/ Why does the washing machine jumping when pressed? Causes of vibration and their elimination

Why does the washing machine jumping when pressed? Causes of vibration and their elimination

A washing machine for a long time and firmly entered theour life. It significantly reduces the time spent on caring for things, even for those who need a delicate wash. But sometimes there are incidents. For example, the machine starts to jump. Most housewives can not find the reason for this behavior of household appliances. Often these movements of the machine speak of a breakdown, sometimes serious. Why the washing machine jumps when squeezing and how to remove excessive vibrations, this article will tell.

why the washing machine jumps when pressed

There are quite a few reasons for the strange vibration of the machine. Some problems are easy to diagnose and are eliminated easily. But there are such breakages that require serious repair.

Why the washing machine jumps when squeezed: causes

The most frequent breakdowns can be caused by:

  • unstable position due to improper installation (uneven floor, installation not level);
  • the imbalance of the laundry loaded into the machine;
  • not removed during installation of the machine with transport bolts;
  • hit between the drum and the tank machine of small things or parts of the laundry (for example, buttons, bra bones, laundry buttons, rivets);
  • malfunctions of shock absorbers or springs;
  • failure of bearings;
  • broken fastening or complete wear of counterweights;
  • damage to the motor.

why the washing machine jumps when spinning and how to remove excessive vibrations

How to find out why a washing machine is jumpingwhen spinning? Troubleshooting is the first thing to do. The reasons for the unhealthy vibration of the machine-machine are many. Diagnosis should begin with the elimination of simple malfunctions, which can be identified by a close examination of the device.

The onset of imbalance

With what experts are recommended to begin specialists atclarify the reason for the mobility of the device? To answer the question of why the washing machine jumps when spinning, you first need to check if the drum balance is broken. This can be indicated by:

  • Collapsed after pressing the laundry in a single lump (for example, in a duvet cover).
  • For the selected mode, the maximumpermissible load weight (the permitted load is indicated in the operating instructions of the device). Not always the maximum calculated load of the washing machine corresponds to a separately taken program.
  • Things fill the drum by more than two thirds.

Not removed transport bolts

This is a fairly common reason,It explains why the washing machine jumps when spinning. It occurs when the device is installed independently, without resorting to qualified masters. If the machine erases the first time and "went to dance", then with absolute probability, we can say that the installation did not remove the transport bolts.

why the washing machine jumps when the cause is squeezed out

They are installed at the factory and are designed to ensure reliable fixation of the tank during transportation. The attachment points are described in the attached instructions. Usually there are four.

Non-level setting

There is another common reason,why the washing machine jumps when spinning. To reveal it is simple. You need to swing the car in idle mode. If it easily succumbed, it means that mistakes were made during the installation. This needs to be fixed, preferably using a building level.

Stuck objects between the drum and the laundry tub

Why the washing machine jumps when pressed,If its installation was carried out clearly according to the instructions? There is another reason, which can be easily corrected. A simple flashlight can help. They need to light up the drum well, gradually scrolling it. Experts easily extract foreign objects stuck deep in the typewriter.

Damage to dampers or springs

A less desirable option is why washingthe machine jumps when spinning-technical reasons. Fix them without a specialist will not work. In this case, the vibration will be accompanied by a characteristic knock in the drum drum of the machine, even with possible grinding. The same sounds can be characterized by the wear of the counterweight supports or of it.

why the washing machine jumps when wringing out troubleshooting

This fault can be diagnosed by yourself. To do this, remove the cover of the machine and check the described items. If they are fit, then there are two reasons for the jumps in the unit.

Damage to the motor or manufacturer's fault

So, you've already looked through everything, but still notfound out why the washing machine jumps when spinning? Technical malfunctions of the "heart" of the instrument or an error in its release may be the main cause of the failure. Here it should be recalled that household appliances, which did not have a warranty period, can not be opened independently. To fix all the problems you need to contact the warranty workshop or the shop where the equipment was purchased.

Troubleshooting at home

In most cases, the cause of the problemare easily removable. First of all, you need to decide where to put the device and how to fix it. If the washing machine jumps when squeezing, you should adhere to the algorithm of actions in order to eliminate this trouble. When the device vibrates due to a simple unbalance, the actions can be as follows:

  • Turn off the washing mode and turn off the machine from the mains;
  • it is necessary to open the door of the machine, and if this can not be done, it is necessary to make an emergency drain of water;
  • after unlocking the door, release the drum from the laundry;
  • it is recommended to lay half of the extracted laundry (straightened and not more than 2/3);
  • Close the machine door and start the appropriate mode.
    how to fix if the washing machine jumps when pressed

If the cause of the vibration is incorrect installation, then you need:

  • to dismantle the automatic machine, preliminary having disconnected from an electricity, a waterpipe and the water drain;
  • carefully level the surface occupied by the machine, preferably using a building level;
  • Install the device in place and now, by scrolling the legs on the level, adjust the horizontal;
  • In the case of a slippery floor surface, put anti-slip or anti-vibration mats under the machine.

If the cause of unhealthy vibration isa jammed object, you can try to pull it out yourself, picking something up. In case of failure it is necessary to call a specialist, since the machine will have to be disassembled almost to the ground.

Released springs or shock absorbersyou need to change. They can not be repaired. It is only necessary to take into account that even if one of the shock absorbers is defective, both must be replaced, since the load should be distributed evenly. If you have the skills to work with different tools and the experience of using it, you can find a scheme for the forthcoming work in professional journals and act independently. Otherwise, you need to contact the firm for repair of household appliances and entrust this work to the master. In the same scenario, it is necessary to act if the bearings are broken. By the way, they have a service life of no more than 5-6 years.

why the washing machine jumps when spinning technical

If the machine jumps due to a malfunction of the counterweight, the following steps must be taken.

Depending on the brand and model of the machinewith a screwdriver, pliers or keys, you need to remove the top cover and inspect the counterweight. This is a special weighting agent, which is usually made of concrete or cast iron. The second half is almost above the floor. If the weights of the weights are loosened, tighten them. In case of failure, they must be replaced. If the concrete weighting agent itself is deformed, it can also be changed to a similar one.

And, of course, if the vibration is caused by a breakdownelectric motor, then there is no way to do without a specialist. Consultation with him will help to decide whether the machine is repairable or you need to purchase a new one.

Interesting nuances

It is necessary, of course, to take into account that all machinesslightly vibrate. These are the eternal laws of physics. But this technique has its own laws. For example, it has been observed that narrow machines are more susceptible to vibration than devices of standard width. This is easily explained: the area of ​​the support of the narrowed machine is less, hence, and its stability will be poor, whence there is an excessive vibration. Plus, in these devices there are special narrowed drums, in them the laundry is easier to get into a ball, which unbalances the work and also leads to vibration. Under these machines necessarily lay anti-skid or anti-vibration litter. They quench excessive vibration.

why the washing machine jumps when pressing the technical reasons

Before buying a machine you need to consultfrom the point of sale specialist and find out what material the laundry tank is made from. For example, metal containers are very loud in operation, especially when spinning. While plastic-made drums are considered more stable and quiet. And completely modern machines with linen tanks that do not come into contact with the hull operate silently.