/ / The dark side of America: the death penalty in the US

The Dark Side of America: the Death Penalty in the United States

The death penalty is one of the oldest species.penalties for human crime. This is the most severe punishment, which not only takes the life of a person who has committed a serious crime, but also causes incredible suffering from his family and friends.

To date, most countries have refusedfrom such a penalty. In international law, a ban on the use of the death penalty. This is due to the fact that the main principle of respect for human rights and freedoms is the absolute right to life.

In spite of everything, the death penalty in the USA is stillpores applied. In addition, America is among the top five countries in the world, which annually executes the largest number of death sentences. Iraq, Iran, China and Saudi Arabia are also on this list.

death penalty in usa
Today, the death penalty in the United States is legalfederal level and is applied in the criminal law of 34 states. American law provides for seventy categories of crimes for which this penalty is applied.

Несмотря на то что смертная казнь в США enshrined in the federal legislation of the country, its use is regulated in the criminal laws of each state separately. In some states it is not provided for by law, in others it exists, but in practice it is not used, in the third it is actively used. In some states, the sentenced are given to choose for themselves when and what the death penalty. In the United States in various states apply various methods of this type of punishment. Some originate from ancient times, others are more modern. But they are all terrible in their own way.

So, the types of death penalty used today in the United States are as follows:

types of death penalty in the usa
1. Electric chair

This is a special fixture, where forkilling the sentenced person is passed an electric current through his body. Theoretically, this type of death penalty is the most painless, except in cases of equipment malfunction. For the first time in the United States, it was applied in August 1890 in New York. During the 20th century, it was used in 25 states. Today it is used only in 6 - Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Nebraska.

2. Gas chamber

The killing of the condemned takes place bysudden release of poison gas into the death cell. It is one of the most cruel and inhumane types of the death penalty. After all, the gas does not kill immediately, and the person at the same time experiencing painful suffering. To date, this death penalty in the United States is used in four states: Arizona, California, North Carolina and Mississippi. Nowhere else in the world is it used.

what is the death penalty in the united states
3. Lethal injection

It consists in the introduction of the condemnedpoisonous substance solution. It is considered the most humane of the death penalty. However unreasonably painful. For this reason, lethal injections are prohibited in several US states: Florida, Ohio, New Jersey and Missouri.

4. Shooting

Killing is achieved by firearms.weapons. Sentenced, as a rule, put to the wall. Often given the choice of eye patch. Today, in the US, shooting is used as a reserve type in only two states - Oklahoma and Idaho.

5. Hanging

This type of death penalty exists in the USA today. But it practically does not apply. Only two states have legislation in place: Washington and New Hampshire.