/ / Voronezh - sports sections: review, features, addresses and reviews

Voronezh - sports sections: review, features, addresses and reviews

The importance of sport is very difficult to underestimate,especially in the modern world. The traffic deficit is observed almost all, because most of the free (working or educational) time we spend, sitting at the computer or TV. To compensate for the lack of physical activity, it is recommended to attend sports sections. The benefit of the abundance of offers on the market allows you to realize yourself in almost any field.

Voronezh Sports Section
Today we want to tell the reader which choiceVoronezh suggests. There are sports sections for adults and children. In addition, there are family centers, where you can come all together and usefully spend time.

For the younger generation

Sports for young talents ispriority direction, in which, first of all, each coach realizes himself. I must say that the task of training young people is very qualitatively implemented in modern Voronezh. Sports sections are paid and free, for every taste, with different modes and requirements. We will try to tell you about those and others so that you can compare and make a choice.

Budget sections

Even if parents do not have enough money toorganization of leisure of their child - a sufficient number of excellent options for free education and development offers Voronezh. Sporting sections on a budgetary basis can provide 18 city institutions. They can be divided into two areas:

  • artistic and aesthetic.
  • athletics and sports.

Many circles and sections open annually inThe House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren, which is located in Polytechnic Lane, 16. No less famous is the House of Childhood and Youth at Studencheskaya Street, 34. The Kristall Physical Fitness Center is waiting for its students to attend volleyball and football lessons from the age of 7. Here there are sections on weightlifting, however, only from 11 years. Judging by the reviews, it is in this place that students are expected to have serious workloads and a wonderful sports career for the best. Address: Perevertkina street, 5.

sports sections for children in Voronezh

Swimming is a useful sport

If you think where to first give the child, thenthe swimming pool is the perfect choice. Children's Sports School No. 1 takes children from the age of three. Activities that contribute to strengthening immunity and the overall development of all bodies are carried out by qualified trainers with vast experience. Many world champions admit that they entered the world of big sport, when the threshold of this school first crossed. Among the merits, we can mention free training, as well as opportunities for constant growth. Students are regularly invited to competitions with the awarding of ranks. There is a section at Karl Marx, 71.

Aquacenter "Healthy Child"

Considering paid sports sections (Voronezh),we drew attention to a wonderful center, which invites children to classes, starting with infants and up to 14 years of age. They do not go here for the sake of a sports career, but rather for health. Admission to the classes is placed by the pediatrician, who conducts regular inspections of the children, as well as is present on the first swim of the kids. Judging by the responses of the parents, the center is very decent: inside is clean, coaches are real professionals. It is located at: ul. General Lizyukov, house 24.

sports sections voronezh left bank

SDYUSSHOR number 1

This is a well-known training center for future champions.Regularly, thanks to the efforts of young athletes, the first place in the Olympics among juniors is precisely Voronezh. Sports sections are presented for every taste. Landmark goes to schoolchildren, the youngest here are taken from 7 years. Your attention will be offered to:

  • tennis and swimming (from 7 years);
  • football and basketball (from 8 years);
  • volleyball, track and field athletics, cross-country skiing (9 years);
  • rowing on kayaks and canoes, as well as triathlon (from 10 years);
  • bench shooting.

Children's Development Academy

And we continue to consider opportunities forchildren who provide Voronezh. Sports sections in one center are preferred for people with several children. In particular, we are talking about the Children's Development Academy, located at: Victory Boulevard, 51 A. This institution offers several areas: digital art and fitness, kudo and aikido, gymnastics and much more.

Classes are held in equipped halls, bringchildren joy and pleasure. Trainers and teachers have the most modern methods of teaching children, in accordance with their age and psycho-physiological characteristics. For classes only modern, high-quality equipment is used, minimizing the risks of injury. Far from all (even if we only consider Voronezh) the sports sections are so attentive to security issues.

Еще один большой плюс – это гибкие условия.Budget sections always had a rigidly fixed schedule of trainings. Here everything is different. Among the variety of programs and schedules, you are sure to find a suitable timetable, cost and duration of classes. It is convenient for parents and children.

children's sports sections

For small and large

Sports sections for children in Voronezh aredifferent. The above are intended for older children, but there are classes for kids from one and a half years. It's fun gymnastics, rhythmoplasty, dances that take place in a playful form, using vivid sports equipment. Some parents even want to play sports themselves, while the kid is working with the coach.

Спортивные секции (Воронеж, левый берег) meet in this city-millionaire at every turn. Today we want to tell only about the best of them. Therefore, we stopped at the cozy Sport House, located on Sportivnaya Embankment, 4B. There is a comfortable room with modern equipment, as well as separate rooms for group and individual classes in fitness, yoga, pilates or stretching. The children are offered sections on boxing, karate and dances.

sports sections Voronezh Cominternovskiy district

Sports sections (Voronezh), Kominternovsky district

For residents of a major metropolis an important factoris the proximity of certain objects with which, one way or another, the daily routine is related. Not everyone is ready to go in for sports to the other end of the city. If you live in the Kominternovsky district, we recommend that you enroll the child in SDYUSSHOR number 10 at the address: ul. Voroshilov, d. 38. This is a municipal institution in which training can be held completely free of charge. It is mostly a school for boys, because the main profile is the Greco-Roman wrestling. Separate sections for girls and parents are also organized. Excellent school with a star coaching staff.

sports sections Voronezh soviet district

Where to go in the Soviet area

This concludes our consideration of sportssection (Voronezh). The Soviet district is very convenient for families with children, since it has no problems with a shortage of places for training. For example, at the address Pioneers Boulevard, 14, is located the school of aesthetic gymnastics "Resonance".

Boys and girls can visit SDYUSSHOR № 5 forcycling, located on the street Krasnozvezdnaya, 8. Here are held interesting classes and competitions at the level of the city, region and even the country. Therefore, young riders have excellent prospects for growth and development. For fans of extreme sports in this area there is a sports school № 14 on fencing and rock-climbing. Address: street January 9, 161. All other children's sports sections (Voronezh) you can consider on specialized sites.