/ / How to connect TV "Tricolor"? Self-connection "Tricolor TV"

How to connect TV "Tricolor"? Self-connection "Tricolor TV"

Each of us needs to rest after a heavyworking day, and as you know, for many the best way to relax is to sit comfortably on the couch in front of your favorite TV. Even better, if on TV at this moment there is some interesting film or TV show.

The role of TV in the life of modern man

Today not all the population of our country is availablea large number of channels on the signal of an ordinary television antenna. In general, people living in small towns face such a problem. That is why is necessary throughout the evening, "poke" 2-3 channel, which, among other, are displayed in not the best quality. Literally ten years ago this was only one alternative, namely the purchase of a VCR and cassettes, which are not so cheap.

how to connect tv tricolor

Today, thanks to the rapidly developingtechnologies, any person, regardless of where he lives, can become the owner of a large number of television channels. Perhaps this is due to the connection of satellite television "Tricolor TV".

Technology of work

Connecting tricolor TV

Perhaps, in our time, all adults alreadyheard about satellite TV "Tricolor TV." However, for the most part, until now the satellite dish is something quite bulky and heavy. Modern equipment for satellite TV is available in absolutely all representative offices of companies that provide these services, so the connection of "Tricolor TV" is available to everyone. The antennas for receiving this type of signal are now realized in very small sizes. The diameter usually reaches a maximum of 70-90 cm, and the weight does not exceed a couple of kilograms.

In addition to all this, very few people imagine howThe technology of this type of data transmission is arranged. The principle of operation is not very different from that of an ordinary antenna. In the case of standard television and the usual antenna, the television signal is received absolutely anywhere and in the direction. In turn, for the operation of the satellite antenna, an extremely precise adjustment of the direction to the satellite is necessary. It is enough to make a mistake 1-2 degrees in slope - and the signal quality can deteriorate sharply or even disappear altogether. Next, let's try to figure out how to connect "Tricolor TV" yourself.

how to connect a tricolor TV

Advantages of satellite TV "Tricolor TV"

The first and, perhaps, the main advantage of this TVbefore the usual is a wide selection of television channels. At the same time, installation is possible in any territory of the country. Also, in addition to quantity, it is necessary to note the image quality. With the use of satellite television, this indicator is significantly higher, which can not but rejoice.

A good alternative to this type of data transmission is cable TV. However, this method is also possible in more or less large cities, where there are companies that provide this type of services.

How to connect TV "Tricolor": trust professionals

In order to install satellite TVat home, you need to purchase a complete set of equipment. This kit includes a receiver, an antenna, a remote and an instruction that says how to connect a TV tricolor.

Today, a huge number of masters and companies,who are engaged in the connection of satellite television "Tricolor TV." If you entrust the entire process to specialists, then high quality is ensured. However, there are unscrupulous employees who, in addition to improperly adjusting the equipment, may not fully secure the antenna, which in the future may lead to the failure of the entire system as a whole.

Own connection of equipment

Many are wondering how to connect "Tricolor TV" yourself, so try to parse the whole process.

First of all, it is necessary to conduct allpreparatory work. For example, you need to determine exactly where the satellite dish will be installed. Also make sure that there are no obstacles in the direction of the antenna. After all, do not forget that even the leaves of trees on the way of receiving a satellite signal are a serious obstacle, or more precisely, an obstacle. After this, it is necessary to determine the location of the TV, and, accordingly, the receiver.

How to connect the tricolor to the TV itself

Getting directly to the installation, you shouldstart by collecting the antenna. Assembly can be done indoors, for more convenience. This process must be carried out completely according to the instructions that are enclosed in the equipment set. After the antenna is ready for installation, it is necessary to secure it securely to the place prepared for this purpose.

After that, you need to understand how to connect "TVTricolor ", or rather the receiver, to the TV and to the antenna.This moment depends a lot on the TV model.Connection is possible in several ways.For the digital signal, you can use an HDMI cable.If your TV does not support this type of data transfer, then you should use cable RCA, or, as it is called in the people, "tulips." And finally, it is also possible to connect using a cable "Scart".

How to connect cinemas tricolor tv

Once the receiver is successfully connected to theyou need to start connecting the satellite dish. How to connect TV "Tricolor", detailed in the instructions. To connect the antenna to the receiver, it is necessary to store a coaxial cable and several connectors of the F-nut type.

When installing this wire, it should be avoided near the wiring. It is important to comply with this rule, since otherwise there may be numerous interference in the transmission of the signal.

After the cable is routed and connected to thereceiver and antenna, you need to start setting up the latter. To do this, you must turn on all equipment, go to the receiver's menu and select the "Signal quality" option. For each region, the coordinates for which the antenna should be sent are their own. They are listed in the instructions. Next, you need to direct the antenna at an angle that is specified for your region. Having adjusted the quality of the signal to the maximum possible, it is necessary to fix the antenna in the final position. This completes the configuration.

How to connect the cinemas "Tricolor TV"

In order to connect additional packageschannels, it is necessary to turn to the services that provide these services. Today there are a lot of such companies. It's enough just to choose a cinema hall and pay the cost of the corresponding package. Most often, payment is made for the year the service is provided.