/ / Current legal issues: inevitability of punishment, criminal statistics and measures of legal influence

Actual legal issues: the inevitability of punishment, criminal statistics and measures of legal impact

Каждый человек хоть раз, да слышал про такое concept as "inevitability of punishment". Naturally, it is connected with jurisprudence, as well as with many other concepts related to law and order. To understand this topic, you need to pay a little more attention to it.

inevitability of punishment


Such a thing as inevitability of punishment,originated in the era of ancient Rome. And his principle was quite simply and clearly formulated. Roman lawyers were sure that the effectiveness of a particular punishment lies not so much in its cruelty as in inevitability. That is, sooner or later the culprit will be found and punished with justice.

Of course, it is also important to observe certainfactors. The first, most important, is the reliability of the procedural law. It is important to prove the guilt of the one who really is the criminal, and not to allow an oversight due to which a decent citizen can suffer. From this follows the second factor, which consists in the investigation of circumstances and competence. And the third thing that should be taken into account is the general political situation in the country, which can either facilitate or impede the commission of crimes.


This concept directly relates to this topic.as the inevitability of punishment. The order of sentencing implies compliance with the principle of objectivity. And it is provided with competitiveness. This is the process by which the truth is ascertained. Both parties - both the accused and the prosecutor - have absolutely equal rights in the case. All evidence must be examined objectively; a representative of each of the parties is obliged to state his position and invite witnesses.

The legal process is very complicated.And morale - in moral terms. The accused additionally oppresses the inevitability of punishment. And not everyone can defend their rights and independently defend themselves in court proceedings. That is why the law provides for the opportunity to take the help of a lawyer.

crime statistics

Other nuances

It is important to note that there is not onlyprinciple of inevitability of punishment. There is also such a thing as timeliness. In legal law, there are rules that set the statute of limitations. This is the time limit during which the search for a criminal is carried out in order to bring him to justice.

In the event that the culprit was found, butthe statute of limitations has expired - they can not bring anything to him. This can be perplexing to many, given that at the very beginning it was told about the principle of the inevitability of punishment and its importance. But in fact, everything is simple. In the first place is not punishment, but the provision of public order. If the found person, who previously violated the law, no longer committed crimes and behaved like a good citizen, then punishing him for the past act is inappropriate.

But, of course, law enforcement agencies and the law provides for a list of acts that are particularly serious. For them, there is no statute of limitations. And they should be listed.

 principle of inevitability of punishment

Especially serious crimes

So, this category includes, firstqueue, terrorist attacks, and hostage taking. Part 4 of the 211st article states that there is no statute of limitations for such crimes as hijacking an aircraft by ship or by water.

Preparation, management, planning and decouplingWars are also considered particularly serious crimes. As the use of prohibited methods of political conflict. And there is no statute of limitations for genocide and ecocide.

But what about murder?For criminals who have deprived the life of another person, there is a statute of limitations. He is 15 years old. For serial killings, this period is also applicable. By the way, for espionage and distribution / storage / manufacture of narcotic substances the statute of limitations is the same. The most "flexible" period is set to such a crime as theft. It ranges from two to ten years (depending on the details of the offense).

law enforcement agencies

Situation in our day

Unfortunately, as statistics showcrimes, the number of offenses committed has increased significantly over the past year. 2015 was difficult from an economic point of view, so it is not surprising that citizens began to steal more and more often carry out financial fraud.

Crime statistics was made public inthe beginning of the current 2016. The number of violations increased by 8.6%. If you translate everything into more understandable numbers, you get this: in 2014, 202,100 crimes were committed less than in 2015.

About 46% are cases of theft of another's property.996,500 thefts, 71,100 robberies and 13,400 robberies. Such data resulted in January 2016 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the number of terrorist attacks has increased by a full third. In 2015, there were 35% more (1,531 cases) than in 2014.

And there has been a rise in extremism.For a year, cases of its manifestation increased by 27%. But on the other hand, there were fewer deeds for "heavy" articles. Kill count dropped by 6%. Crimes with grievous bodily harm also decreased by 7.2%.

 criminal action measures

About justice of the law

О том, несут ли преступники то наказание, которое deserve, you can talk for a long time. But this is another topic, which has a social character, rather than a legal one. So in the end, I would like to note what measures of criminal law impact are being taken. These are actions (not punishment) applied by the authorities towards those guilty of a particular act.

Often, these are compulsory medical measures.character Treatment in a psychiatric hospital, for example, that applies to violators who have committed a socially dangerous act. It can also be confiscation of property, educational measures, restriction of rights (conditional term). However, the most important thing is that the criminal not only served the punishment, but also carried out a useful lesson for himself and embarked on the path of correction.