Мы привыкли к постоянному доступу в интернет so much that we don’t want to give it up in any situations. Even if we travel, it is more convenient to always stay online in order to be able to check the most up-to-date weather information, plan a walk, write a message to friends, or simply drop a photo on Instagram. This can help you mobile Internet on a tablet or smartphone.
How to stay online?
Let's start with the fact that working withInternet can be in different ways - both free and those that require a certain fee. It all depends on what you are counting on by connecting to the Internet. Tasks vary depending on the duration of your connection, its regularity, the amount of data transferred. Say, go to the "VK" and send a couple of messages can not be compared with downloading a movie using Torrent. Therefore, you need to take this into account when looking for Internet abroad.
MTS, for example, is a leader inmobile connection in roaming. Therefore, we will talk about this company in today's article, talking about the Internet for mobile devices. True, the cost of such a connection is quite high. In the meantime, consider other options for how to stay online. Some of them, by the way, absolutely do not require any fees.
Free wifi points
If you are going abroad, you can safely countto open Wi-Fi networks. They can be found near some cafes, restaurants, hotels, train stations, airports and other crowded places. If we talk about European countries, then there is very easy to find a point for access to the Internet. The USA, Canada and other developed ones are the same.
The coverage area of open Wi-Fi networks is prettywide, so it will most likely satisfy your needs without any charge. If you need the connection to be present on your device all the time, then you should pay attention to paid services. For example, the same wireless network from the MTS operator. They are located in many countries, and therefore, wherever you go, they are likely to find.
Paid Wi-Fi from MTS
To begin with, letting you know the price of the connection anduse of services is 40 rubles for each hour of access. To say that it is cheap, it is impossible. In fact, the cost of services is quite high, even considering the comfortable conditions for the user and flexible tariff plan settings. About him, by the way, nothing is reported on the company's website.
But it is known that in the MTS network there are 800 access pointsInternet around the world. All have one password and login, which will be provided to you as a service subscriber. Access points are located anywhere - in various entertainment establishments, at transport infrastructure facilities, in places where tourists gather.
How to connect Wi-Fi?
Connecting to the MTS Wi-Fi service is very easy.It is necessary to send a message including the word pass to the short number 1106, specially allocated by the company. In the reply message, you will receive a login, under which you are registered in the system, as well as a password (this will be the network access key).
Listed above 40 rubles per hour access toInternet abroad MTS can write off in two ways. The first is a withdrawal from the user's subscriber account, the second is a payment using a credit card. It is noteworthy that anyone can use this service, regardless of whether it is connected to the MTS or not.
The advantage of Wi-Fi of this kind from MTS -Unlimited Internet abroad - allows you to download movies at high speed or, for example, download archives with photos. It is necessary to do this in order to free up space or gain access to entertainment media content.
How to set up Wi-Fi?
Setting up the Internet abroad MTS gives a veryeasy. Since the subscriber of the service receives a password and login to his mobile, all he needs to do is to enter this data. To transfer them, unfortunately, nobody will succeed - the system does not authorize the second device under the same parameters. Therefore, if you would like to share one key with friends, you will be upset.
But the plus of such a connection isabsolute simplicity and speed. No need to think about whether your phone will catch the signal or not. You can be absolutely sure that Wi-Fi is a stable high-speed connection, giving you great opportunities for your tablet, smartphone or laptop, even when traveling.
Mobile Internet and its advantages
However, there are situations when we do not havethe ability to log in from a fixed wireless internet point. For example, we travel around the country, away from Wi-Fi routers, but need to check the route through online maps. Of course, for such needs suitable only mobile connection. It provides, for example, MTS. Roaming (Internet) abroad will cost more than within the country, but the quality of the service will remain quite high. About the connection speed is not worth worrying about. The main thing is to choose a tariff with which you would like to interact and correctly configure it.
Internet tariffs from MTS
In total, the mobile operator has three profitablefor use of the Internet services package. They are called "BIT abroad", "Super BIT abroad", as well as "Maxi BIT abroad." Connection, working conditions, as well as restrictions for each of these tariff plans differ between themselves. About each of these tariffs, we describe in more detail in this article.
"BIT abroad"
Самым простым вариантом подключить МТС-интернет abroad (reviews indicate that the most profitable) is the activation of this tariff plan. It provides for a traffic volume of 30 megabytes per day at a cost of 300 rubles per day. This quota applies, according to the terms of service, to the countries of Europe, the CIS, the USA, Canada, China, Turkey and some other countries that are popular for the domestic subscriber. If the user of the service enters the territory of other countries (or is located somewhere in the open sea), the amount of data decreases to 5 megabytes, and the cost increases to 1,200 rubles per day. If you plan to go to another state, obviously, it is unprofitable to use the service offered by MTS (Internet abroad).
