/ How to make a spoon from a spoon? Practical recommendations

How to make a spoon from a spoon? Practical recommendations

В доме каждого рыболова найдется целая масса items that are suitable for self-made gear. In the presented material I would like to talk about how to make a spoon from a spoon. The search for the answer to this question will be dealt with next.

What are the advantages of self-made lures?

how to make a spoon from my spoon with my own hands
As practice shows, do it with your own handsspoon with the use of as the basis of an ordinary tablespoon of the strength of each angler. To this are added a small cash outlay, which will go only to buy small components to create gear.

How to make a spinner-wobbly from a spoon?In the process of studying this issue, the master opens wide scope for all sorts of experiments, the realization of original ideas and the manifestation of fantasy. Thus, you can create an unlimited number of gears, each of which will differ in its own characteristics.


How to make a lure on a pike from a spoon? This will require the following:

  • actually the spoon itself, made of stainless, fairly thin material;
  • thin wire;
  • clockwork rings;
  • triple hook;
  • several swivel.

Choosing the basis

how to make a lure on a pike from a spoon
How to make a spoon from a spoon?Before proceeding to concrete actions, it is necessary to select a suitable object, which will act as the basis of tackle. The best option is to use a small dessert spoon. The dining room may be too heavy and heavy, so it will be good to hunt exclusively for large predatory fish.

The choice of a tea spoon will allow using a tackle on the least powerful spinning. Its small size will make it possible to catch fish of relatively small size: perch, chub, asp.

As for the nature of the metal from whichmade a spoon, here you can give preference to any alloy, starting with stainless steel and ending with silver. To process the material, you may need a file, a metal hacksaw, pliers, a hand or an electric drill.

How to make a spoon of spoon with your own hands?

First you need to separate the handle of the spoon from itsround part. To do this, use a file, outlining the place where the incision will be made. It is desirable to separate the cuttings of the product with some allowance. This will leave enough space for the breakdown of the holes for the crown rings.

Separating the handle from the spoon is convenient with a hacksawon metal. Having coped with the task, all defects and roughness must be leveled with the help of the same file. The remaining cutting is not recommended to be sent to the scrap. If you wish, you can also make a pretty good long range lure from it. However, let's talk about this later.

Next, you need to make holes on the edgesround part of the workpiece with a drill. To do this, you should select a drill of such a diameter that the crown rings freely enter the holes formed. Before resorting to drilling, it is worth holding the spoon in a vice. If this is not possible, you need to find an assistant who will hold the billet with pliers. Burrs at drilling sites can be removed with a file.

Затем достаточно взять несколько заводных колечек and connect them with the workpiece. It is not recommended to use too small rings. Because they can impede the free movement of gear in the water.

As a hook it is worth using a tee.Its size should correspond to the dimensions of homemade gear. The hook must be connected to the swivel, which should be fixed in the hole on the workpiece with wire.

Spoon spoon

how to make a spoon spinner from a spoon
So we figured out how to make a spoon from a spoon, namely its rounded part. Now let's look at the features of making tackle from the cutting.

To increase bait performancebend the spoon handle on the ends. With the help of the same drill in them you need to make holes for fastening the fishing line and hook. The hook is recommended to install on the widest part of the cutting. In this position, homemade spinners will be more like a small fish.

Additional equipment

Having figured out how to make a spoon from a spoon, it is worthto think about equipping her tee piece with additional bait. As the latter, you can use a shiny tinsel or a so-called vibrotail. A bright wool thread is also suitable for this.

On the surface of homemade spinners can be designated eye fish. In addition, it is worth painting one side or draw transverse stripes here. All this will increase the number of bites.


how to make spoon spoon
The spinner is still one ofthe most effective gear for catching large predatory fish. As you can see, it is not so difficult to make it with your own hands, based on the usual tablespoon. Such a bait gently sways in the water, reminding a predator of a small weakened fish, and makes him instinctively want to grab prey.