/ / State benefits to citizens with children. Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995

State benefits to citizens with children. Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995

Today we will be interested in the stateallowance to citizens with children, and other payments due for replenishment in the family as well. These are very important points. After all, the state must somehow support the population. Already recognized that in the country below the poverty line are mainly families in which there are at least 2 minor children. And from this situation, you must somehow get out. What can parents expect in Russia in one way or another? On state payments says the Federal Law №81 from 19.05.1995. And not only he. So what should parents do in this or that case? What support should they expect?

state allowance to citizens with children

Early registration

Types of state benefits to citizens withchildren are diverse. The first, though not the most significant, payment is monetary compensation for early registration. Both working and non-working citizens can apply for it. The basic rule for receiving a payment is to go to a medical institution for registration up to 3 months after the beginning of a pregnancy. After this period, the setting will not be considered early.

How much can you get in this case?Not too much. From 2016, mothers who have given birth to a baby (important: money is given only after delivery!) 576 rubles 83 kopecks will be received for early registration. No more, no less. It doesn't matter if you worked before or not. This compensation is established at the legislative level in fixed amounts.

Pregnancy allowance

That's not all.In addition to early registration, there is also an assigned state allowance to citizens with children, which is called "maternity". Working citizens can apply for it. Please note that you must perform your job duties at one specific company for two years.

How much can you get from the state assimilar support? Much depends on your earnings (official). It takes into account 100% of the salary that you have received on average over the past two years. It is necessary to apply for payment in the accounting department to your employer.

Non-working citizens do not receive maternity and pregnancy benefits. In general, those who are not officially employed are entitled to fewer benefits. It is worth paying attention to it.

One-time payment for delivery

Another type of incentive for families in whichrecently born baby, is a lump sum payment for the birth of a child. All paid once per minor. It doesn't matter if the mother worked or not. And the amount of payment does not depend on the number of children. That is, the allowance for the first child, the second and subsequent children will be issued in the same monetary amounts.

first child allowance

Currently lump sum paymentmakes 15 512 rubles and 65 kopecks. It is necessary to apply for it either to the employer or to the social security fund. On the registration of this payment you will have only half a year since the birth of the newborn. Further, parents lose the opportunity to receive this benefit.

For military wives

The wives of the military also did not go unheeded.If their husbands served their conscription during the late pregnancy of their wives, you can count on financial assistance from the state. Important: The obstetric term for an “interesting provision” must be at least 180 days. Only under such circumstances can you contact the relevant authorities for money.

How much can you get this way?This state allowance to citizens with children is paid at a time in the amount of 24,565 rubles 89 kopecks. You should not confuse it with a lump-sum maternity allowance - a woman can also receive it after she gives birth to a baby.

Up to a year and a half

Law on Allowances of the Federal Law No. 81 of May 19, 1995provides material support to citizens who care for the newborn. True, up to one and a half years. Under such circumstances, it is possible to receive certain funds within a specified period. Their size depends on whether the citizen (not necessarily the mother) worked during the last two years, as well as on the salary for the specified period of time. The number of children also plays a certain role.

If the mother (or other person amongRelatives who will care for the baby under 1.5 years old) did not work, you can only count on small payments in fixed amounts. True, Russia provides for the indexation of this material support.


Relative, caring for the baby, monthlyreceives 40% of the average for 24 months of salary - this is if at the time of the appearance of a new family member a person was working. But a non-working citizen can only count, as has been said, for relatively small amounts. On the first baby is paid 2 908 rubles 62 kopecks. But the benefit for the second child up to 1.5 years will amount to 5,817.24 rubles. For subsequent children paid a similar amount.

Payments up to the age of three

Rarely leaves kids a year and a half forto go back to work. Therefore, the state has provided a small allowance for a child up to 3 years. It is of little interest to anyone due to the meager dimensions. Now many are talking about how to increase this financial assistance to parents.

How much will the caregiver get inperiod from 1.5 to 3 years? Only 50 rubles. As many parents say, there is no point in processing this compensation. After all, paperwork, which is accompanied by a process, brings more minuses than advantages in the end. But remember that child support for children up to 3 years old still takes place. If you wish, you can get it. Paid on a monthly basis at a specified time period.

The exceptions are benefits that shouldissued to military service wives. They get really decent support. In 2016, such persons received 10,528 rubles and 24 kopecks per month. However, only the period in which the father of the baby served in conscription is taken into account.

