/ / State Duma of the Russian Federation: powers and functions. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is ...

The State Duma of the Russian Federation: powers and functions. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is ...

Демократические страны строятся на балансе трех branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. In this article, attention will be paid to the first of them, and now we will look at what the State Duma of the Russian Federation and its functions are.

State Duma functions

general information

So, to begin with the full name -State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. This is the legislature. His work is governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws. According to them, this authority can make decisions:

  1. About the approval of the draft law.
  2. On the consent of the President of the Russian Federation on the choice and appointment of the Chairman of the Government.
  3. On the appointment to the post or on the release of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its composition of auditors, the Central Bank and the Commissioner for Human Rights.
  4. About (not) confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation.
  5. Announcement of amnesty.
  6. About the charges against the President of the Russian Federation.
  7. Regarding the parliamentary request.
  8. About the direction of the representatives of the State Duma to the Constitutional Court.

And that is not all.Were listed only its main powers. But due to the fact that the State Duma is a legislative body that is the central representative of the legislative power, that is, it has to work out all aspects of interaction, it should be noted that there are quite a number of institutions that help them in this matter.

functions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

The specifics of the submission and review of laws

But if we talk directly about the mainfunction of the State Duma, it is the development and reception of the legislative framework on which the country lives. Who can make them? Draft resolutions can be sent from deputies, the Federation Council (or its individual members), the president of the Russian Federation, commissions and committees of the State Duma, the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts. All made and considers the State Duma. In this case, different documents differ in the ways of their reception and processing. It should be noted that ordinary citizens can not directly submit laws to the State Duma for consideration. But nevertheless practically everyone can participate in the construction of the country. In this case, you can use the services of an intermediary. As such, it is often the territorially fixed deputy, to whom people turn, offering their work. Although if the problem is thematic, then you can contact the relevant committee.

State Duma functions

About procedural aspects

If we talk about draft resolutions, then theymust, along with the text of the request, appeal or application be submitted to the Council of the State Duma with a minimum margin of three days. That is, if the document arrives on Monday, it will not be considered before Thursday. This is necessary so that all deputies can familiarize themselves with its contents. Although it should be noted a large number of different nuances that exist in connection with the presence of the principle of separation of powers. In this vein, it is impossible not to mention the process of considering and deciding on candidates for the post of Prime Minister. The president offers a person, and the State Duma makes a decision, fulfilling its functions. The State Duma of the Russian Federation, however, can reject proposals quite a limited number of times. So, if they did not agree on the candidacy, the president can himself appoint the chairman of the government, dissolve the State Duma and appoint new elections.

Duma functions and powers

How does the State Duma work?

Functions and powers of the legislature aswe see from this position are quite limited. But is it really so? It should be noted that the legislature can influence the executive, and quite significantly. So, the State Duma may express no confidence in the Government. For this, it is necessary that at least one-fifth of the deputies make the appropriate proposal. After this, discussions take place, within the framework of which questions are asked and answers are sought. All this happens with the involvement of the Prime Minister. If all procedural steps are completed, the decision can be taken by secret or open vote. In order for it to be successfully adopted, you need to gain a majority of votes. In the case of a positive decision, it is transmitted to the president. He may dissolve the Government or disagree with the decision of the State Duma. In the second case, if it repeats this procedure in less than three months, then the president will have a small choice - to dismiss either the executive or the legislative branch.

Is the guarantor of the Constitution omnipotent?

Может показаться, что у президента слишком много authority. But he has limitations. So, for example, he cannot personally dismiss the Government. This is simply not its function. The State Duma of the Russian Federation may consider his proposal and support the guarantor or refuse him. Moreover, if we talk about responsibility, then it should be noted that the Government reports to the State Duma. This system may seem rather confusing. But this approach is used in many countries in order to exclude the advent of authoritarian or totalitarian elements to power. It should not be forgotten that the State Duma may contribute to the removal of the president from power.

main functions of the State Duma

About activity in the field of finance

If we talk about the functions of the State DumaThe Russian Federation is also important because it affects what kind of people will manage the Central Bank. It is no secret that this structure has a lot of leverage in the hands on the current financial situation. So, it depends on the State Duma who will be the chairman and which people will be included in the board of directors. They report to the main legislative body once a year. It should be noted that in addition there are hearings on the results of activities. All information received is subsequently sent to the president and the government. It should be noted that due to the provided independence of the Central Bank, the appointment and dismissal of posts is carried out according to a complicated procedure. So what are the functions of the State Duma? The State Duma is responsible for appointing and monitoring the quality of work. If she believes that people can not fulfill their duties in full, then they are suspended from their performance.

Election monitoring

Как же многообразны выполняемые функции!The State Duma is responsible for a large number of aspects of public life, and one of the most important is the election. And it not only adopts legislation on which they will pass, but also participates in the formation of the Central Election Commission. So, five of its fifteen members are appointed by the State Duma. 5 more go to the Federation Council and the President. Such a distribution mechanism was chosen in order to monitor the situation on the part of various branches of power and prevent fraud on the part of “politicians” who are not good at hand.

Functions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Removal of the president from power

Эта процедура детально расписана в главе №22 Regulations of the State Duma. The removal of the president from power can be started if the corresponding initiative has been received from at least one third of the State Duma deputies. It is necessary to make an indication of specific crimes that are imputed to him. All material is sent to a special commission, which ensures that all items of the procedure have been followed. She checks the validity of the charges that have been made. In addition, the commission must ensure that the quorum is observed and the correct counting of votes is carried out. If there are no complaints, then you need to make sure that the requirements of other procedural rules have been met. At meetings of the commission, all reports about known facts of the crime (s) are heard and all relevant documents are reviewed. She is also obliged to listen to the representative of the President of the Russian Federation and make an opinion. After that, the issue raised is considered at a meeting of the State Duma. This is accompanied by discussions, which (for successful promotion) must gain two-thirds of the votes of deputies. Voting must be secret. It takes place by filling out ballots. After making a positive decision, it goes to the Council of the Federation, as well as to the Supreme and Constitutional Courts in a five-day period. If two-thirds of the votes could not be collected, then a waiver is issued.

 State Duma is a legislative body


As you can see, the State Duma canboast a fairly extensive field of activity. But still, its most important task is to ensure the legislative process in the country. It must prepare and adopt decrees, regulations and other documentation that will improve the state apparatus and facilitate the lives of people. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account requests from different layers of citizens. After all, the State Duma was created for the representation of the entire society of the Russian Federation. And although ordinary citizens cannot directly participate in the legislative process, one should not give up the possibility of at least indirectly affecting the future of their country.