What a real fisherman did not think about howCatch a catfish! This fish will always be a welcome prey. It is not only delicious, but also great. Catching such a record copy, you can then long to tell your friends the most exciting details. Those who like fishing for catfish have their own special secrets, which they do not disclose to anyone. But something you can still find out.
Such an extraordinary fish requires special,respectful attitude. To learn how to catch a catfish, you need to learn its habits. Catfish is a night hunter. He loves cool water, a light current. He has small eyes and weak eyesight, but he has a strong sense of smell. It is best to catch it in the evening or early in the morning, but there may be bites and all night. And in the daytime the catfish goes to rest in the pit. Therefore, deciding how to catch a catfish, first of all you need to find such holes. And catch him directly next to the place of rest, when he is going to go out for a night hunt. However, experts do not advise to stay in one place more than 30 to 40 minutes. If during this time the catfish does not bite, then it is likely not at this place, and it is necessary to search further.
It is believed that the best bait for catching catfish -natural. It can be a lover, a bunch of ordinary earthworms, a large leech. We must not forget that the catfish catches the odors perfectly, so before you catch a catfish, you can feed a place with rotten fish. The bait should be large enough, not less than eighth of the size of future production. Tackles will also need unusual, capable of withstanding the weight of the future catch. It is a hook number 12 and higher, a strong fishing line, a good sinker. There is no need to worry about hiding all this, because fish will have to be caught in the dark, and the sight of the fish is not very good. You need to place the bait near the bottom or slightly above it. For this, a sinker is attached to the main line, and at an additional distance of 30-50 cm, an additional leash with a hook on which the bait is placed is strengthened.
![how to catch a catfish from the shore](/images/sport-i-fitnes/kak-pojmat-soma-sekreti-i-hitrosti_3.jpg)
If there is no possibility to use the boat, do notthere is nothing else but to catch the catfish from the shore, using a good strong spinning. Bells or other bait alarms in this case will not be needed, because biting the catfish strongly and sharply, it can easily tear out the rod. Many fishermen are interested in how to catch catfish on donka. For this, experienced catchers recommend using standard donkeys, which consist of a sinker and a leash with a hook. They should be installed in Soma habitats: directly in pits, on their edges, in potholes under bridges and other similar places. In spring, when reservoirs are filled with fresh water, the catfish can be found in shallow water, where it likes to hunt for young fry. Donkeys need to be regularly checked and rearranged to where bursts and characteristic catapult of the catfish are noticeable. And do not neglect fishing for spinning from the shore, it often gives good results.
Catfish is a prey that can be proud ofeach fisherman. There are specimens weighing more than 90 kg. This fish is a truly experienced and wise opponent. Therefore, the time and effort spent on his capture will pay off in full!