What is maternal capital

There is another type of support for families withminors. But this is not a state benefit for citizens with children. We are talking about the so-called maternal capital. Issued to families in which born from two children, and at the time of paperwork they are all minors. This monetary assistance can be spent either on the treatment of a child for whom compensation is given, or on his education. But you can also spend capital on improving housing conditions. The last option is most common in Russia.

child support up to 3 years

The size of matkapital does not depend on the number of children.Please note that this is a one-time benefit. Once and for all, is paid absolutely on all minors. In other words, if at the birth of your second child you issued this assistance, after the appearance of the third baby, the matkapital is not issued.

How much can you get?In 2016, the parents were given the same amount as in 2015. Namely - 453 thousand 26 rubles. Indexing this payment is being discussed. It is enough to collect a certain list of documents and obtain a certificate for the parent capital. This is not so difficult as it seems.

One parent

In Russia, an additionalmaterial support if the parent alone brings up the baby. Often, such cases apply to children who are disabled. If we are talking about this situation, then the compensation for the disability of the child is up to 23 years. Can count on her single mother.

What can you hope for?The basic amount of material support is 6,000 rubles. A similar amount is the allowance for a child under 18 years old who is disabled in groups 1 or 2. Only one parent must take care of him. Otherwise, you can not hope for payments to parents. Only a disabled person will receive a pension in connection with their special status.

Help for large families

What else should you pay attention to?Mother of many children has the right to receive additional cash. They are paid not from the employer, but from the state fund. What should be families who are considered to have many children? First you need to understand that this status is given to those who have from three or more minor children. The rest of the families are considered ordinary.

child support up to 18 years

As a rule, you can count ongovernment support. A mother of many children may receive certain benefits. The same applies to families in which more than two minors. It does not matter adopted or relatives.

What benefits rely?First, 30% of the cost of kindergarten and utility payments. Secondly, in general educational institutions such meals are offered free lunches. Medical medicines up to the 6th anniversary of children are also laid. In some cases, you can even get a school uniform for free!

О денежных средствах тоже не стоит забывать.With large families, there is a benefit for a child under 18 (or under 16). This is a regional monthly payment, which is different in each region. On average, up to 16 (or 18) years of large families are entitled to receive 600 rubles. Somewhere this compensation is less, somewhere more. It is usually paid as long as the child is studying in general education institutions and has not reached the age of majority.

Regional help for children

However, this is not all.Allowance for the first child, as well as for subsequent children, may be additionally assigned not only at the state, but also at the regional level. Of course, its size will also depend on your region of residence.

Можно получить региональное пособие семьям с children. This is a one-time monetary assistance, usually it is paid for each baby born. On average, its size ranges from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. Specify the features in the local administration.

There are gubernatorial payments.They, as well as regional, depend on your region of residence. And paid at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation from the governor. Are one-time in nature, put on each child. For example, in Kaliningrad "governors" make up 3,500 rubles. Not too much, but not enough. Contact the administration of your subject of the Russian Federation to find out the exact amount of this cash payment.

types of state benefits for citizens with children

We make child support

What is the procedure for paying state benefits?citizens who have children? It is enough to contact the Social Support Fund of the population or your employer in order to receive this or that money. As an alternative solution - "one-stop service", or MFC. In general, for registration of benefits most often you must submit:

  • birth certificates of children;
  • passport of the parent receiving the money;
  • written application for this or that material support;
  • details of the bank account to which the payment will be made;
  • copies and originals of the workbook;
  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • statement of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (for unemployed);
  • certificate from female consultation on registration;
  • statements on average earnings for the last 2 years (for employees);
  • military card of the husband (for wives of military personnel) or another document confirming the service of a citizen;
  • an extract from the husband’s place of work that he did not receive benefits (officially not employed - a certificate confirming the absence of unemployment benefits).

Вышеперечисленные документы необходимы всегда.They help to receive financial assistance from the FSS funds. Usually, people immediately turn either to the employer in the accounting department, or in the social insurance fund. Now the popularity is gaining work MFC.

If you want to apply for a receiptmaternity capital, will have to collect a new set of documents. So, you were able to issue a child allowance. Documents for matkapitala need almost the same. Only the list is shortened several times. Now you need to submit:

  • passport of the recipient parent (and his SNILS);
  • birth certificates of all children (+ their SNILS);
  • application for matkapital;
  • certificate confirming registration of marriage.

It's all.Do not forget to make copies and attach them to the application of the established sample. The above list is submitted to the Pension Fund of your area. In exchange, you can get a special certificate for matkapital. Nothing difficult or special. The main thing is to prepare documents in advance - this will greatly facilitate your life.

child support documents

Теперь понятное, какое государственное пособие citizens with children, it is necessary in a particular case. In addition to the above assistance, you can get a tax deduction. It helps employed parents pay less tax. For the first two kids, 1,400 rubles is deducted from the amount of the salary, for the third and subsequent children - 3,000.