/ / Roaming revolution! Internet abroad from 30 kopecks / MB

Revolution in roaming! Internet abroad from 30 kopecks / MB

Have you ever dreamed of an accessible Internet?roaming abroad? Maybe you would like to share photos directly from vacation, without waiting for the return? Or maybe your favorite band released a new album just at the moment when you were abroad, and you had to wait until returning home to finally listen and download all the songs?

internet abroad

Now your opportunities for communication on vacationalmost endless: you can not forget about the usual activity in social networks and, moreover, contact your close people via Skype and Viber, paying only for the network connection.

How to always be in touch abroad and do not splurge on calls and the Internet?

You can get the Internet package on favorable terms for yourself by becoming a client of the GoodLine company. Buy a travel SIM card - and profitable roaming and inexpensive Internet abroad will no longer seem to you something from the realm of fantasy.

You can buy a tourist sim card at the best price on the company's website.

internet abroad

Planet-Good tariff: international roaming up to 10 times more profitable

GoodLine Tourist SIM Card (http://goodline.ru) with the Planet-Good tariff opens up incredible opportunities for communication. First, you can call to Russia at a price of $ 0.05 per minute. Secondly, incoming calls will be free for you on the territory of 144 countries of the world.

In addition, mobile Internet abroad will be provided to you on very favorable terms:

  • The Internet package Smart-Data offers 1000 MB, which is enough for watching about 200 music videos or for free surfing the Web. Cost - $ 19, this is 1 ruble per 1 MB.
  • The package “Sea of ​​the Internet”, 5000 MB, and these are 5 films in high quality or unlimited use of social networks, will cost you $ 28, this is 30 kopecks for 1 MB.

Comparing the offer with similar ones from other operators in Russia, you will be able to notice that it’s more profitable to be in touch with travels on the Planet-Good tariff plan 10 times!


But this is not all the benefits. There is no monthly fee at the Planet-Good tariff, and you can top up the balance anywhere in the world with a bank card.

Free calls to Russia on Viber and Skype without Internet

Another excellent opportunity to be always in touch with loved ones is the use of instant messengers. And in traveling, they help out as well as possible.

goodline sim card

SIM card "GoodLine" will allow you to communicate withdear people more. You can call Viber and Skype without internet. Only connection fee is charged, equal to the cost of one minute of outgoing call in the host country. In this case, the caller himself does not need to use Viber or Skype, it is enough to add a certain combination of numbers in front of the selected number.


Going on a trip, do not forget to take Goodline Travel SIM Card. There are several reasons to do this:

  1. You will always be in touch with family and friends and spend on roaming and mobile Internet abroad 10 times less than if you used the services of any other Russian company.
  2. You can use the Internet abroad byprice from 30 kopecks per MB, and in the usual way to use social networks, share with family and friends photos, impressions of the trip, and the price of 1 megabyte will be only 30 kopecks.
  3. You can call Skype and Viber in Russia, paying only 1 minute of connection in the host country.
  4. In 144 countries of the world, incoming calls will be free for you, and you can easily recharge your balance with a bank card.

tourist sim card goodline

GoodLine makes roaming and the Internet abroad profitable, and you can take full advantage of always being in touch.