/ / Marking capacitors - how to understand?

Marking capacitors - how to understand?

Every year more and more on domesticmarkets you can find capacitors not only of Russian, but also of import origin. And many are experiencing significant difficulties in deciphering the corresponding markings. How can we figure this out? After all, in the event of an error, the device may not be able to make money.

marking of capacitors

To begin with, we note that the marking of capacitors is made in this order:

  1. Nominal capacity, where can use the coded notation, consisting of numbers (often three to four) and letters, where the letter shows a decimal point, as well as a designation (uF, nF, pF).
  2. Permissible deviation from nominal capacity (it is used and taken into account rarely, depending on the features and purpose of the device).
  3. The permissible rated voltage (otherwise it is also called the permissible operating voltage) is an integral parameter, especially when operating in high-voltage circuits.

Labeling of ceramic capacitors in nominal capacity

Ceramic or permanent capacitors are among the most popular. Usually the capacity designation can be found on the case without a specific multiplier.

marking of ceramic capacitors

1.The marking of capacitors of three digits, where the first two show the mantissa, and the latter is the value of the degree on the base 10, in order to obtain a rating in the picofarads, i.e. indicates the number of zeros for capacitor capacitance in the picafarrads. For example: 472 will mean 4700 pF (and not 472 pF).

2.Marking capacitors of four digits - the system is similar to the previous one, only in this case the first three digits show the mantissa, and the latter is the value of the degree on the base 10 in order to obtain the rating in the picofarads. For example: 2344 = 234 * 102 pF = 23400 pF = 23.4 nF

3.Mixed marking or marking with numbers and letters. In this case, the letter indicates the designation (μF, nF, pF), as well as the decimal point, and the digits indicate the value of the used capacitance. For example: 28p = 28 pF, 3n3 = 3.3 nF. There are times when the decimal point is denoted by the letter R.

marking of import capacitors
Marking by the parameter of an acceptable workerVoltage is often used in the assembly of electronics, made by own hands. That is, repair of fluorescent lamps will not do without a selection of the corresponding voltage of the failed capacitors. In this case, this parameter will be indicated after the deviation and nominal capacity.

These are the main parameters used whenthe marking of capacitors is carried out. They need to be known when choosing the appropriate device. The marking of imported capacitors has its differences, but more in line with what we have described in this article.

A properly selected capacitor will help you increate your own devices, and also help repair existing ones. The main thing to remember is that a quality product can only be from manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market of electrical engineering. And for a product of this kind, quality is above all. After all, due to a condenser failure, a more expensive component of the equipment or device can break down. Also, your safety can depend on them.