/ / How to choose a SLR camera for a beginner?

How to choose a SLR camera for beginners?

Only a SLR camera will allow to doreally high-quality "live" pictures. Such a device can make you a creative person, and not just a "person who clicks." In this regard, the question of how to choose a SLR camera for a beginner is very relevant.

Starter Reflex Camera
First of all, you should think about three important components:

  • decide what you are going to photograph;
  • how much money you are willing to spend on the device to start;
  • what will happen to your camera if you change your mind to take pictures.

SLR cameras for beginners
If you choose a reflex camera forbeginner, after answering the first question you can determine several important points: which lens suits you best, and what else do you need besides the camera and the lens? After answering the second question, you will be able to understand what level the chosen technique should be. The third question is provided so that you can think again about the purchase. You have already given the answers to these questions, so you can choose a SLR camera for a beginner.

Sony SLR Cameras
It is worth considering the situation in the light of technology,released by Canon. The range of models for beginners is not too large, and the cameras differ very slightly from each other. At the moment, on the shelves of stores you can find 5-6 camera models of this manufacturer, which are suitable for beginners. You may want to consider several models so that you can decide which SLR camera for a beginner is best for you.

Reflex Camera Canon1100D is positionedas a model for beginners. This is expressed not in the fact that its functionality is greatly reduced, but in the fact that it is initially focused on a person who is poorly versed in this type of technology. This model has a built-in function guide that allows you to easily and quickly cope with any task. The camera works with a range of EF and EF-S lenses. The turn-on time is only a second, one battery charge lasts for a long time, the processor is similar to older models, which indicates quite significant opportunities. There are also drawbacks, such SLR cameras for beginners are not able to shoot FullHD video, and this option is quite important, there are no rubberized inserts for hands on the case, but this is not a problem, since the camera is fairly light.

Another good model is Canon.550D. This device is considered to be the most popular among novice photographers. Compared to the previous model, this is more advanced, there is a lot of pleasant moments, for example, HDMI-connector, a large screen, the ability to shoot high-quality video, high-speed continuous shooting.

The Canon 600D DSLR camera differs from the previous cost due to the presence of a swivel display. The rest of the difference is not too significant.

These moments can be called the main interesting beginner photographer. Of course, you can consider Sony SLR cameras, but they are worthy of a separate article.