How to connect the tariff "BIT abroad" canfind out by going to the page on the company website. It indicates that to activate you need to dial one of the teams: * 111 * 2222 # or * 212 #. In addition, you can activate the service using SMS 2222, sent to the number 111, as well as using the subscriber’s online account. Charging cost occurs only if the user connects to the network.
"Maxi BIT abroad"
The second largest tariff plan ispackage "Maxi". Its conditions are the same as the previous one, the only difference is how many megabytes at what price will be available to the subscriber. So, the mobile Internet abroad (MTS Maxi BIT) will cost 600 rubles per day for the first group of countries and 2,200 rubles if the user leaves their limits. In this case, a quota of 70 and 10 megabytes is given for consumption, respectively. Connection is carried out using the command * 111 * 2223 # or by sending a message with the numbers 2223 to 111.
"Super BIT Abroad"
The third package fare - “Super BIT” - isthe most voluminous in terms of traffic provided. According to it, the Internet abroad (MTS is a service provider) will cost 1500 rubles per day of use to a user from the listed countries, as well as 4000 rubles for working in a network from the territory of other countries. In this case, the amount of data is 200 and 20 megabytes, respectively.
You can connect this plan by sending the request * 111 * 2224 # or the message "2224" to 111.
How to choose?
Make a selection of the tariff plan with which youit would be more comfortable to work, easy enough. Immediately you need to decide on the purpose of activating the service at MTS. Connecting the Internet abroad is quite simple, we have already written about it; another thing is the expediency of such costs. The cost of the third tariff plan is enormous. Most likely, you will have the opportunity to save money by choosing an alternative source of access to the network. Therefore, we pay attention to why you need a connection on a tablet or smartphone. Most often, the MTS roaming service (Internet abroad) is taken for the simplest actions that are required away from fixed Wi-Fi networks: checking mail, social networks, the weather or navigator. For this, a minimum tariff of 30 megabytes per day will be sufficient. And its value is adequate - 300 rubles.
If we talk about more ambitious plans, then theyWill suit even for performance of some working tasks at connection from the laptop. However, does it make sense to purchase such expensive tariff plans? Wouldn't it be easier to search for landline Internet in the area where you are going to connect to it? It would be more reasonable, because MTS has internet abroad (tariffs, which are provided for network connection from abroad) are too expensive.
As a last resort, if you reallyThere are circumstances when you need to upload a data file over the Internet that exceeds 30 megabytes, and there is no civilization nearby, it is reasonable to connect to Maxi and Super. But you can choose between them purely for the required amount of traffic.
If not enough?
On the website of the MTS operator (Internet abroad,Tariffs and conditions for its provision are described here) there is also information with the management on how to proceed if the traffic allocated under the BIT tariffs, as well as BIT Super and BIT Maxi, is not enough for the user to work. Basic tariffs that operate within the country (for example, the MTS Tablet) do not provide internet abroad, so you should not count on it.
In order not to go beyond the allocated quota and notspend a lot of money, the operator offers each subscriber a special service. It is called "Turbo-button". Its conditions are the same as of the “BIT” (base) plan - an additional 30 megabytes of traffic is provided for 300 rubles per day. To activate this option on your phone, dial * 111 * 485 #. There is no need to deactivate the service, since its operation will be terminated within one day after activation, and also in the event that the provided amount of traffic was eventually exhausted.
Tips from the operator
In addition to data on its tariff plans, MTS provides users with information on how to use the Internet in roaming is cheaper and more profitable.
For example, the operator recommends replenishing in advance.account for the amount you expect to spend on communication. This will relieve you of troubles like the fact that on the way you will need to look for funds to replenish and spend your time on it. Even in the MTS recommend to connect the service "On full confidence." It allows you to use mobile communication even in cases where there are no funds left on your balance sheet, “driving” it, thus, to a negative value. Again, this will allow you to talk immediately, and pay for the services provided later.
Also be attentive to the settings of yourmobile phone. The operator recommends that you turn off the automatic setting of the operator so that the user does not lose money from the account in this way if he was in the border area and the phone independently switched to roaming mode.
Finally, keeping track of the balance and amounttraffic, pay attention to the actual information about how much data you spent. Do not forget that this data is updated with a delay, because additional time is required for providing balance by foreign telecom operators of MTS. For this reason, do not rush to resume a conversation or an online access session if you are not sure whether the provided data packet was enough for you or not.