should be provided.


It should be noted that the question of the rolestate apparatus in the processes of management and modernization of society is the most urgent problem for the social sciences and humanities. Confirmation of this can be found at least in the fact that there is a sufficiently large number of points of view on this question. The modern rapidly changing world makes us look for ways to adapt to its changes. In this context, the state acts as the most effective lever of regulation, capable in the shortest possible time to mobilize resources and make technological and economic breakthroughs.

Social stability is ensuredin the presence of a well-thought-out strategy for changing the existing management structures with a gradual, coherent implementation of more perfect ones in their place. Objectively, the significance of the rational structure of the state apparatus is especially clearly manifested during transition periods, when the old political scheme is replaced with a new one.