/ / Bread maker Panasonic SD-257: description, specifications, reviews

Panasonic SD-257 Breadmaker: description, specs, reviews

Для того чтобы быть довольным выпечкой и various bakery products, it is best to do them yourself. This process can be most facilitated with the help of a special automated stove. Currently, many people prefer to make their own bread, because it is a product of basic necessities. The smell of freshly baked delicacy attracts every person, the aroma creates an indescribable feeling.

Why is it better to bake bread with a specialdevice? This will help save time after work, which is worth spending on a more useful lesson. Exactly in such situations, the Panasonic automatic bread maker comes to the rescue. Customer reviews (which is the best of the available models, there is no unambiguous solution yet) are in most cases positive when it comes to the device with the SD-257 index. Let's look at it in more detail.

panasonic sd 257


The company "Panasonic" appeared back in 1987year Even then, she was able to launch a new type of home appliances on the market. This is the one that unites the dough kneading machine, oven and proofing cabinet. Such a device was called an automatic bakery, but in Russian terminology this word was replaced by the well-known “bread maker”.

Unfortunately, "Panasonic" is not very happyassortment of such equipment, even with the fact that the company is a leader in this industry. The model, which will be discussed in the article, is considered the most senior in the existing lineup. From the unpretentious device with an index of 256, it is distinguished by the possibility of cooking rye bread, as well as the presence of a dispenser capable of functioning automatically. It works in this way: at the right time adds any ingredients, such as raisins or nuts. It differs from many other models of Panasonic SD-257 in the fact that in its assembly they used more durable materials that guarantee a long service life even with frequent use.

panasonic sd 257 bread maker

Description of apparatus

The Panasonic SD-257 bread machine on the websitemanufacturer listed as new, but its design can not be called so. Many consumers find it boring and uninteresting, coming from the 80s. Such an impression about the appearance of create some elements. We are talking about a black and white screen that does not have backlight, pseudo-touch keys, the usual white plastic, as well as the coarse shape of the device. That is why aesthetes will not like such a device. Not much will like it and those who love to spy on the process of making bread or other pastries. The fact is that the design of the Panasonic SD-257 is completely closed, there are no transparent elements, so the device keeps all the secrets of cooking. Not suitable technique and young parents. When cooking, the device does not block the lid, so the child can easily get inside.

All other lovers, cooktasty, the device will like it. Not always such minor flaws as design are of great importance. Such people need only one thing - a quality result. It is on this principle that the Panasonic SD-257 bread maker functions. It is convenient to operate the device, the menu is clear, the result is always excellent. What could be better?

bread dough recipe

What is preparing the device?

The device can cook as usual bread, and withadditives, dietary pastries, French products with a crust and air dough, rye products, jam, dumplings, pizza, muffins. However, for those who like to get everything at once, it is necessary to clarify that the device is able to cook only pork dough for ravioli and pizza Roll out and add ingredients to it yourself.

How does the bread maker work?

When a person sees a bread machine, he does notthinks about the principle on which this technique works. Sometimes some people think that the mechanism is quite complicated, because he knows how to mix the ingredients, to distribute them correctly. However, in reality, everything is much easier. Consider this question in more detail.

In the main packaging, which is the form forbaking, is the shaft. In the same place where it is fixed, there is a spatula kneading the dough. The form itself is coated with a non-stick coating so that not a single product is burnt. It is in this capacity that you need to put everything in the right proportions, and most importantly, in the correct sequence.

After this form is placed in the chamber for baking.The Panasonic SD-257 bread machine is equipped with a drive that rotates the blade and a special heating element. If you need to cook pastries with additives, then you need to pour them into the dispenser. It is located in the lid of the device. On the control panel, you need to select the desired program and then the additives will interfere with the product evenly.

bread pan Panasonic reviews which one is better

How to start the cooking process?

After all the necessary ingredients areadded to the device, a person needs to choose the right cooking program and all options that guarantee the best possible result. This refers to the choice of the size of the bread, the start timer and the color of the resulting crust. Unfortunately, the second option is implemented very badly. A person will have to choose a delay in hours, and not the time when it is preferable to start cooking, so all calculations should be done independently.

Nuance cooking

Cooking in breadmaker requires carefulapproach. It is necessary to use the ingredients strictly in the amount prescribed in the recipe. Therefore, it is best to buy electronic scales with the Panasonic SD-257. On the "eye" can not act. If you need to put 500 grams of flour, then in no case less or more is allowed. Otherwise, the breadmaker may produce an unpredictable result. Many people find it irrelevant, but consumer reviews confirm that successful baking will only work if everything is done according to the recipe.

panasonic sd 257 parts

Baking process

Panasonic SD-257, which parts can be easilyto get in any service center, prepares products, making four different stages. Their duration depends on the selected program and the corresponding options. In fact, this factor is affected by the time taken to equalize the temperature, kneading, raising the dough and the baking process itself. The minimum period for which the product will be ready is two hours, the maximum is six. As a rule, French bread is cooked for so long. Additional programs work much less - from 20 minutes (dough for ravioli) to 1.5 hours (jam).

The main advantages and disadvantages of the device

What is the basis for choosing such a device asBread maker "Panasonic" - customer reviews. What is the best of the available line, to decide each person on their own. Therefore, in addition to the impressions of the owners, you need to know about the strengths and weaknesses. Consider the advantages and advantages of this device.

The advantages include the following factors:the presence of a dispenser, a huge number of programs and options (in particular, the possibility of making jam), high quality results. In addition, the device is able to knead the dough without baking it after this process.

Among the shortcomings, a poorly thought out timer and high cost (about 10 thousand rubles) should be noted.

panasonic sd 257 reviews

A simple dough recipe for the breadmaker

In order to prepare yeast-free dough forBread, you need to sift flour through a sieve, and then add baking powder to it. After that, sprinkle with sugar and salt. Then you should mix to get a homogeneous mass.

In additional containers need to combine butter, milk and beaten eggs. Mix the mixture so that the resulting solution becomes homogeneous.

It remains to combine the two existing masses in one dough. Then you need to put it in the shape of the device and put it on baking.

Here is such an easy recipe for dough for the bread maker to help prepare a tasty product.


Отзывы потребителей отличные и в 90 % случаев are positive. Many dislike the device externally, but its functionality and good result ultimately justifies outdated design elements and high cost.

Occasionally there are problems with the fact that the ovenceases to knead, but, as a rule, they are associated with inadequate care. On the whole, the Panasonic SD-257 breadmaker is only happy about the housewives. Reviews are so good that you can not even doubt the correctness of the choice.