/ / General information about the navigator for the mushroom picker

General information about the navigator for the mushroom picker

Modern technology allows a persongreatly simplify your life. So, even for mushroom pickers, there is a gadget. No matter how loud this phrase may sound, but it is true. Navigator for a mushroom picker is a real device that tracks a person’s current position and indicates the direction of movement.

What is it

navigator for mushroom picker
Navigator for the mushroom picker is a GPS device.Its main purpose is to indicate the current location of the gadget. Most often it is very compact equipment with a small screen and minimal power consumption. Unlike automotive devices for a similar purpose, it must have a number of characteristics.

How to choose

There are many devices on the marketsimilar purpose. But it should be clearly understood that the navigator for the mushroom picker will be used in certain conditions. And this leaves an imprint on its design and operational characteristics.

Reception quality

This feature is one of the key. The accuracy of determining the current coordinates depends on it. And in dense forests it is very difficult to break through the signal to satellites through the crowns of trees.

Working hours

No less important indicator that followsconsider when choosing a device - this is the duration of autonomous work. Few people go in search of mushrooms for only half an hour. In addition, various force majeure circumstances may occur along the way. And this means that the time spent in the forest can stretch out. And in this case, disabling the navigator in connection with the discharge of the battery can lead to undesirable consequences.

navigator for mushroom pickers reviews

Water resistant

This indicator is of great importance.In no case should not take a navigator for the mushroom picker without moisture protection. After all, even a small drop of dew when ingested inside the device can disable it. And what can we say about the rain, which can suddenly begin at any time.


This parameter is not fundamental.It can be classified as useful options. The ability to affix tags is not present in all devices. This option is useful in that you can manually specify a mushroom place on the map, which you can return to when you next visit the forest.

Download raster images

Данную характеристику также следует отнести к optional category. It is useful in that satellite raster images can be downloaded into the navigator, from which it will be clear where the forest is and where the glade is. This will allow to navigate on the spot and continue the path in the right direction.

mushroom picker navigator Price


On the navigator mushroom picker price depends on manyfactors. This product performance and the name of the manufacturer. The most popular are models from firms Garmin, Magellan and Bushnell. These companies have long been engaged in the release of navigation tourism equipment and have established themselves only with the best parties. The minimum will have to pay about 3,500 rubles for a budget navigator for mushroom pickers.

Owner feedback

Owners of similar devices with completeThey say with confidence not only about the usefulness of this device, but also about its necessity. First, they note the simplicity of orientation in the terrain with the help of a navigator. Secondly, the device gives them a sense of confidence in their safety, since you can always return to the starting point. Thirdly, all mushroom pickers talk about the ease of use of the equipment and its unpretentiousness.