/ / Railway troops: war on rails

Railway troops: war on rails

Railway troops - a specialized genustroops, which is a structural part of the Ground Forces and intended for the construction, rehabilitation and cover of railways in a real combat situation. In any war, the value of this kind of troops is difficult to overestimate. After all, railways are the blood vessels of war. With the help of railway transport, troops are redeployed, reserves, weapons and military equipment, ammunition and foodstuffs are brought to the front line. The success of major military campaigns and full-scale wars largely depends on the functioning of this type of transport.

Railway troops

Железнодорожные войска Российской Федерации своей history is inextricably linked with the history of the state itself. The contribution of servicemen of this kind of troops to the strengthening of defense power and the development of the infrastructure of the railway transport of Russia is truly enormous. Railway troops took part in all armed conflicts and major wars that fell to the country.

The most important role of the military railroad played inyears of the Second World War. Practically from the first day of the war, the Railway Troops carried out the tasks of guarding the lines of communication from the raids of German aviation and providing technical support for their uninterrupted work. And after the start of the global counter-offensive, our troops immediately began to restore the destroyed infrastructure.

RF Railway Troops

Total for the wartime railway troopsThey restored and built about 120 thousand kilometers of main, peripheral and station tracks, more than 15 thousand structures, which made it possible to provide military traffic volumes unprecedented in the history of wars, which amounted to about 20 million cars. For the same period, the engineers of this type of troops defused more than 2 million mines and unexploded aerial bombs. The glorious deeds of the military railway workers significantly brought the hour of the Great Victory closer.

Today, the Russian railway troops are engagedtechnical cover, restoration, demining, barricade of sections and objects of railway infrastructure, as well as solve a number of other equally important tasks. Especially important is the mission of the railway soldiers in the aspect of activization of terrorism on the territory of Russia, including in the railway transport.

Railway troops of the Russian Federation

In modern conditions this branch of the army performsnot only tasks of a military-tactical nature, but also civilian missions of extraordinary importance for the national economy of the country. In this military railway helps the most advanced special-purpose equipment. For example, lifting and straightening and straightening-straightening machines, flat lifting frame-screw supports and many other specialized mechanisms.

Technical capabilities, mobility andThe autonomy of the railway units was clearly demonstrated during the implementation of the humanitarian mission in the Abkhaz Republic. Ground technical intelligence revealed the catastrophic state of one of the sections of the railway, which is of fundamental importance for the economy of Abkhazia. In record time, the military railway workers restored the message on the fifty-kilometer stretch of Veseloe - Ochamchira. The timely repair of the railways not only revived the economy of the young independent republic, but also ensured the safe movement of military echelons during the operation to force Georgia to sign a peace treaty.