/ / How to choose a car navigator: some useful tips

How to choose a navigator for a car: some useful tips

With the advent of GPS navigators, many driverssighed with relief. Now you can easily get to any point in a city or country, because a smart device will always tell you the right direction, let you know when to turn, and what kind of interference can be on the road. But in order not to be disappointed in your purchase, you should know how to choose a navigator for the car. Now you know what you should pay attention to.

Navigation system

How to choose a navigator for a car
It should start with her, because this is important,without which the navigator is no longer the navigator. Each navigation system works with a specific brand of GPS. Those. To understand how to choose a car navigator, you need to decide on the system, thereby narrowing down the search for models. Currently, four navigation systems are common in our country:

  • Garmin - is considered the leader among all navigation systems, is very popular.
  • Navitel - provides the most selected cards, more than once made attempts to provide full voice control of the device.
  • iGO is a budget navigation system, but the quality of maps is quite decent.
  • The Avtosputnik is a domestic navigation system, working mainly with Hyundai and GlobalSat. Plus Autosputnik is that it allows you to track traffic jams in real time.


How to choose gps navigator
To know how to choose a navigator forcar, you must determine the size of the display. It can be as much as 3.5 inches, and all 7. Manufacturers do not get tired of improving their new products, making the screen as large as possible. Small displays are the cheapest, the picture quality is not up to par. Therefore, the larger the screen, the better. Especially if using the navigator you are going to not only plan a route, but also watch videos, surf the Internet (there are also such models).


It should be enough to load maps. Therefore, if there is not enough internal, it should be possible to install an additional memory card.

Mounting reliability

In search of an answer to the question of how to choose a GPS-navigator, you should also consider the attachment mechanism. It must be reliable and not fly, for example, in the event of a bump or pit collision.

Additional Features

How to choose a car navigator
Currently on sale you can find the mostvarious navigators. They differ not only in cost, but also in their functionality. Think about what you need, since choosing a car navigator means getting a device that fully satisfies your needs. The presence of Bluetooth allows you to update maps via satellite and control the device, without interrupting driving, and Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet and use the navigator as a PC. You can choose a device on which it will not be difficult to watch movies and listen to music. Again, the more versatile the filling, the higher the cost.

Now you know how to choose a navigator forcar. More precisely, they familiarized themselves with the most important things that we should definitely pay attention to. You should also ask about the opinions of other people about a particular model, its advantages and disadvantages.