/ / Where to smoke in Russia - list of places and features

Where smoking is prohibited in Russia - list of places and features

Курение в общественных метах – больная тема для a large number of people. Especially it is close to those who do not smoke, because of the tobacco smoke on the streets they suffer. However, even knowing where it is forbidden to smoke, this knowledge is not used by all.

where smoking is prohibited

Day of refusal of tobacco

The first step towards reducing the number ofsmokers was Tobacco Day, celebrated on May 31. On this day it is suggested to forget about the bad habit, allowing your body to rest from the poison, and surrounding people to breathe quietly. Of course, this is not a ban on smoking, but voluntary refusal is encouraged.

According to WHO, the reasons for thisa harmful habit, about 6 million people die each year. At the same time among them there are more than 600 thousand of those who do not smoke - they suffer from harm caused by secondhand smoke.

WHO invites all countries to increase taxes onproducts from tobacco, to force people to give up smoking because of its high cost. Also, the organization hopes that this will not allow the transition to the ranks of smokers healthy people.

Act until 2014

The ban on the use of tobacco in crowded places has been around for a long time. Since the summer of 2013, the places where it is forbidden to smoke have been made public. In Russia, this list was not so great:

  • In buildings providing training services.The territories on which such premises are located are also banned. This includes cultural institutions, organizations for youth and the provision of services in the field of sports.

no smoking

  • It is forbidden to smoke where honey is produced. services of a different profile.
  • Public transport of any kind, includingair. Urban transport, places no closer than 15 m from the entrances to public buildings. You can not smoke in the premises of stations, airports, river ports.
  • The premises in which organizations providing social services are located are banned.
  • At the place of work and in areas equipped in the premises.
  • In places where the organs of state. government, local government.
  • In rooms intended for use by residents of multi-apartment buildings, including elevators.
  • On the beaches and border areas, in areas designed to entertain children.
  • Gas stations.

Ранее россияне толком не знали, где запрещено smoke in Russia. The list of places was published on May 31, 2013. Smokers did not actively support this law, but the following year, changes were made that further complicate the lives of tobacco-dependent people.

smoking areas

Law after 2014

To the list, published in 2013, a year later several more places were added to which cigarettes should not be reached.

  • Any transport involved in transportation. Including the one that is in transit for a long time.
  • The premises in which the organizations engaged in the provision of housing rental services, hotels, etc. are located
  • Organizations engaged in the provision of public services, catering establishments. In addition, the list of places where it is forbidden to smoke, added to the objects of trade.
  • Passenger platforms, from which the landing and disembarkation is made, also fell into this list.

In all the places mentioned in the biennial lists,no smoking. Do not do this under any circumstances. In the territories of employers, compliance should be supervised by managers. In public places, this is controlled by police officers.

where it is forbidden to smoke in Russia

What can not be today

To date, many have been closedretail outlets selling cigarettes. The stores decided to dismantle the windows in which cigarettes are exhibited. Buy tobacco products can only catalog, which is located at the cashier.

Today, the place where it is forbidden to smoke ishostels, restaurants, bars, etc. Smoking scenes in films should be excluded - unless this is contrary to the artistic intent. In the case when it is impossible to delete this scene, the show should be accompanied by social advertising, speaking about the dangers of smoking.

Banned not only advertising tobacco products, but manufacturers can not even act as sponsors of various events.

In public catering establishments it is forbidden to divide zones according to the principle of using cigarettes by visitors - this is one of the places where smoking is prohibited. Visitors should smoke either on open verandas or on the street.

In addition to the places specified in the law, the authorities of the regions may additionally make changes to toughen measures.

where it is forbidden to smoke in Russia list

Where can

You can smoke today in closed rooms,carefully ventilated, on wind-blown sites, in special places and in their own homes. Specially equipped smoking areas should appear where it is not prohibited.

First results

The ministry noted that the introduction of prohibitionstoday led to a decrease in the percentage of smokers. Experts estimate that the adoption of the law every year saves about 150-200 thousand passive smokers.

Медики утверждают, что снижена смертность от heart disease by 15%. However, experts believe that this is too high a figure. Statistics show that in the time since the adoption of the law, the number of smokers has decreased by 12%, while cigarette sellers say about 7%. However, the results are already there.

Heads of treatment centers for addictionclaim that the number of people willing to end the bad habit has increased significantly. Prior to the adoption of the law, Russia was in first place in terms of the number of smokers. Today, our performance is slow, but declining.


Considering that today there are already many places where it is forbidden to smoke in Russia, the size of fines is not surprising. In Moscow alone, over 70 thousand receipts related to the violation of the law were issued.

A penalty due to smoking in the wrongplace, - 500-3000 rubles. This applies to individuals. The owners of catering enterprises will have much more difficult - if the law is broken in their establishments, it will cost 30-40 thousand to the owner. Legal entities will be forced to give up to 90 thousand.

places where it is forbidden to smoke in Russia

Pros and cons

Russians from the laws of recent years, most impressed by this one, as evidenced by the poll.

According to studies, mostrestaurateurs are against this regulatory document, because they believe that smokers would prefer not to go to an institution where they cannot feel free. Since in places where it is forbidden to smoke, special rooms cannot be equipped, 82% of smokers consider this law to be discriminatory.

Однако представители власти заявляют, что никаких laxings should not be done: neither smoking or reducing the places closed for tobacco use. It was noted that in countries where such a law has been in force for more than a year, the number of visitors to restaurants and bars returned to the usual number after a short period of reduction. Moreover, now families with children go to such places, as there is no risk of puffing smoke.

Opponents of the law are confident that it will not be popular in Russia, that after a while everything will return to normal.

where it is forbidden to smoke in Russia list of places


Journalists who have spent time studying thisproblems, we are sure that in our country this law deceives both parties. Smokers cannot afford to use places where it is forbidden to smoke in Russia. Their list is also disappointing to non-smokers, since in reality it is quite difficult to follow the implementation of this law.

It turns out that smokers continueuse public places to satisfy their craving for tobacco. At the same time, non-smokers who hope to gain access to fresh air, where they are entitled to it, cannot exercise these rights. People still smoke at public transport stops, in public catering establishments, on the streets. And until an adequate approach to smokers is considered, those who are on the other side of the barricades will be the first to suffer.

Experts still believe that even with allloyalty to smokers, most healthy people are against their number increasing. However, they, smoking in public places, violate the rights of non-smokers. Therefore, if there is only one non-smoking person in a room full of smokers, tobacco use becomes a violation not only of the rights of other people, but also of the law.