/ / Pre-project survey: case study, report

Pre-project survey: an example of a report

Before the construction of the building or its reconstruction are held pre-project work: survey plot or building, assessment of their condition.This allows you to determine the feasibility of the project. The analysis takes into account various factors: the type of terrain, the technical condition of the structures, soil features, the availability of communications, etc.

pre-project examination

В задачу специалистов, которым поручено conducting a pre-project survey, includes making measurements with high-precision equipment, studying all available documentation. The results obtained are compared with the parameters set by the SNiP. AT pre-project survey report The conclusions of the specialists are given, on the basis of which the conclusion is formed.


Before the start pre-project survey facility it is necessary:

  • To fix the wishes of the customer. They must be considered when performing work.
  • Collect the necessary technical documentation. It includes terrain plans, communications drawings (if any), the scheme of the surrounding buildings.
  • Make a primary view of the object. To do this, the performers go to the site and assess its external condition.
  • Agree with the customer the cost and timing of the work.

When all preparatory questions are settled, it starts directly. pre-project examination. It includes:

  • Step by step study of the object.
  • Calculations and comparison of obtained indicators with standard ones.
  • Decor pre-project inspection report.

It should be said that the use of high-precision equipment allows you to make all measurements by non-destructive method. This means that the integrity of structures will not be violated.

Procedure value

Разумеется, застройщик вправе отказаться от pre-project survey. There are quite a few examples of such cases. However, it is advisable if the customer is 100% sure of the success of the construction or reconstruction.

pre-project survey

Meanwhile, even a minor factor not taken into accountAt the preparatory stage, it can cause serious problems. As practice shows, often construction or reconstruction for a long time frozen. Drafting the project and its implementation without pre-project survey can be compared with the game of roulette. Not only financial resources can be put on the map, but also the reputation of the developer.

Quite often projects just freeze. For example, the customer refused pre-project survey, purchased materials for reconstruction.However, before work began, a defect was found in the supporting structures. Accordingly, the acquired material is unsuitable for its strength indicators for installation. A huge amount flew into the pipe, and the work was permanently frozen.

Key tasks

Pre-project examination performed for:

  • Assessment of the real technical condition of the object before modernization, reconstruction, etc.
  • Determining the level of wear structures. It depends on the validity and in some cases the legality of the subsequent operation of the structure.
  • Determining the suitability of land for the construction of a building on it.
  • Restoration of lost drawings and plans of the object, other technical documentation.
  • Making adjustments to the project, taking into account the identified circumstances.
  • Estimates of upcoming renovation costs,restoration, construction of the facility. This is necessary for the compilation of a business case for capex. As a rule, it is required if funding comes from budget money.

pre-project survey report


After performing a comprehensive study, a volume conclusion is made. Depending on the specifics of the object, its structure includes:

  • Description of the design features, plans and drawings.
  • The results of the inspection of the site under construction, assessment of the state of the foundation and soil.
  • Photos of structural defects found during the examination.
  • The results of the technical inspection of buildings with an indication of the main parameters.
  • Графические изображения выявленных дефектов с the dynamics of their intended development. For example, if a crack is found in the foundation, you can see how it will influence the condition of the structure in a few years.
  • The results of laboratory analysis of samples of materials of supporting structures.
  • Calculations for individual elements of the structure.

The list can be supplemented by the customer. For example, you can attach a photo of the general view of the structure, some interior spaces, information about the previous owners of the object, etc. to the conclusion.


It should be noted that pre-project surveys are performed, as a rule, by design organizations that have the appropriate permission.

pre-design survey

If the interested person orders onlyexamination, you have to pay for it. If the customer is set up for long-term cooperation with the company, i.e. it is assumed that its employees will draft the project, the conclusion on the results of the inspection is provided free of charge.

The validity and effectiveness of the procedure

As a rule, the failure of the customer from the pre-projectThe survey is caused by the reluctance to incur additional costs, especially since the construction or reconstruction itself requires considerable investments. Convincing developers of the need to evaluate the object is quite difficult. However, by agreeing to conduct a survey, the customer can significantly save:

  • The execution time of the main work.
  • Resources. It is not only about equipment, but also about labor.

In addition, the developer does not need to use expensive technical tools.

Timely detection of defects allowsminimize all associated risks. However, if the condition of the object is satisfactory, you can not use expensive equipment for reconstruction and repair. Accordingly, knowing the weak points of the facility, the customer can correctly distribute tasks among the workers.

Pre-project survey of enterprises in process automation

For effective implementation of the automation project, it is necessary to carefully analyze the features of the object, clarify the requirements of the customer. During pre-project inspection, according to GOST 34.601-90, a set of conditions is determined in which the operation of the system will take place:

  • Software, hardware resources.
  • External conditions
  • The scope of work and the number of people involved in management.

Кроме того, выполняется описание функций системы, constraints are defined during development (deadlines for individual stages, organizational measures and procedures aimed at ensuring the protection of information, etc.).

enterprise design survey

Purpose of analysis

At the survey stage, general and vague knowledge of the system requirements is converted to accurate. In particular, are determined:

  • Functions, system architecture, external conditions for the distribution of tasks between software and hardware.
  • Interfaces
  • Requirements for information and software elements, database, necessary resources, physical parameters of components.
  • The distribution of tasks between the system and man.

Structural analysis

The choice of research method has a significant impact on the quality of design.

При использовании структурного метода The survey begins with a general overview of the system, followed by detail. As a result, the AU acquires a hierarchical structure, the number of levels in which is constantly increasing.

pre-project inspection report

This method involves partitioning the system intosteps with the allocation of a limited number of elements on each of them. As a rule, these components are 3-7. At each level, only those parts that are essential to the system are determined. Information is considered in conjunction with the operations in which it is involved. The recording of elements is carried out according to strict formal rules, a system specification is drawn up. This allows you to get closer to the final result.


The analysis methodology is based on severalprovisions. Some of them regulate the organization of events at the initial stages of the system life cycle, others are used in the development of recommendations. The principles of decomposition and hierarchical ordering are considered basic.

The first involves the solution of complex issues of structuring sets of functional tasks. The problems that have arisen are broken down into many smaller ones that are easy for both understanding and solution.

According to the second principle, for detailedThe formalized description of these parts is determined by their internal structure. The simplicity of perception of a problem is enhanced by structuring its elements into a hierarchy. Simply put, the system is built and understood by levels, each of which adds new parts.

Automated project systems

In the field of automation of project activities inFor several years, the direction of CASE. Intensive expansion of PC applications, the constant complication of information databases, the tightening of requirements for them have led to the need for industrialization of technologies.

pre-project inspection of guests

One of the most important areas in the development of science and technology has become the development of integrated tools based on the concepts of systems management and their life cycle.

Currently there is no exact definition of CASE. The content of the concept, as a rule, is determined by the list of problems solved with its help, by a combination of means and methods.

CASE technology - a set of research methods,design, development, maintenance of an automated system. It provides for certain tools designed for system analysts, programmers, developers. With it, the design process is automated. In addition, the technology allows for pre-project inspection, structural analysis, project specification using programming tools. CASE is used in modeling business applications for solving problems related to strategic and operational planning, resource management, and development control.

Most of the funds included in the technology,based on a scientific approach. Within the framework of the methodology, guidelines are formulated for analyzing and selecting the system design, stages of work, sequence, rules for using and assigning methods.