/ / Public office - what is it? Definition

Public office - what is it? Definition

Career choice issues interest many citizens.People want not only to earn more, but also to realize themselves, to achieve success, to earn respect in society. And the current explosion of patriotism leads to the fact that young people are striving to get into power. It is desirable for these people to understand what a public office is. This is a necessary condition in order to not get serious trouble instead of success. Let's see what is the difference between the positions of public service and other places of application of our own forces. Start with a review of the structure of power.

public office this

Why do you need a state

From the very name of the concept under considerationit follows that a number of functions that the population has delegated to the superstructure have to be performed. That is how the state is defined in science. People are going to make life easier. They give the right to lead the processes to special structures called the state. The system is currently complex and branched out.

Государственная должность – это место работы в those very structures responsible for the development of society. The purpose of the system is the same: to maintain order and possibilities for progressive transformations in all spheres of life. For this, laws and other documents are required for employees and citizens. Their texts and essence are aimed at the implementation of development programs, as they are understood by those people who take part in making important decisions.

В этом смысле государственная должность – это cog in the system affecting life in the country. The mechanism, in theory, should work perfectly, not give serious failures. Therefore, the activities of public servants are strictly regulated and controlled. These people are obliged to obey a variety of rules, including in their personal lives.

public service positions

Responsibility in public service

An important condition for the performance of duties on anywork is their understanding. With this, hardly anyone will argue. Positions in a state body are different from others in that people are responsible for the whole country. A system that generates and implements solutions has no right to make mistakes. People who know the story, well understand the consequences of oversights or failures.

The fact is that society constantly demandsstates of anything. Some have few benefits, others need opportunities, others still do not want to put up with unfair, in their opinion, rules. This is completely normal. However, the system is obliged to allow all points of stress, to negotiate with citizens. A critical mass of the disaffected can lead to the breaking of the state. And in the present conditions it means bloodshed.

It turns out that public office ishuge responsibility, including for the lives of fellow citizens. And no matter what field a person works in, he represents the entire system in his small area. Public peace depends on his decisions.

state civil positions

The concept of public office

The principal philosophical side was dismantled,Now you need to look at the bureaucratic-structural moments. The positions of civil servants are ordinary jobs that the system organizes. This is done through the formation of a number of documents. That is, the state body accepts a staffing list containing a list of positions. Each is determined by the terms of reference. On this basis, instructions are formed, the employee has no right to deviate from the performance of which.

In the public service everything is strictlyregulated, that is bureaucratic. If the instruction says, for example, that the employee is obliged to accept citizens and write protocols, then they will ask him for it. And he will not be allowed to solve other issues at the official level. Control over the activities of people representing the state is carried out in accordance with the laws and internal documents to which these instructions relate.

fill public office

Signs of public office

The system consists of bricks, they are also compared.with cogs complex mechanism. Not all people working in this huge structure are civil servants. For example, the secretary of the head. This person does not make decisions, is a technical worker. And government posts have the following features:

  1. They are part of the organizational structure.
  2. Take on part of the competence of the state.
  3. They are a rigidly fixed structural unit, documented, not dependent on the individual who occupies it.
  4. Have the right to make decisions on behalf of the state.

The job title should reflect the essence of authority. The employee who occupies it, acts strictly in accordance with the law, that is, is obliged to know him.

civil servant positions

What are government posts?

The system that organizes the activities of a huge country has many tasks and functions. She selects people to do a certain job. Therefore, public positions differ in:

  • activities;
  • scope of competence;
  • substitution methods.

In addition, they usually indicate whether she is busy oris vacant. You can replace a public office in the order of appointment or on a competitive basis. It is determined by special regulations describing a specific cell of the system. For example, the assistant federal minister is appointed, and the personnel specialist of the regional or regional administration is selected on a competitive basis.

federal government positions

State civil positions

В стране нужно организовывать эффективную работу set of services. According to the law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the establishment of posts is carried out, the remit of which includes these tasks. These jobs are divided into four categories:

  • leaders;
  • assistants;
  • two kinds of specialists.

У каждого своя компетенция.Thus, managers and their deputies are responsible for the work of institutions and their structural subdivisions of the federal level, their territorial subdivisions. Assistants or advisors contribute to the work of the first of the categories described. Specialists are professionals in some narrow field. They are engaged in the organization of work of a narrow focus in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities. To provide professionals include accountants, people leading the workflow, business executives and others.

Federal government positions

It should be noted that Russia is a biga country of many subjects. Public service is just as difficult. There are categories of workers, usually by source of funding. So, those state employees who receive money from the central budget are federal. The location of the body in which they work can be anything. However, they are subject to federal laws, as well as orders and instructions from the capital. This is a special category of employees who perform the functions of the state as a whole. In the subjects of the federation there are own employees who receive money from local budgets. These people perform the functions of the state on a “reduced scale”. That is, their competence extends only to the specific entity that created the position.

public office

Requirements for candidates for public office

The system carefully monitors its peoplethe representatives performed duties at a sufficient level. Such work is carried out at the legislative level. That is, the legal act describes who can be accepted for the position of public servant. This should be a citizen of the Russian Federation, capable, full of age and not having a criminal record. A person, accepting an appointment, undertakes to submit to rather strict restrictions. They are described in the above law (art. 17). In particular, government employees are prohibited from engaging in business, buying certain stocks, using the position to enrich themselves and receive privileges. For example, a violation of this article may consider a foreign trip at the expense of a third party. Bribery is also not allowed to take, as well as to provide paid services to interested persons, up to and including consultations of enterprises and organizations.