/ / How to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands

How to make a sandblaster yourself

Usually sandblasting machines are used inseveral cases. The first involves the processing of parts in order to create a clean surface for further coating. The second one involves processing the parts to separate them from various inclusions or burnings. The most interesting is the third case of using such a device as a sandblaster. He assumes that this device will be used as an artistic tool.

Sandblasting machine

That is why in its manufacture it is necessarytake into account all the features of its application. Although there are such models that can be used in all the proposed cases. They are distinguished by a movable nozzle design and the ability to move it to a user-friendly position. Therefore, this design is called portable.

To make your own sandblasterhands, you should initially purchase a compressor unit. For these purposes, a conventional construction compressor with a receiver may be suitable. It is desirable that it be small in size to be able to easily carry it.

Also need a capacity for sand, whichcould easily be moved in the process. A conventional homemade sandblaster may use a small amount of sand, so a plastic bottle or a used fire extinguisher may be suitable as such a container. When using such a container, it is recommended to hang it upside down during the work.

Sandblasting machine do it yourself

Next, you need a standard factorypneumogun or spray gun. They make sandblaster easy to use and portable. It is necessary to connect a hose from the compressor to the spray gun, and to mount an ordinary water tee to the outlet nozzle. It is ideally suited to a standard pneumatic pistol, and when mounted on an airbrush gun it is necessary to use an adapter.

On the opposite outlet teeIt is necessary to install standard ceramic nozzles. At home, they are put on a jewelry or dental sandblaster, and you can buy them in the appropriate store. It is worth noting that the nozzles of another material are not suitable for these purposes, because in a few minutes of use they have an outlet opening that reduces the pressure.

Homemade sandblaster

To the third hole of the tee mounted onsandblaster, attach the tank with sand. Moreover, if it is a plastic bottle, then it can be mounted directly on the tee, and if it is a fire extinguisher or other large container, then it can be connected using a hose.

After connecting all the details of the sandblaster will be ready. Various fractions of electrocorundum or sifted building sand are used as sand.

All work with sandblaster should be carried out in protective glasses and using a respirator. This will protect the eyes from sand, and light from fine dust.