/ / What is a public hearing?

What is a public hearing?

public hearings

Public hearings are a process of discussiondraft municipal regulations on local issues with the participation of members of urban society. They are conducted in accordance with the Basic Law of the Russian Federation, the city charter, the current legislation. The results of the discussions are of a recommendatory nature.

Public hearings. Principles of holding

Discussions are conducted in accordance withvoluntary, free and equal will. Public hearings are conducted publicly. Each member of the urban community has the right to know about the place, time and day of discussions, as well as the issues brought to them.

Subjects of public hearings

For discussion, projectsCharter of the city, the decision of the City Duma on making changes or additions to it. At public hearings, questions are raised about plans for the appointment of the city's budgets and their implementation. Projects of programs for the development of the city, land use and development rules, planning of the territory, land surveying, as well as issues of granting permission for conventionally permissible use of capital construction objects and land are being submitted for discussion. At the hearings the problems of the transformation of the municipal entity, other drafts of normative acts of local significance are discussed.

public hearings are

Assign Discussions

Public hearings can be initiatedmembers of urban society, the mayor of the city or representatives of the Duma. In the latter case, discussions are carried out on the drafts of the Charter, questions on making additions or changes to it. The mayor of the city initiates public hearings on the discussion of the budget, the report on its implementation and the projects of programs and plans for the development of the city. The city's Duma appoints meetings on its own initiative or at the will of members of the city's society. The mayor decides to hold the discussions independently.

Public hearings initiated by community members

public hearings

With a proposal to hold discussions,a group of not less than one hundred people, each of whom has the right to vote. The initiators submit to the city Duma a statement indicating the draft of the municipal normative act, as well as the name, patronymic, surname, phone number, address of the authorized representative participating in the discussion of the application in question. A list of participants of the group, the minutes of the meeting, on which a decision was taken to nominate the question of holding discussions and appointing a representative, is also provided. All documents must be signed by the secretary and the chairperson of the group meeting.

The order of consideration of applications and the decision to hold public hearings

Consideration of proposals to conductdiscussions on the submitted issues are held at the planned meeting of the City Duma in accordance with the established rules. The representative of the group of initiators has the right to speak at the meeting to justify the need for public hearings. In accordance with the results of the consideration of applications, a decision is made on the appointment of discussions or on the rejection of the application specifying the reasons.