/ / Freedom of man and justice

Freedom of the person and justice

There is a tradition that all major human rights and freedoms are divided into three groups.The first of these contains standards that ensure freedom. These are the rights to freedom and life as such, the ability to believe or not to believe, and how exactly to believe, and what political beliefs to divide, as well as the right to be free from slavery, torture, torture and so on. The second group consists of safety standards. Work that brings a decent salary, the ability to eat normally, have a roof over your head, basic amenities - all of this is included in this group. And finally, the rights, the observance of which gives us the opportunity to enjoy the cultural heritage of humanity, to live in a clean natural environment, and so on.

Human freedom is one of the mainprinciples on which the whole foundation of human rights rests, as well as tolerance, equality, solidarity. These standards are considered to be natural, innate to a person, one that cannot be earned, bought or inherited. They are the same for all people, regardless of any differences between them. They are not a reward for compliance with certain moral criteria, moreover, they belong to both highly moral and completely immoral representatives of homo sapiens. This is what unites all people. They are being violated, but neither the government, nor a group of people, nor an individual person, no matter how powerful, can take away rights. Man cannot deny them, just as he cannot cease to be a human being.

In addition to living with dignity, peopleshould require their governments to ensure all rights. The fact is that there is no hierarchy between the rights, and the freedom of a person from repression should be respected in the same way as the right not to feel hunger and not to need. These concepts are integral to each other. Poverty is unnatural just as the inability to tell the truth. Overcoming poverty, the states do not make any kind of charity gestures; they simply fulfill their duties.

Human social rights - this isfundamental protection of dignity. Systematic neglect of them leads to very serious consequences. Every evening, almost a billion people go to bed hungry, and even more - live in slums and unsanitary conditions. Every minute a woman dies from complications during childbirth, 20,000 children die every day from diseases and hunger, and a little less than one and a half billion people do not have access either to doctors or hospitals. But we are not talking about the Middle Ages, but about our civilized time.

Whatever plans are implemented, whateverprojects were not considered priorities, it is impossible to solve the problem of poverty with long-term consequences without understanding that at the head of it all is human freedom. After all, protection of the rights of the poor is not just one of the policy goals, but the main problem. What are the causes of the scandalous situation in which the modern world found itself? Everything is simple: a banal inequality, because even in rich and developed countries, entire layers of people do not have access to normal housing, medicine and education. Of course, the financial crisis has now erupted, and governments cite a lack of resources, but in fact in most cases they simply don’t want to do this.

The activities of many international financialInstitutions requiring a reduction or freezing of expenditures on social benefits and needs, the indifference of the international community to these issues, and the disregard of data on obligations under international agreements also play a significant role. And the victim is most often the life and liberty of a person, especially since elementary, but systematic discrimination also lies at the basis of what is happening. Poor people not only suffer from the fact that they are deprived of rights - they live as if in a trap. They are excluded from normal life, they are not allowed to speak, they are intimidated and constantly make them feel insecure. The only way out of this trap is to respect the rights of these people.