You bought a digital camera and brought ithome. But the joy is overshadowed by the fact that the device does not work or the images are poor. Do not immediately run to the store and make a scandal. Calm down and carefully study the instructions that come with each camera.

Now on how to set up.A camera of any manufacturer provides an automatic shooting mode. At each firm the specified mode has the name, but in most cases it is the letter A (auto). Many call this option an intelligent shoot. How to set up the camera for shooting in automatic mode, is written at the beginning of the user manual.
Having set the camera in automatic mode,it is advisable to immediately indicate to the camera that images should be stored on a memory card. The size of the images should also be set in the menu. It is desirable that they should not be lower than, 1915x1285. This is the optimal size for printing photos 10x15 and 13x18 cm. The larger the size, the better the picture. How to set the camera to a certain size of images is usually indicated in the manual, but you can search through the menu button. Usually image settings go first in the list.
So now you know how to set up a digital camera. But shooting on the “full automat” will not give the expected results if you hurry

Scenarios - optimal settings for certainsituations. Since these situations are usually standard, it is not difficult to guess from the icons (figures) what is at stake and understand how to set up the camera. Graphic symbols of the pre-installed scripts are shown in the figure.
This guide has given advice to beginners.amateur photographers on setting up cameras. Higher image quality requires experience and careful study of the user's guide for a particular model.