Wedding ceremony is not only a holiday forhoneymooners and their relatives, but also very difficult organizational work. How to make sure that at one table there are not people close to each other, to put it mildly, not absolutely loving each other? It is impossible to guarantee that there will not be a latecomer staying for the rest of the place, completely remote from the company that has gathered. So, a childhood friend can easily be trapped among elderly relatives simply because of being late, when there were no more free places. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to make cards with their own hands that will help each guest find his place. Of course, it's much easier to just buy them, but, you see, the feeling will be completely different!

Why do we need seating cards for the wedding?
Despite the solemnity of the event, someone fromguests may inadvertently spoil the holiday with their behavior. Some want to sit directly near the air conditioner, while others, on the contrary, are looking for a place away from the draft. Someone prefers only a certain company, and other guests constantly go out to smoke, forcing the others to release the passage. To reduce such situations to a minimum, it is necessary to make cards with their own hands. This will keep everyone in a festive mood and not get out of the established budget.

How to make cards with your own hands?
To do this you will need imagination and helpfriends or relatives. Alone to make such a number will be quite difficult, but gathered a cheerful company, you can manage in one evening. You will need a tight glossy or matte cardboard. Number will have to estimate by eye, because you do not know in advance how many cards will come from each sheet. Then you need to stock up with acrylic paints, brushes and usual clerical glue. You can buy one card and make your own, based on its size. Remember that the cards should be rigid enough and keep the form on your own. You can make them either in the form of an envelope and put on a plate, or execute as a three-dimensional pyramid or a triangle. Having cut out the necessary number of blanks from the cardboard, it is necessary to stock up a few extra, in case of an unexpected increase in the number of guests. Then we paint them in the color of the upcoming wedding, so that ready-made seating cards for the wedding, made with their own hands, become an additional decoration of the hall.

Cards embroidered with their hands: decorations
After the paint has dried, proceed tothe most pleasant stage of manufacturing. Choose the most favorite option, and then do the rest in the same style. You can make two types of cards - for men and women separately. And you can make everything in one style. Decorate the workpiece with everything you like. For example, a silk ribbon, Swarovski crystals or beads. You can paste on the corner of the card a beautiful lace or packing paper of a suitable pattern. Whatever you come up with, these cards will not only be beautiful, but also exclusive!