/ / Reciprocating saw - new convenient electric tool

Reciprocating saw - a new convenient electric tool

The Reciprocating Saw is used for variousassembly and repair work. It is used by finishers, locksmiths, roofers and even rescue workers and road maintenance workers. The device looks like a drill, but instead of a drill the blade of the saw is put forward.

Reciprocating Saw
The cutting blade can have a length of from 100 to 350mm. When sawing different materials, a very important role is played by the correct selection of the profile of the saw teeth. The operation of this device is quick and qualitative.

Year after year more and more popular becomesReciprocating saw, reviews about working with her - the very best. Users like it very much. Reciprocating saw, mounted on the frame, is in great demand among professionals, as it has a low level of vibration, a convenient device for changing the cutting blade, aesthetic design. Replacement saw is easy, without the use of additional tools, just as easy to install a new saw. The device of the tool outsole has several fixed positions that allow the saw blade not to be used completely, but to gradually include all its new sections as the working teeth blunt.

Convenient to use and giving the opportunityexpanding its functions through the use of various devices, this saw is suitable for a variety of jobs, whether it is laying cables, cutting metal, installing suspended ceilings, repairing rooms and much more.

Reciprocating saw reviews

The principle of a jig saw

In his work and the device a saber sawresembles a jig saw. Cutting blade moves straight ahead and back. In the reverse movement, it is automatically retracted from the cutting site, which allows the tool not to heat unnecessarily, and also helps to remove sawdust from the cutting zone. The tool does not need to be pressed during operation, so the wizard does not get tired. The speed of the web can be adjusted according to the material being cut.

A label with avariants of materials and corresponding speeds. In working with a saber saw it is very convenient to use the guides, since the cutting speed is great, and you can easily escape from the marking line. For saber saws sold a large number of tools, it is enough just to pick the required one. For high-speed cutting of the material, it is better to choose saws with a large tooth, for precise cutting at small speeds - with fine cutting.

Tool Usage

The Reciprocating Saw is very good for repair andconstruction work for metal cutting. She can work in the most uncomfortable places and from any position. Especially it is necessary, when it is necessary to saw a board with nails or some piece of metal, it is very good to cut it with plastic. The engine of the tool is usually quite powerful. A chain clamp is included. The reducer is protected from dust and dirt. Bearings of the running pendulum will not allow spoiling the cut and will ensure the saw has a long service life. The drive is also protected from dust, dirt and sawdust.

Reciprocating Reciprocating Saw

Stand-Alone Tool

Cordless Reciprocating Saw as a result of itsautonomy is very useful where it is impossible to connect to the electric line, for example, when working on the roof roofers, rescue workers, carpenters and repairmen in the field and, of course, at home, in the garden areas outside the city. Such a saw will make it possible to process plastic, sheet iron, composite materials, gypsum board, pipes and much more besides wood. This makes this device literally an indispensable tool.