/ / Embargo is a ban on the export of goods, raw materials and finance

The embargo is a ban on the export of goods, raw materials and finances

The embargo is a ban on the import or exportany product, finance or industrial technology. Such a measure can be introduced for political reasons, when they try to put pressure on the government of the country. This can be done both by a separate state, and by an international organization, for example, the UN. He often likes to impose various restrictions against unwanted countries of the United States. The embargo can be economic. The purpose of such a ban is still the same, forcing the authorities to make certain concessions. In the sphere of economy, restrictions can be used not only against countries, but also against specific structures, firms and enterprises. There are also temporary embargoes. This happens when it comes to environmental disasters, epidemics.

The embargo is
The concept of "embargo" appeared in the XVIII century, the wordis translated as a restriction. This was the official delay and confiscation by one state of ships and weapons of another state (not to be confused with piracy). Gradually, the meaning and function of this word began to change, and now the embargo is a concept used in the economy, legislation and politics.

Most often, prohibitions and restrictions are imposed frompolitical considerations. Such a kind of whip against a state. This decision is usually motivated by the best intentions. Punish for non-compliance with international norms and treaties, prevent a threat of military incursion and so on. But practice shows that most often it is an attempt to overthrow an objectionable regime, to shake the economy of the country.

trade embargo
Any embargo is a double-edged sword.The economy of the "hooligan country" will suffer unequivocally. But the country that has put the ban, will suffer as well. A historical example. At the beginning of the twentieth century, without converging on political issues, Russia imposed a trade embargo with Germany. How it all ended is known to all. The sharp decline of the Russian economy, the First World War and the revolution. The consequences of such rash actions we are clearing up to now.

One more example.The US regularly imposed restrictions and bans against developing countries. First Cuba, then Iraq, followed by Iran. But the big economic losses suffered not only these countries, but also the USSR. Until now, the Iraqi debt of several billion dollars has been outstanding.

Do not confuse the concept of embargo with anotherthe legal concept of "seizure". The first is the introduction of certain measures against the entire state or large structures. The second is the legal procedure. The seizure of property implies that this property or finances can not be used. It can not be sold, donated, and so on. The arrest can be imposed only by the court. A court of one country may arrest the property of a private person or of any state with the aim of paying off debts to a citizen of the state where it is located. But in any case, this is a private trial, and these actions do not have any relation to the international policy of the state.

The embargo is a legislative act thataccepts either the parliament of the country, or the advisory body of international associations. For example, the reduction in oil purchases from Iran by the EU countries from January 1, 2012. So the European Union supported the ban on the purchase of oil, which the US imposed.