Modern electronic reporting system SBiS ++is a single, universal system that includes all levels of reporting, preparation, verification and analysis of any workflow. With the help of this system it is possible to report with all bodies controlling the entrepreneurial process. In addition, СБиС ++ allows to exchange data between employees of the company, between various representations, departments and organizations, without fear for unauthorized use of important data.
The SBC system operates in a so-called single window.
Working with the system is as simple as possible.Everyone can deal with it. Taxpayer, selecting the appropriate agency and the required form of the report, fills in the СБиС ++ all the proposed lines. After that, the report must be sent to the signature of the EDS. The next step is to encrypt the report and send it to the telecommunications operator. The special operator already sends the report to the supervisory authority. The process is completed - confirmation from the inspection that the report has been submitted.
Consider step-by-step instructions on how tothere is a delivery of accounts, using the example of a tax return. Before proceeding with the reporting, make sure that you have chosen the right taxpayer for which you want to submit a report. Next, go to the register of the Federal Tax Service, choosing from the list you offer the month and year that is needed. In order to select a different reporting period, move the cursor and click on "Reporting for period". The next step is to create a report. By clicking the "Report" button, the system prompts you to select any reporting form from the list. As soon as the form is opened, all the information in the taxpayer's personal card will automatically be transferred to it. This is the name of the organization or IP, tax authority, CAT, TIN and other mandatory details. Filling the form does not seem complicated. All the usual fields for any accountant do not cause difficulties, since they represent an identical version of paper carriers. In this case, do not worry about whether the correct form of reporting, the system automatically makes changes before the reporting period, if there have been any changes in the accounting registers.
After all the necessarydata, a protocol is generated that will show whether there are errors in the report. To make corrections, you can click on the corresponding link, which indicates the line number. After the filling and checking procedure, you must click on the "Save and Exit" button. The final procedure is the transfer to the signature and sending the report to the supervisory authority.